
General Category => Beginners Board => Topic started by: Matt Fortney on March 23, 2007, 08:19:51 AM

Title: Trouble Shooting Spares...this may help....
Post by: Matt Fortney on March 23, 2007, 08:19:51 AM
Made up this little spare shooting diagram, thought it might help if you struggle with your spares...check it out.

from an old video that my bowling coach gave me when i was 10 or so, helped me A TON over the years...and now I have no problem with any spares...well, so long as i hit my mark lol. hope it helps!

Title: Re: Trouble Shooting Spares...this may help....
Post by: Matt Fortney on March 23, 2007, 09:49:28 PM
on edit...i realize that it's a little tough to read some of the diagram in that form, if you'd like it emailed to you, just send me a message with your email address and i'll get it right to you.

Title: Re: Trouble Shooting Spares...this may help....
Post by: cvt01 on March 27, 2007, 12:02:35 PM
What is the standard way, when you want to tell others which board you stand on? I'm right handed and the right edge of my right foot is on the 15th board normally. I used to use the left edge my left foot until somebody told me it is wrong. Now I see in your diagram that you recommend to use the left foot...
Which one is the accepted standard way?
Title: Re: Trouble Shooting Spares...this may help....
Post by: JohnP on March 27, 2007, 03:39:55 PM
You should use the slide foot, so you can easily relate your starting position to your finishing position.  Some people mark with the center of the foot and some with the right edge.  Neither is "right" or "wrong", just be consistent and be sure anyone you're comparing with is marking the same way.  --  JohnP
Title: Re: Trouble Shooting Spares...this may help....
Post by: cvt01 on March 27, 2007, 11:07:13 PM
Thanks it makes perfect sense. Since I posted the question I was out there bowling and tried the left foot and it seems to work much better.