
General Category => Bowling Videos => Topic started by: Gizmo823 on June 26, 2013, 09:26:17 AM

Title: Youth Scholarship League Video
Post by: Gizmo823 on June 26, 2013, 09:26:17 AM
Hey everybody, got a video of our youth sport scholarship league last night here in town.  The idea is to prepare the kids for Junior Gold by offering similar formatting and conditions.  They bowl 5 games across 10 lanes so they will hit every pair, and they have a different condition every week consisting of Brunswick patterns from their website, using short, medium, and long patterns in order.  Instead of bowling against each other, the kids all bowl against their own average.  They beat it, they win a point, they don't, they lose a point.  Now some of the kids aren't going to Junior Gold, but honestly we got a lot better turnout than anybody was expecting, especially for a summer league.  The other kids will get good practice for high school bowling.  Enjoy the video!  I have another one I took that I'll be uploading tonight.