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Author Topic: Wanna try Brunswick  (Read 1335 times)

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Wanna try Brunswick
« on: March 08, 2006, 06:50:41 AM »
I noticed that you guys have helped ppl in the past pick out balls. Im askin yall to do it one more time. I won some money in a tournament and want to buy a new ball.  I guess my specs are in my profile. I prefer snappy balls and play between the 2nd and 3rd arrow. A lil help if you dont mind. Thanx.
I prefer my women to be more like my bowling balls ..... Lots of backend!



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Re: Wanna try Brunswick
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 02:56:51 PM »
Well, what current ball do you have that you want to replace, or try to copy the reaction?
- Andy

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Re: Wanna try Brunswick
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2006, 03:10:44 PM »
roto pop is right. I got the itch to buy a new toy. But most of my balls were given to me and test(demo) balls . So the money in my pocket is burning a hole in it.(or whatever that Chiche is) And to anwser ak57, i have problems with leaving 9 pins. So i guess I am looking for a ball that doesnt have a continuous hooking motion through the pins.
I prefer my women to be more like my bowling balls ..... Lots of backend!


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Re: Wanna try Brunswick
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2006, 03:27:27 PM »
A driving, continuous, hook will, in general, increase carrying percentage.  Perhaps going with something that is a little less snappy and more even may be what your looking for.  I would try an absolute inferno.  Generally bowling balls that are more even and predictable also do not typically carry well from inside.  The ball tends to never turn the corner, it wastes all of its energy in the oily midlane and doesn't finish leaving flat tens and the like.  Most people then go to a ball with a snappier reaction that will turn the corner as it increases carrying percentage.  However when playing outside often times the performance of each reverses and the even ball is better for such a line than the snappy ball.  The absolute inferno may be the most versitile ball on the market.  It is even and predictable, yet it clears the heads with ease and saves its energy for the pins.  It works well from many lines.  With this ball do not be afraid to change the surface, it responds well to surface changes, and may need them oob.  I have seen some leave countless flat tens from the ball burning up.
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