Although I am probably the one person I know that can take a joke with the best of them, ( because I give so much S*&t to everybody I come in contact with) I have to admire Ric for some of his jabs at me. Who would've thought he could come up with some of the stuff he does. I know that he is just trying to be funny ( poor guy, it's really the best he's got).
Ric and I have had our personal jabs and name calling at each other for a few years now, he's known me since I first signed on with Columbia, and he can definatley sling the verbal abuse. We have talked and he has never been one ( at least to me) to try and make me change what I throw.
"The Truth", I can see where someone might think that Ric was poking fun or saying something derogatory towards the handicap; but alas he is correct ( almost couldn't get myself to say that Ric was corrct) I do have a physical handicap due to military service. I have no problem with the jabs that come from Ric, because I know as well as he does, that I will get even