Hey guys and gals! I have enjoyed game/art of bowling since I was around 9 or so. I always said that I was going to be more serious about bowling after my desire or age failed me in other sports. Now I'm ready to put forth my engery to the sport. I have bowled before in junior leagues, and a league every now and then while in the military. So I can get the ball down the lane without hurting myself or anyone else...lol
I joined this site in hopes to learn about the various equipment, learn the lingo, and the mind sets of more experienced bowlers

I bowl in two leagues,
here in California. The first one is mixed through my employer in which we have 30 teams. It isn't sanctioned, and is more or less for people to have fun a socialize. Which I have no problem with. But I wanted to try something that was more competitive, since I also thrive on competition. And I feel it only makes you better at what you do.
So I joined a "real league". I have a 179 average in league play, and 178 in the "fun league". Consistent yes, want to average higher?? Yes.
So my question is what is a good ball to purchase for starters. Right now I am using equipment I've had sitting in storage, which consists of a old pair of shoes, A blue Nitro, and a burgundy Columbia Yellow Dot. Both 16lbs. I'm a righty, I have plenty of revs on my release, and I toss is it around 21 or 22 I been told. I stand on the center dot, and shoot for the 2 arrow it's a nice shot when I slow the ball down a little. I'm not really comfortable with that shot. I would rather stand more left and crank it...lol Much more natural feeling. Also, the house has wood floors that are heavily oiled at 6:30 start time. Suggestions anyone!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, how much equipment should one purchase? I see a lot of guys with 4 or 5 balls, personally I think its all for show??? Most aren't better than 190 bowlers. Is all that needed???