
General Category => BallReviews Tournaments => Topic started by: triggerman on November 22, 2010, 03:23:06 AM

Title: any one interested
Post by: triggerman on November 22, 2010, 03:23:06 AM
doing a virtual league over on BBEm here is the scoop

here is what I am thinking,
singles format, handicap 85% of 235 (I know you guys dont like handicap, but I am sure some of the lower average guys would like to compete as well
Minium of 20 people
1st 2nd and 3rd prizes
20 weeks long????  this is subject to change
one time entry of 25$
1st place ball of choice drilled grips and slug
2nd place 3-4-5 lane #1 bag or KR bag
3rd place choice of new lane #1 shirts, or shirt from which ever company you prefer
will need recaps scanned and sent to me on a weekly basis

short season, already have 15 signed up on BBE, would like 20 for the above, any over that and I will increase the prize give out to match accordingly  as I stated above 25 bucks one time entry, prizes at the end  will verify all scores  pm me if interested


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby

Title: Re: any one interested
Post by: 67tbird on November 26, 2010, 02:31:29 PM
I like the idea. Just wondering how you will verify scores? I'm in if you have a decent way to verify.
Title: Re: any one interested
Post by: triggerman on November 29, 2010, 01:17:49 PM
we are having guys either email me a scanned recap sheet or send me a photo via text message of the recap sheet, I will need league sect phone numbers to verify "fishy" scores, and by that I mean I will verify everyones at least once during the season, its gonna be a shortish season as well

those interested pay me via paypal at and drop me a pm I will get you added to the list and get your name added to the league, will need last years high book average as well as your usbc number


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby

Title: Re: any one interested
Post by: robuster on November 29, 2010, 06:15:01 PM
Count me in.
Live free or die trying.
Title: Re: any one interested
Post by: triggerman on November 30, 2010, 08:34:32 AM
to the top, have ten people involved thus far, all moneies returned in from of equipment

would like to see 16-20 guys in thsi

paypal to


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby

Title: Re: any one interested
Post by: triggerman on November 30, 2010, 03:00:33 PM
so everyone knows, next friday december 10th 2010 I will post up a schedule, and start this league on sunday december 12th, if anyone has trouble with the xmas week and new years week let me know and we can vote on how to handle that, since the holidays are on saturdays Im hoping everyone has a league they are using in the week and we can bowl those weeks, if not we will vote on taking the two weeks off

between now and the 10th I will be putting rules, schedule and league roster together, so if anyone is still debating on joining you have till the tenth of december to join


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby

Title: Re: any one interested
Post by: fejman1023 on December 28, 2010, 06:28:19 PM
Did you start this tournament, or can I still get in?
Title: Re: any one interested
Post by: triggerman on December 31, 2010, 09:04:16 AM
I can squeeze a couple of guys in, the holidays messed it up but the first week of jan is go time

paypal is for those in, see my post above on general rules and how we will run this

Chris Trigg
Bowling Explosion Pro Shop
Inside Wayne Recreation bowling alley
Fort Wayne Indiana