I just recently (read: past couple of weeks) picked up a Pivot. My numbers:
70 degrees axis rotation
30 degrees tilt
PAP 5.25 over, 1.25 up.
I went with a 15.3lb Pivot, 3" pin. I drilled pin down, roughly 3/4" under the ring finger, at 60 x 5.25 x 60. Extra hole down by the MB. OOB finish.
This ball is strong. At my normal leagues under THS, I'm already starting at 26, looking at 13 at the arrows, 8 at the break point, and am adjusting by the 6th frame of the first game. It is that strong and needs oil.
On conditions where they really throw down the juice, this ball is great. Last time I was in Vegas (when I picked up the ball), they had the USBC Open pattern down for practice sessions. Team pattern had me standing roughly 5 - 8 right of where I would for THS, looking at 11 at the arrows, 9 at the breakpoint. I could miss a little bit outside and still recover, but definitely couldn't free wheel it. Minors had me about 3 left of that with feet, and target. This ball loved it.
I would say that on the fresh, pin down with this ball would be great. If you're looking at pin up, you may want to look at the Pivot Point and compare that to Pivot at 2000. The 500/1500 with polish of the Pivot Point may be closer to what you're looking for, compared to a Pivot at 2000, assuming you get the same layout on the ball.