I agree with the Storm Rolling Thunder. I have had mine for about 2 years and have not had any problems with it. Mine is a little different from cd's, as mine has only 2 wheels, but it is very stable, and since the top comes apart from the bottom, you are lifting 2, 2 ball totes (but just a little heavier due to the extra materials like the wheels and handles). Before you buy, try and ask someone if you could try and lift their bag, just so you can feel the weight before you buy. A lot of people have this type of bag, so finding someone to help you out should not be a problem. I also sometimes carry an additional 2 ball tote, which I rest on the top of my bag and secure it with the handles around the pullup handle of the roller bag. I also have some back problems as well, and carrying around even 2 ball totes on my shoulder hurts after a little while.