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Author Topic: tell me more about the patrick g drilling on TV bruns guys  (Read 4146 times)


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tell me more about the patrick g drilling on TV bruns guys
« on: March 02, 2005, 04:08:52 AM »


what exactly does it do?

reactive -particle?

does it tame the ball donw-or juts change reaction?

anything you might add?



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Re: tell me more about the patrick g drilling on TV bruns guys
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2005, 09:29:39 PM »
Why does it not give you exact distances from the pin to PAP or pin to negative PAP.....are you just supposed to position the pin at 7 oclock like its for a full roller?


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Re: tell me more about the patrick g drilling on TV bruns guys
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2005, 11:32:20 PM »
It does kind of...So Girards drill is 5 1/2 inches from his PAP or negative PAP?  And when you say use the distance from the negative PAP to control the flare, what kind of distances are we talking about....4, 4 1/2, 5 inches?  Just to give you a quick scenario, I was considering doing an Intense or Absolute Inferno using that layout for a gentleman that bowls in a Mens league here.  The house uses Control oil which tends to look real nice the first game then drag all over and down the lane.  This particular guy hits up on the ball quit a bit and has a lot of axis rotation, so he tends to get run over when he moves in deeper by severe over/under conditions with his current arsenal of mostly 4 1/2 to 5 inch pins, both 105 degree, 75 degree and 45 degree layouts.  I was considering this layout or perhaps a 2inch pin to PAP with the cg in his palm to let him move more right and square up with the lane.  Any input is greatly appreciated.

Edited on 3/3/2005 0:31 AM


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Re: tell me more about the patrick g drilling on TV bruns guys
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2005, 11:07:30 PM »
Thanks for the detailed reply BrunsRick, and I completely understand about not using the exotic layouts on bowlers who more than likely would not properly appreciate them.  I really like the sound of the Impulse Zone with a 5 1/2 inch pin placement.  I'll be meeting with this gentleman on Monday to actually track his PAP and axis tilt.  As I mentioned before, his revrate is in the 400 range and ball speed around 18 mph.  Given that, and using a 5 1/2 inch pin, would you place the pin above the fingers should he have a low degree of tilt, and the pin below the fingers should he have  a moderate amount of tilt to maximize his look?  And lastly, would you suggest using a stronger PSA placement, or a more stacked PSA placement.  Basically Im trying to figure out if you're thinking   5 1/2 inch pin with weak mass placement for late revolutions, or 5 1/2 inch pin placement with aggressive mass placement for "roll out" off the wet/dry.  You're time is greatly appreciated, and sorry for the many detailed questions.  I promise I do tend to know a decent amount about this stuff!  This just happens to be one of those unique situations with a really specific player and condition and I welcome help from experienced people.  Thanks again.


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Re: tell me more about the patrick g drilling on TV bruns guys
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2005, 08:18:55 AM »

If you want the pin to axis distance for Patrick it is 5 1/2 inches. Use the pin to negative axis distance to control the amount of flare you want. Remember to keep the pin low enough to not flare over the thumb hole. This becomes more of a challenge when you use pin to negative axis distances that move the pin further left of the grip. I hope this helps

CG appears to be very low (just above thumb hole) with this layout.  Of course it depends on the starting top weight, but how deep (say for a ball with 3 oz starting top) does the thumb have to be in order to get the ball back to legal?  How deep can you drill a thumb hole (isn't there a limit of 3" depth for any hole>?

-Strapper Squared


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Re: tell me more about the patrick g drilling on TV bruns guys
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2005, 12:09:30 PM »
what would shifting the cg towrds nap do?

or shifting cg toward pap do?


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Re: tell me more about the patrick g drilling on TV bruns guys
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2005, 02:31:11 PM »
^^nothing according to Brunswick if you don't have a weighthole.  But since this ball(Impulse) is an assymetrical, the mass bias would end up in a different direction with the shift of the C.G.  I'm interested to see what Rick or anyone else has to say about this as I'm a nut for exotic layouts.


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Re: tell me more about the patrick g drilling on TV bruns guys
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2005, 06:42:32 PM »
More Info for you guys, taken from PBA forum:

Comments from Brian Pursel:

This layout was popular back on the tour in the mid 90's. Reverse flare causes the ball to rev up quickly, then severely stop in the backend of the lane. It allows high rev players to play more direct. Ray Edwards of Brunswick used this layout often. I remember Steve Jaros using this a couple of shows. In my former life, I also used this layout on a Food Lion to help control the lane for Jimmy Keeth to make a show in Long Island.

Sometimes you need drastic measures for drastic players on drastic lane patterns.

Brian Pursel
Director of Sales
Track International
Evolutionary. Revolutionary.

Comments from Danny Wiseman:

 posted 02-27-2005 12:45 PM                      
I also have been doing this for a few years. If you place the pin below the thumb and cg out toward the axis you have to place a wt hole down from the VAL to kick the flare away from the fingers.Thumb has to be driled deep to. If you track high forget it. This causes the ball to stand up in the midlane a roll forwad to control the backends. If its a mass bias ball you can manipulate the asymetrics of the core to create different looks.........all I can say but the guru's know what I't give all the secrets up since I am my own ball rep!! LOL.........BTW I knew this stuff in 95/96  


The Angry Bowler

Certified ball collector.


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Re: tell me more about the patrick g drilling on TV bruns guys
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2005, 11:45:59 AM »
So...its been a couple weeks since this post surfaced...  Has anyone drilled up a ball with this layout?  Any "mini-reviews"?  How's the reaction?  How about hit and carry?  

-Strapper Squared

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