Keeping your mind out of the shot.
I do this by keeping a song in my head.
The song is the same tempo as my approach.
It helps with my timing.
I also have the same problem, because when I have a bad
leave I first think that I came out of the bal wrong.
so I won't move, I will wait till I get back to that lane.
Well if it wasn't my release, I have lost 3 frames alredy.
I am getting better at making moves alot sooner.
Also one other thing to help you out LadyW.
I like to bowl by "feel"
Meaning, if my releas is right, the ball feels a certain
way coming off of my fingers. If I don't get this feel,
then I know that my fingers aren't in the ball right,
or my release is not right.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
Visionary Test Staff Member
http://www.visionarybowling.comEdited on 9/21/2004 1:02 PM