
Site Support => Comments and Suggestions => Topic started by: al_g on January 04, 2011, 05:39:22 AM

Title: Question about ad blocking software
Post by: al_g on January 04, 2011, 05:39:22 AM
I was surprised to get the following message when going to Ballreviews using Firefox with Adblock Plus:


We've detected that you are using an ad-blocking software. Please be aware that this site is 100% advertisment supported. Without the ads, this site would not exist. In order for you to access this site, you must turn off your ad blocking software.


I'm very disappointed in this change. To use this site you're asking me to disable Ad blocking software. There are very well documented cases of viruses be spread through ads on websites. These viruses can be spread without you having to click on the ads. Just having them load on the page is enough to do damage - for examples of this read


Disabling ad blocking software was not previously a requirement to view this site. Any plans to change this requirement?


Title: Re: Question about ad blocking software
Post by: Ballreviews on January 04, 2011, 01:58:54 PM
No, there are no plans on changing this requirement. 


The fact is, is and always will be free to all bowlers.  Our revenue comes from these ads.  We have server costs, programming costs and time to moderate the site.  It does not come free for us.  These ads barely cover the costs, especially after a major overhaul of the site.


No-one is forcing you to click on the ads and we would never ask you to do so.  If you refuse to have the ads at least be displayed by using an ad-blocker, then we refuse to display the content of the site.



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Title: Re: Question about ad blocking software
Post by: rcorbitt on January 13, 2011, 03:38:42 PM
I tried to visit the site today using the default web browser on my Treo 700p. (Yes, I'm Verizon; yes, there's an iPhone in my future.) I got the same error regarding ad blocking. I'm guessing this is a Java issue.
Is there a work around for my mobile phone?

Title: Re: Question about ad blocking software
Post by: Ballreviews on January 13, 2011, 07:16:17 PM
There is no work around on the ad blocking software that we know of.

"Like" our new Facebook page for a chance at winning a free bowling ball of your choice!  Go to to get involved!
Title: Re: Question about ad blocking software
Post by: nocarey on February 09, 2011, 05:09:29 PM
I got the same message trying to get here surfing from my phone.  My phone has ad blocking software and I need to remove that if I wanted access, news to me, it's a 4 year old phone and I have no idea how to do that.  
Another thing that kinda irks me is the latest embedded videos on the pages, seems to slow my surfing down a bit.  Oh well. . . 

Edited by nocarey on 2/9/2011 at 6:10 PM