The Apex Addiction is a great complement to the Apex line up. The new Mac Daddy shell has been one of the most flexible shells to date from the big E. I've had the surface of this ball out of the box, = pray to the oil gods for some oil,this will out hook the aggression by a bunch. Then took the shell and sanded it to 1000 grit, Ebonite Factory Polish, and it was a dream. Talk about clean in the front, but still a great mid-lane roll, then hit it with some Ebonite Extender Polish, and then could throw it at the dry and let it rip.
Drill pattern on my Apex is a 4-1/2 x 4-1/2 with a weight hole on my axis.
Apex Adrenaline was length and backend
Apex Aggression was roll and arc
Apex Addiction was hook and hook some more

The Addiction has gotten me out of trouble in a lot of tournaments as the oil pushed down the lane. I could get the ball back and few could. When the lane gets spotty, pull this thing out, it will give you hook in carry down
Tony Glickley
Ebonite amateur Staff
Bowl to Win!