
General Category => BallReviews Tournaments => Topic started by: Zman on November 03, 2004, 04:45:43 PM

Title: BOTBC Results 10-23-04 to 10-29-04
Post by: Zman on November 03, 2004, 04:45:43 PM
More late results. I am nothing if not slow. (And that is the complete list of my redeeming qualities.)

Top O' The Barrell

slimeypebble - 564. We also have cateloupe sightings.
(Note author is humoring SP becasue he is floating at the top this week).

Rest O' The Mess That Is In The Barrell

Doc Hollywood - 520. Dodges the dreaded possible double header back to back bottom feeding scenario. Phew. And scores more booze and chicks.

Debs130 - 516. Debs saves the ladies from the always ugly no women in the top 3.

Thong Princess - 500. Back to back chicks even if one is left handed.  

thfonz98 - 488. Not 162 a game but, close.

The Sucker Fish this Week Is..............

Rockh3ad - 482. One of the higher scores to suck bottmom for this year. Very near the perfect 486 and the mendoza line also.
I'll stone no head pins before their time.
Sr. K will. He gets tapped like that all the time.
Title: Re: BOTBC Results 10-23-04 to 10-29-04
Post by: Rockh3ad on November 09, 2004, 05:34:02 PM
I just noticed my pretigious award....

I'd like to thank Budwieser, my gene pool, and God for making this honor possible.
What's a spare ?