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Author Topic: Best Explanation I've Heard Yet  (Read 1335 times)


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Best Explanation I've Heard Yet
« on: March 26, 2011, 02:28:31 PM »


What happened to a lot of the recent replies?  This morning and afternoon there were 3 pages of replies, now only 2.  I wrote some detailed replies that didn't include any bad language or break any forum rules.  One or two of my replies are there - what happened to the rest?


If someone does something wrong - instead of simply purging information, how about at least sending the person a quick note telling them what was inappropriate?


Seriously, garbage like this drives people away.  If I'm going to spend the time to write detailed responses only to see them deleted without (apparent) reason, why should I bother with this forum anymore?

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Re: Best Explanation I've Heard Yet
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2011, 08:13:23 AM »
We have not removed ANY posts in the past few weeks.  When we do remove posts, we DO notify the person when it is removed.
People have the ability to remove their own posts, and we have noticed that people are doing that.
Another reason for missing posts is if someone's account gets deactivated for any reason, their posts will no longer appear. 

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Re: Best Explanation I've Heard Yet
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2011, 10:43:20 AM »
Yes, the Mis-Non-Bowling Related forum IS UNMODERATED, regardless what some of the conspiracy theorist think.


When an account is deactivated, it removes ALL the posts from that specific user regardless of the forum.


When we find the same user that was deactivated before, come on here and create a new account, YES, WE ARE GOING TO DEACTIVATE THAT ONE TOO, regardless what the post was about.




LoveTheBeach wrote on 4/7/2011 6:08 AM:
Hey Mr. Administrator,

What you claim just isn't true.  I was in the unmoderated forum earlier this morning and read a post from the idiot that's always posting Vice rules and poopy head and all that moronic stuff.  I went to another thread in the unmoderated forum and made a couple of posts on Glen Beck.  Came back, and that guy's post from literally within the hour, was deleted.

I know the guy is an idiot and you should silence him off the bowling threads.  But that particular forum is supposedly the unmoderated forum.  Don't pee on my head and tell me its raining.  You're obviously moderating that forum too.  Because I can go on there right now and find all sorts of cuss words, and other inappropriate stuff, that remains posted.  That guy's post earlier this morning actually had nothing offensive.  Is it because you don't like that he claims you can't stop him from posting?  If that's it, I'd say pretty shallow on your part.  Why else would you delete a post in the unmoderated forum from a guy that says Vice rules and if you don't like Vice your a poopy head?  I find some of the other stuff on here a heck of a lot more offensive than that.

Ballreviews wrote on 3/27/2011 8:13 AM:

We have not removed ANY posts in the past few weeks.  When we do remove posts, we DO notify the person when it is removed.

People have the ability to remove their own posts, and we have noticed that people are doing that.


Another reason for missing posts is if someone's account gets deactivated for any reason, their posts will no longer appear. 



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