Thanks tizzle,
I had the Virtual and sold it, did not match up with my game. Have the NVD, and it handles any oil around here. I did not have problems with polishing the Virtual, so that was not an issue. The Mega will be in the bag, in case, when nothing else is cutting the mustard on heavier THS's and sports. In one house in our area, they have a history of the Pheonix not being maintained well and stripping is not done. The Mega will probably be used on this also. This sounds like a winner already. My Code has a unique motion and niche in my arsenal, and I love that core. Thanks for the info, I am sure more will come out on this ball as time goes on, so we can patiently await more reviews.
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)