
General Category => Buyer-Seller Feedback => Topic started by: VBP-Dustin on May 24, 2007, 05:46:55 AM

Title: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: VBP-Dustin on May 24, 2007, 05:46:55 AM
i messaged him a couple of days ago for an action attack with no response and wondering if anyone else is going through the same thing?  I also checked ebay and in the past month alot of people saying they werent gettng the pin and top described.  Ive done deals in the past with him and the last one was a little shakey wondeirng if hes still got a good rep?
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: kspept on May 24, 2007, 03:09:42 PM
All of my recent experiences with him have been as good as the earlier times I dealt with him.  I've noticed sometimes I have to send him a PM twice, but it's understandable, as he seems very busy with his business.  I monitor the feedback forums frequently and have not seen anyone post negative feedback for him.  And he has been perfect with pins and top weight I have requested.  If I were you, I would try resending your message and giving him about 24 more hours.  I hope this helps, take care, -Kyle
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: Charles on May 26, 2007, 09:57:16 AM
I messaged and emailed Joe back on 5/20 and he replied to the message on 5/21 and said he would respond to my email. I have not received any response and the last 2 messages I sent him went unread/unresponded to this far. I used to really reference people to Joe but I began seeing more and more of this in complaints by other users. Joe is a great guy, I just think he is understaffed and has grown too fast. However, that is still no excuse for bad communication or customer service.

Edited on 5/26/2007 9:55 AM
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: rackattack on May 26, 2007, 12:31:46 PM
I emailed him to inquire if he had a particular ball he advertised here in stock.

His reply was "I might".

I went elsewhere with my money.

He's probably a great guy but we have differing business ethics.I would have actually checked my stock before replying to a customer.
It's all about the X  

Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: JOE FALCO on May 26, 2007, 01:17:46 PM
Last I spoke with Joe (IM) he was talking about needing leg surgury. He was holding off the knife till after he returned from RENO! His RENO trip is scheduled for mid June!

I've done MANY deals with Joe .. never had ONE PROBLEM!

I do believe he's having leg problems but I don't know HOW BAD it is or if that is the cause of situations being described!

I notice that he has NOT UPDATED his existing RAFFLE for a while .. I lean towards him having health problems .. wish you luck and hope Joe is OK!~

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: allstarbowling-Joe on May 26, 2007, 03:25:44 PM

Without being at the shop on a regular basis I wasnt sure if I had
the Action Attack in stock with specs.   We do have several in 15
but only 2 or 3 left in 14 and 16.   As for the leg yes I am having
surgery but I am doing ok with it.   I should be around on a regular
basis again starting on Tuesday.

Thanks again,

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Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: Charles on May 26, 2007, 06:06:33 PM
Glad Joe responded to help salvage his rep. Just wish he would respond to pm's and emails in the same manner.
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: VBP-Dustin on May 26, 2007, 06:23:52 PM
i understand people do have problems that we not understand but what really makes me upset is being told one thing and waiting and waiting then being lied to  I remember entering several of joe's raffles i would say somewhere around 20 or 25 well it took me a while to win needless to say i won and pm'd him for the ball i wante after getting the run around however in the raffle it states pin and top as your needs  well i didnt get the pin and top i wanted becuase he didnt have it in stock.  Sure its my fault for not pursuing the fact i wanted different specs but oh well.  Now i see his may special for an action attack i pm'd tuesday from the airprotin phoenix  asking if he could get me a certain pin and top and he did respond saying he had several in stock and to this day i havent got word if he does or doesn have the specs in stock.  I am currently bigging on a couple of ebay auctions from hom  and if these go sour i can say no matter how much the savings i will either go to buddies orto my local proshop.   sorry for my rant but this is getting out of control the same things as happened here with ike a couple of years ago if you cant live up to what you say then dont make excuses on why or why not something happened
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: shipper50 on May 28, 2007, 08:23:43 AM
I am going to post my latest experience with allstarbowling-joe since I think its a good thing to know the good and bad.

I sent Joe a board message on 5-21 about some Legends cleaner he had on Ebay. The message has not been read in over 7 days.

I went ahead and used the buy it now on Ebay to buy the 32oz cleaner and some 20 Vise inserts. I read in his listing where I would get free shipping on multiply items. I asked for a invoice on 5-24 the day I bought. I have sent him 3 Ebay messages and he has still failed to respond on Ebay or here.

I have not had this experience with anyone on Ebay before and I pay for my stuff within hours after buying it. But not this time?

Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: VBP-Dustin on May 28, 2007, 09:39:15 AM
im not saying hes not busy or has alot going on but what i am saying is that if you cant handle the work load dont  post over 300 ebay auctions a week or post speccials on ball reviews and when they inquire dont ignore them.  keep this fact in the back otu your mind  90% of all new businesses fail within the first 5 years becuase of this exact reason they grow to fast and cant provide the service needed
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: allstarbowling-Joe on May 29, 2007, 08:29:24 AM

Yes I have been slow within the last two weeks answering emails.  Most of
that is directly related to not working a full schedule due to my leg and
other non-bowling related things here at home.   Working thru all the PMs
now and other questions and concerns.   I will be working as much as
possible until the 20th of June when I am having surgery on the leg to
correct the problems I have been having.    Anyheck, Please feel free
to PM me with any questions/problems or call me on my personal cell
at 440.463.7184.    

Thanks again,

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Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: holysnapper on May 30, 2007, 07:18:03 PM
i just want to add that Joe is a great seller and does his best to please all his doubt he is super busy and seems like hes always traveling therefore communication takes a few days but he still comes through...thanks joe for all ur help...
For me...bowling a 300 is like winning a never happens!!
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: JOE FALCO on May 30, 2007, 07:24:48 PM
HOLY ... Like your signature .. fits me perfectly!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: VBP-Dustin on May 31, 2007, 10:20:58 PM
update on joe i did recieve my ball from ebay and talked to him about my action attack.  I was happy to see come through and promptly ship my ball but i asked joe to email me if he didnt have a 1-2 inch pin and 3 top    well the ball showed up with a 2-3 pin and 3 top  i know you guys dont think 1 inch is that big of a deal but when you want to drill a ball a specific way and now the pin is longer than what you need you get a little upset  since the auction says  "1-4 inch pin per your needs"   so you ask for a 1-2 pin and if he didnt have it to email me and let me know what he had.  No matter how good the prices i think i will stick to my proshop   sorry joe but given many chances 1 or 2 times can happen but 3 now is where i draw the line
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: jtmouse on May 31, 2007, 10:27:13 PM
Call proshop is teh best way to reach him, he is a great seller.
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: allstarbowling-Joe on June 01, 2007, 12:21:56 AM

You are not obligated to keep it if it isnt what you need.  I will gladly
issue a call tag via UPS for it and issue a refund thru Paypal.   I can also
dig thru our inventory and see if I do have a super short pin AA as well.  

I am sending this in a PM as well.


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Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: JOE FALCO on June 01, 2007, 07:58:03 AM
Well DUSTIN .. you spoke up pretty negative .. let's hear your comments to Joe's last note! Maybe you are satisfied!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: rge on June 01, 2007, 08:34:16 AM
I'm with Joe Falco.  I have had many dealings with ASJoe.  He always delivers.  The quality of his work is second to none.  Depending upon how busy he is you may not get next day service, but you can count on his honesty and his taking care of you.  If you need something immediately let him know that and if he can't take care of it right away he will tell you so.  But if you need something ASAP call him, don't send an email.  When he's swamped with work they don't always get read on a daily basis.
Rats get fat.  Good men die.
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: majik13 on June 01, 2007, 09:16:32 AM
I've bought a few things from Joe, some from BR and some from Ebay, and I have to admit, I will continue to purchase things from him.  He is in Ohio and I am in PA, and I get things in a day from him, even if mailed USPS.  I hope everything with the leg is Ok Joe...keep on keeping on!
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: VBP-Dustin on June 01, 2007, 01:19:59 PM
the response i got in my messages was the same as whats posted    but heres the problem:  you win a ball on ebay and in the auction it says pin; 1-4 inch per your needs    i take that as what you want.  So in my paypal payment i put a note in that said i wanted a 1-2inch pin and 3 top   if you dont have that let me know what you do have.  I understand hes a busy guy but thats no excuse in my opinion.  So instead of taking 10 minutes to look through what he had and email me back he sent something that wasnt what i wanted and what i didnt win on ebay.  If this wasnt the second time this happened i might let it slide.  I won one of his raffles in feb or so and it says there i can pick my pin and top  well low and behold i didnt get that then either  but i did let that one slide.  So i gave him another chance and this happens and i know alot of people buy stuff from him and are ok with everything, however now i wont have the ball for the tournament i wanted it for because if i want the correct specs i would have to send it back.    the bad thing is my driller is out of town and cant put it on the scale and see it the cg is or isnt marked correctly.  My point here is that when you expect to get whats said in the auction you should get it, am i the only person who thinks that way?  I understand joe has offered to pay for shipping back and get another one but by the time that happens it 2 weeks later for something that could have been taken care of in about 20 total minutes.  I dont mean to ever post negative feedback however all i want it what is promised
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: allstarbowling-Joe on June 01, 2007, 03:08:07 PM

I understand totally.  

I have a 15.3oz, Top 3.0oz, Pin 1-1.5 AA if you would rather have that
one instead?   I didnt send the super short pin just simply because most
everyone doesnt want a pin that short.   I just tried to send a better
specd one (2") instead of such a short one.   I apologize in that regard
as I should have cleared that with you.   Please let me know and Ill take
care of it promptly.   Also sending this in a PM.


