I have just got back into bowling after a 13 year layoff. I bowl in a Tuesday night Men's sanctioned mens league (220/90% handicap) that uses a 41 ft Kegel Main St style pattern. I find the Marauder to be incredible for late 2nd going into 3rd game, but downright awful for the fresh shot; just squirts, and have I have to slow WAY down to get any kind of reaction. There is a great deal on the Hell Raiser Terror for $99, but I don't know if this ball would work well as the first ball out of the bag or not. If not, would the Marauder Madness or Hell Raiser Revenge be better choices? I don't bowl tournaments or multiple centers so that's really not a concern. I do live in SW Florida, and the lanes tend to err on the drier side due to the humidity.
The pro shop guy at the center is all Storm, and is trying to sell me the Reign of Power, but I love DV8.
I throw between 15-16 mph and have average revs (275 to 300).