Drilled for strong handed lefty (see profile).
Picked up the Total Chaos on clearance partly because I was looking for something that would hook and partly because it was a steal.
Enough about my bargain shopping, here's the scoop.
Specs: Pin 5" out
TW 1 1/2 oz.
After reading EVERY Total Chaos review here at ballreviews, I felt that this ball would be best drilled with an early hook/arc drilling. The drill ended up like this:
Pin 5" from PAP (under ring finger)
Weight hole, CG on PAP
Mass bias on midline 1/2 inch past PAP.
Out of box finish
As you can imagine, this ball revs up pretty quick, but the pin placement tamed down the reaction. I drilled this specifically for slick, sport-type conditions...a lot of hook, but controllable. I got what I asked for. This ball is SUPER on this type of shot. The ball rolls great and makes a smooth arc. However, this ball has a bit more recovery than I expected and HITS. Bowling on 42 feet of pure soup, I was throwing scouts like I was on a house shot. On the other hand, I tried it on the house shot and "ugh". Let's just say it was too much ball, too early.
I don't see this ball coming out of the bag much, but I do see it coming out and causing "Chaos" when the oil comes out. I read a review that compared this ball to a Pulse on steroids, I couldn't put it better myself.