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Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: JOE FALCO on June 01, 2007, 03:39:37 PM
Bruns ..  Joe has suggested you send the ball back at his expense AND he will refund your purchase price .. If you can't use the ball .. SEND IT BACK! Don't know if his offer is going to be for ETERNITY so I'd say it's up TO YOU to notify him of your decision.

If you believe that you were robbed I think you ought to provide negative feedback on e-bay (I think that's where you made the deal) but you should mention the proposal made by Joe relative to the RETURN FREE/REFUND!

I think you are attempting to STRETCH the term FRAUD!


Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: Rileybowler on June 01, 2007, 04:10:03 PM
You guys don't seem to get it Dustin has dealt with Joe not once not twice but three times and everytime a problem. Three strikes and you're out, there has been many postings on here debating pro shops versus online purchases this is a prime example of why I purchase my stuff through my local pro shop I get exactly what I ordered not almost what I ordered but exactly. I don't question that Joe is a nice guy but it looks and sounds like he has more on his plate than he can handle. Thats just my 2 cents
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: VBP-Dustin on June 01, 2007, 11:57:29 PM
i dont make it out to say joe is a bad guy i know hes not however when it comes to business and i call purchasing something from him business i expect to get what i order am i right or wrong?    so when you go to a resurant and order a steak lets say medium well  but your steak comes back medium rare  are you happy or upset?  but he guess what the cook is a great guy but when he cooked your steak it was under cooked   maybe thats a bad example but i dont think you would be to happy  im not out to bash or kill joe or his business but when you do business its one thing versus being a nice guy  and like i said i have to wait until my driller comes back in to town to put the ball on the scale  chances are it will work but i dont like to take chances when i buy something  no hard feelings joe im dont hate you one bit i may be cautious in the future maybe with this transaction that things may change and everything works out to where we can do business again
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: allstarbowling-Joe on June 02, 2007, 01:24:25 AM

Not a problem.   I hope you noticed no where did I mention that I said you
were wrong at any time here in the posting.    This is what the feedback
forum is for and the proper use of it (your posting).   Any time there has
been an issue that has been in the open I have always been open and honest
about the problem and rectifying it.   Let me know what you want to do with
the ball once he looks at it.   I can hold the other one until then Im sure
as this is the slow part of the year.

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Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: charlee323 on June 02, 2007, 07:54:22 AM
That is kind of funny, I went to buying online because I never got my specs from my pro shop.  The shop always had an excuse, I am talking three different shops.
Good Customer Service is Hard to Find
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: Strapper_Squared on June 02, 2007, 08:18:21 AM
I've bought several balls from ASB, both for customers and most recently myself, and never have had an issue.  Reasonable return times on messages/emails and always fast shipments & great prices.


The perfect qb/receiver combo in Miami:
Ginn & Juice
(Ted Ginn Jr and Cleo Lemon)
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: JOE FALCO on June 02, 2007, 08:43:25 AM
This is NOT a sarcastic question .. I REALLY DON'T know ..since the whole conversation is about a complainer who requested a 1-2 inch pin and received a 2-3 inch pin .. please help me understand what is the difference in reaction between the two? Can the ball be drilled in such a way that the difference in pin will be noticable? Can the driller get the reaction wanted by the bowler with this variance in pin? I'm lost in this conversation!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: VBP-Dustin on June 03, 2007, 01:13:00 AM
well heres why i wanted a 1-2 inch pin

for one my span is 4 1/4 by 4 1/8  so i wanted to keep the cg on the midline and pin under my ring finger   the ball i the pin is almost 3 around 2 7/8  i never drill through or into a pin usually it cracks within a period of time and most companies wont give you credit.

secondly its not what was stated in the auction that i won

thirdly thats what i asked for

im sorry if you guys dont agree frankly i dont care     when i order something from a BUSINESS i expect a certain level of quality and service  you may not but i do and im the customer  

and formy falco i know your loved on this site not big deal but i would say that 90% of users here dont average 210 or better one a wall and dont have a clue  but hey thats understandable  maybe they dont know the difference in pins and tops and someone can send you a ball with a 2 inch pin and 1 ounce of top   when you asked for 3 ounces and they can get awy with that cause you dont know any better  

im done trying to defend why i was upset for a number of reasons
1.  that i never recieved a response on a action attack for a week from joe
2. asked for a pin and top 2 times when it clearly state per your needs
3. i added a note to the payment that said if you dont have the specs email me to let me know what you have before you ship  which would have taken about 5 minutes and if he doesnt have an extra 5 minutes to make a customer happy then he shouldnt have 100's of ebay listings, a physical proshop, and specials here if he cant keep up with the work flow  its just bad business
Title: Re: allstartbowlingjoe?!?!?
Post by: Xfest on June 03, 2007, 02:12:31 AM
flip out dude. remember - its bowling.
Balls for sale, check them out! Great prices as well!