
General Category => Drilling & Layouts => Topic started by: xxZonexx on March 17, 2008, 01:04:15 PM

Title: Span question
Post by: xxZonexx on March 17, 2008, 01:04:15 PM
Im right handed.

My span is 4 7/8 Thumb to Middle 4 15/16 Thumb to Ring. I see some pople have A longer distance from thumb to middle then they do thumb to ring....
Specail Agent
Spit Fire (4.5 x 5)
Jolt Pearl
Title: Re: Span question
Post by: JohnP on March 17, 2008, 10:31:23 PM
Every hand is different.  It is true that most RF spans are longer than the MF span, but not all.  Put your thumb fully into its hole and lay your fingers over the top of their holes.  The leading edge of the gripping surface of each hole should be halfway (give or take 1/8") between the first and second finger joints (where the joints actually bend).  --  JohnP