
General Category => BallReviews Tournaments => Topic started by: Strider on May 10, 2003, 08:49:07 AM

Title: BFDT Summer Teams
Post by: Strider on May 10, 2003, 08:49:07 AM
Hopefully MI_2_AZ's summer league works out.  If so, here are the teams.

John Figueroa (237) + Cheez Wiz (178) = 415

Barbbowl (227) + Card79 (180) = 407

Toasty73 (25) + debs130 (182) = 407

Pelton299 (223) + cb (183) = 406

strikinmachine (222) + RooCat (183) = 405

Rick Wunder (222) + MI_2_AZ (191) = 413

Buckeye (216) + Toma (194) = 410

Kung Fu Hamster (216) + JuniorBowler (196) = 412

Walker300 (216) + Belgarion (203) = 419

CRSmith (212) + Nicanor (203) = 415

Pooter Boof (212) + The Lurker (204) = 416

Cranker2K (207) + ZMan (205) = 412

Strider (206) + BrianN (206) = 412

On Edit: I give up using the codes.  I thought it would help line things up better, but only if you know what you're doing.

Penn State Proud
Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say.

Edited on 5/10/2003 11:52 PM
Title: Re: BFDT Summer Teams
Post by: Zman on May 11, 2003, 12:36:28 AM
Me and Cranker ? Muwahahahaha. Well it should either be 1400 or 1000 scratch every week.

I believe we should name our team
All or Nothing

OMG Nic's average is over deuce but he still has a beach full of sand piled up around him. Just kidding Barry.

You haven't seen real LOFT until you've seen me bowl
Title: Re: BFDT Summer Teams
Post by: Strider on May 11, 2003, 01:40:40 AM
Don't laugh ZBoy.  I missed one participant and thought we'd be paired up together.  I would have been Confused2K trying to figure out whether I should root for you or trash you.  
Penn State Proud
Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say.
Title: Re: BFDT Summer Teams
Post by: Zman on May 11, 2003, 10:44:38 PM
Strider - That would have been priceless you and me as a team.
It would have been like a 3 Stooges convention with bowling.

Next N.C. gathering we definitely need to put some doubles teams together
for the fun of it. If it's the house shot I'll take Rick Wunder the THB.
As long as he can still get into that trance he was in and do death stroker mode.
You haven't seen real LOFT until you've seen me bowl
Title: Re: BFDT Summer Teams
Post by: Rick Wunder on May 12, 2003, 06:16:40 AM
It could happen . . .      
Title: Re: BFDT Summer Teams
Post by: MI 2 AZ on May 13, 2003, 05:07:07 PM
I spoke to the manager today and he said the league is scheduled to start on 29 May.  Forgot to ask him how long it will run.  So far there are not many names on the sign-up sheet so hopefully a bunch of bowlers show up for it on the first night.  Will let you know more as it happens.
Title: Re: BFDT Summer Teams
Post by: Nicanor on May 14, 2003, 10:11:47 AM
203, someone looked at the wrong line, my average is 189, Pchee2 said so.  

I am mid way through me summer league already, next week is position round.  Thtas why I have to couple leagues just to get through one season.  Leagues are only 22 weeks long plus military base roll offs.

When do we start?

Title: Re: BFDT Summer Teams
Post by: Strider on May 14, 2003, 10:48:16 AM
Careful Mr. 220, I'd hate to rerate you.  

This coming week (5/18 - 5/24) will be the first.
Penn State Proud
Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say.
Title: Re: BFDT Summer Teams
Post by: Strider on May 15, 2003, 04:44:05 AM
I think we're in trouble Brain.  I struggle in the house I'm bowling in during the summer.  I was 12 pins lower than my high league last year.  I watched you bowl in NC.  I'm sure you'll be OK.
Penn State Proud
Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say.
Title: Re: BFDT Summer Teams
Post by: Zman on May 16, 2003, 11:02:53 PM
Cranker - You mean you aren't going to just churn out those 7 somethings every week to hold me up ????

Ok here's the plan. We both shoot 7 the 1st week and miracuously win the 1st week scratch then go in the tank like normal to keep our avergaes down the rest of the summer. Even better you shoot 8 and I'll shoot 6 same difference. Deal ?
You haven't seen real LOFT until you've seen me bowl