Hey fellow Globaltrotters - what is SR71 Reloaded vs. regular old SR71?
I can't say for sure, but let me wax poetic.
S71 is pretty strong, but I am betting that there is a chance get in the cover similar to what they did with the Network and the XPT74 cover. You know the strength by the number, but a slight tweak to the molecular structure to give it some bit more all around.
That's fair - kind like of Storm's Nano vs. un-Nano covers. In that case, I'm now quite intrigued by the Space Time Continuum!
Just so we're all clear, I never said Nano! I can't remember how Nick worded it exactly, but it was deeper pores without any sort of abrasive like particle in it
Hey Doom, I got ya! I never mean to confuse, just an example of how an already good coverstock can be tweaked and have a slightly different characteristic. I'm glad it's not a Nano/particle thing, and just a chemical thing. If this reloaded will have a bit more mid-lane read, I'm probably going to really enjoy it =D