
General Category => Bowling Videos => Topic started by: Rightycomplex on March 29, 2013, 07:59:17 PM

Title: vids of me finally!
Post by: Rightycomplex on March 29, 2013, 07:59:17 PM
Finally got to chopping, editing, and uploading some vids of me. Enjoy and critque, all comments are welcome.
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: DP3 on March 30, 2013, 01:18:19 PM
I didn't know you turned into Mike Aulby. Good vids James.  What were you throwing?
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: Rightycomplex on March 30, 2013, 03:23:45 PM
Appreciate the compliments Dee! Worked really hard at it for the past 2 years. The first set (Morich Ravage), Black Shirt (Motiv Raptor P7 and Thrash), Last set (Storm Crossroad and Rotogrip Critical Theory) Ending with the Crossroad.
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: billdozer on March 30, 2013, 03:34:06 PM
Liked the slo-mo crossroad action at the end!
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: Rightycomplex on March 30, 2013, 05:30:31 PM
A great ball deserves a little slow-mo action. Lol!
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: davidinil on March 30, 2013, 06:46:45 PM
Wow, what a smoothie!  I love how you have absolutely no wasted movement in your delivery.  Very sweet.
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: Rightycomplex on March 31, 2013, 09:10:24 AM
Thanks David. I wanted to test my skills at holding the camera so we could start doing video reviews for the shop. Probably won't start until after the big Orbdriller's Scratch Tournament.
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: icon on May 06, 2013, 09:31:30 PM
nice video, I even like the bowling alley, reminds  me of them bowling alleys in the old bowling video games lol.
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: Steven on May 09, 2013, 02:11:22 PM
Very good video. As was already said, nice smooth approach and release.

Your name of Rightycomplex is appropriate. You definitely attack your shot with a right handed mentality.  :)
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: kidlost2000 on May 09, 2013, 03:05:12 PM
I'm not a coach but just from the eye test I wouldn't change a thing. Just focus on spares and different conditions and keep doing what your doing.

I've learned over the years and try and tell others the best thing you can do is film yourself. Film yourself when your throwing the ball great, and film yourself when your throwing the ball bad.

Then you can come back and compare the two and have a great idea of what has changed and what to try and work on.
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: charlest on May 09, 2013, 03:05:27 PM
You're far too smooth with too good of a hand release. Everyone's going to watch your form and your release and forget about the balls. Besides unless the balls go 58 feet and then make a right turn, 90% are going to say they're too even reacting.  ???{Sarcasm and irony mode off}

VERY good videos. Would love to see the drillings and have some idea of the oil pattern, if you could? (Mostly the Thrash & the Crossroads)

Do you recall if  you threw the ball slightly firmer in the CR and the CT's session?

Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: Impending Doom on May 09, 2013, 04:10:15 PM
RC, are you from Wisconsin?

Cause you're as smooth as butter. I'm with everyone else here. Excellent form, bro.
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: tommyboy74 on May 09, 2013, 04:12:48 PM
Great form, very smooth and controlled.  Excellent quality video as well.  Good job!
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: Rightycomplex on May 09, 2013, 06:59:47 PM
Thanks guys.

@Kidlost, the biggest issues I have now are just sore muscles from work. Work as an electrician and time in the shop cuts into practice time, so spare shooting and shot making suffer at times. The only thing I'm really looking to change is the plant at the end. I want to be able to slide a little more to create a more consistent release.

@Charlest, On the Thrash, the layout was a 55x4.5"x35 with a hole 1" down the midline. I was slightly firmer with that ball. That vid was taken in the shops house, AMF Walnut Hill in Petersburg and is about the only house in the area that puts out oil.......... and its thick! Lol! Balls in that house just hydroplane. The Crossroad was a 65x4.5"x45, the house is Bowl America Midlothian. The backends are dry so I try to stay a bit inside in the oil. Balls tend to carry better from the inside. The dry from the outside for medium-higher rev players make the ball wrap corners. I think I had pics up on my Photobucket page.

@ Doom, not from Wisconsin but I am a Packer fan. LOL!
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: charlest on May 09, 2013, 07:20:02 PM
Thanks for the info, Guy.
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: ABSolut on May 14, 2013, 04:23:16 PM
Nice shots JJones!  Lefties always making it look
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: Rightycomplex on May 14, 2013, 06:17:36 PM

lefties make it look easy.... you have to actually have to be left-handed... I cant do that dead up 5 stuff... yet. LOL! Hows bowling going?
Title: Re: vids of me finally!
Post by: ABSolut on May 15, 2013, 06:11:13 PM
I'm good bro.  I decided to get B over at Hanover to plug and re-drill (new fitting) for one of my Blackouts.  I shot 172 1st game with one of my other pieces and original fitting until I got the Blackout from him 2nd game.  Went 258-268 (last game easily could have been 300).  Finished second game with like 7 in a row (then threw X-9/ in the 10th), then front 7 third game stopped by a stubborn 7 pin.  But the fitting felt great and the ball was coming off my hand easily.  I just wanted to try a different set of eyes on my equipment since I've been dealing with this wrist pain and 'probable' torn ligament and I knew that B had been having wrist pains as well.  So I figured if he knew anything about what I was dealing with, he could help me with a different fit.  I hadn't had my equipment re-evaluated since my performance fitting with Mo a couple years ago.  So I'm excited about the new fitting (gave me some much needed left lateral pitch in my thumb and some away in my fingers, but also shortened my ring finger as he said it was a tad too flat on the ball).  Gonna get two more pieces done and get ready to just practice some (as well as resting my wrist) over the summer.  No leagues for me.  I'll have to catch up with you 'Monday Night Champs' sometime before the summer is out.