I've tried it twice now. Unfortunately the lanes I've bowled on the last 2 times were especially dirty. There were some smudges that it removed quite well.
OK, here's the shocking part: it left the ball surface more tacky than any cleaner I have used including Clean and Dull. If I were strong enough, I could have palmed the ball, like a basketball. As it was, I almost did it with two hand, just by the friction created by my palms placed on the side of the ball.
I asked two friends to feel the bowling ball (get your mind out of the gutter
) and they looked at me strangely, UNTIL they felt the ball's surface. They were also very surprised.
Kevin Valentino did urge me to spray the towel and wipe the ball during bowling but I don't usually do that. I also wipe my hands on the towel. Maybe I'll use a 2nd towel. FYI it's legal for use during competition.
Good work, ... err, make that Great Product, again, Kevin, and thanks.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial Ballreviews.com FAQEdited on 9/6/2008 10:57 PM
Edited on 9/19/2008 9:48 PM