I got a Twisted Fury Solid off Ebay. I asked for a pin out, and boy did I get one. Almost 5 inches. That's okay, but the CG was next to the Mass Bias marker, and I kinda got stuck on how to drill it.
The pin ended up about 2 inches above the ring finger, cg on span line, MB above right of the thumb. Almost the "Tommy Jones" layout. And...
I got the "Tommy Jones" layout reaction. Bowled on a fresh Cheetah with the two Fury last night. The Fury Pearl out hooked the Twisted Solid by about 4 and 2. Twisted had medium length, with a lazy break point and almost arcing back end. If I tried to catch it a little more, I could make it bend a little bit more. Think I may get another of these balls, but this ball will find a place in the bag. On some fresh, with crispy back ends, I think this ball will control that very well. Hitting power was good. Misses left were not terrible, misses right were not good. Fury Pearl was really the nuts, I had room left and right with this ball, had hold, but could not peel it off the edge. I will reserve final judgement until I drill another Solid with the same layout as the Fury Pearl.