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Author Topic: The One line .. Ball death?  (Read 7914 times)

Hand of God

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The One line .. Ball death?
« on: March 07, 2007, 08:39:27 PM »
I am curious, being a LaneMasters&Legends guy, I see the very high oil absoption rating on The ONE, and the Angular ONE and so on.. I am curious if you guys are experiencing loss of hook as the ball gets full of oil?  Balls that absorb oil like that should become saturated and loose reaction..

I am looking for an honest unbias reply from those of you that actually put 200 or so games on a ball from the ONE line... Especially looking for info on the Angular one.

Please be specific with your replies.
Balls for this winter season:

Terminator - Stacked - Heavy to medium oil
Big Bang - Stacked - Medium oil
Kong - 4.5 x 4.5 - Medium to light oil
White Dot -  Spare ball



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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2007, 05:34:34 AM »
I threw a buddies Angular One the other day and yes, it was DOA. He has only had it for 3 months or so. The One lost reaction for me around 100 games and the Big one started getting weaker after 50 or so.

I throw some L/L equpiment and if you are used to the durability of their stuff, you wont be happy.

Edited on 3/8/2007 6:32 AM


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 06:09:47 AM »
Actually I do not roll Ebonite equipment although I do own  a Black Widow which is a great ball but there are probably about 5-6 various versions of The One series on my Friday night league and I have not noticed any loss of hook or power in any of them. A team mate of mine owns the Angular One it probably has close to a couple hundred games on it and is still going strong. Hope this helps
102101? Hmmmm
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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 06:41:21 AM »
I have The ONE, it has about 175 games on it.  There has been no loss of overall hook in the ball.  It is a bit earlier and smoother off the turn now than when I first bought it. I have not resurfaced the ball, but I do keep it clean, use Energizer Ball cleaner after every set, warm water baths after every 30 games or so.  I repolish it by hand with Ebonite Factory Finish Polish after every other bath session.  The ball is a bit duller now than the original factory finish, I didn't realize how much duller it has become until last week, when a bowler on the other team pulled out his much newer The One.

I was considering doing a resurface job on it, but I am still happy with its overall reaction, so I'm holding off on doing that until the end of the season.

I have a good friend who has been using a Big One exclusively since it first came out.  His ball still hooks quite a bit for him, but not as much as my One does.  He has higher ball speed, but I have a higher rev rate.  He doesn't work as hard as I do with cleaning and maintenance on his ball, he cleans his on an irregular basis.

The balls should last for you provided that you take the time to maintain them properly.
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Greg T

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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 07:20:28 AM »

  My orginal One died very quickly and my AO from this year is now a spare ball. Hopefully, the NV coerstocks will be more durable.


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Hand of God

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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2007, 01:53:37 PM »
TNV is same oil absoption type and the ONE line... this sounds horrible... If a ball won't last 200 games without loss of action due to oil penetration, those balls, though performing well, are destined to go dead and loose reaction life.

Seems with the ONE line there is a trade off, you get great performance at first, but the ball death comes quickly.

AS many of us are not PBA bowlers, geting new balls every week, this proves to be a very sad situation for Ebonite loyals, and potential new Ebonite customers.
Balls for this winter season:

Terminator - Stacked - Heavy to medium oil
Big Bang - Stacked - Medium oil
Kong - 4.5 x 4.5 - Medium to light oil
White Dot -  Spare ball


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2007, 02:44:04 PM »
From what I have seen the ONE series is very good.  I have not seen a loss in reaction on the ONE that a friend of mine owns.

Kepp this in mind.  Even though these balls have a fast oil absorbing rate, it doesn't mean that they will die after few games.  How much oil do you think is on a lane?  It's not as much as people may think.  

All bowling balls absorb oil.  All bowling balls will loose there reaction at some time.  A loss in reaction does not mean the ball won't react.  It just means that it looses a little bit of it's overall hooking potential.

When a bowling balls gets a lot of games on it, just give it a hot water bath.  This will extract a lot of the oil that was absorbed.  Most of the balls reaction comes back after a hot water bath.

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Greg T

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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2007, 02:56:31 PM »
Ebonite balls have no problems with loss of reaction. I've had quite a few Ebonite or Hammer balls over the past couple years and as long as you keep them clean and maintained properly (like any brand of bowing ball) they are just fine. Most people are just too lazy. It's not the ball it's the bowler...

  The cookie cutter answer that comes in every one of these threads. Bull!! Ebo covers die. My Ebo covers die and you wont find anyone that takes better care of equipment. If you're throwing 500 RPM you wont really notice it as much. But for the average revver these balls will render themselves useless in a short period of time. I'm not saying ALL of them do, because obviously, I cant throw every ball. But i've had many, MANY Ebo covers die in the last few years.


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2007, 03:05:31 PM »
Woooly pretty much covered it.
If you clean and maintain your ball properly,
you won't have any problems.
My Angular absorbs a ton of oil and will lose some hook, but a hot water bath
will bring it back to it's normal reaction.

Greg T

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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2007, 03:18:30 PM »
Woooly pretty much covered it.
If you clean and maintain your ball properly,
you won't have any problems.
My Angular absorbs a ton of oil and will lose some hook, but a hot water bath
will bring it back to it's normal reaction.

  BS. Another cookie cutter response. If you word this to say that YOUR Ebo covers dont die, then i'll believe you. But to have YOU tell ME that mine didn't die?? Not a chance, pal. Mine have been cleaned every set, wiped between shots, deep cleaned every 4 sets, and had the surface touched up when necessary. Soaking, baking, beating, burying in a sandpile, dropping from the space shuttle, wiped accross a baby's butt wont help these balls. Ebo even took the Orginal One back and replaced it. So, in my basement i have a Primal Instinct, Savage Flip, and an AO that are boat anchors. I got rid of the rest.


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2007, 03:37:21 PM »
I'll pay for shipping if you want to send your AO(boat anchor) this way.

Phillip Marlowe

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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2007, 03:59:53 PM »
My experience is like Greg's.  The Ebonite covers I have used and seen used generally have a short shelf life.  People who throw slower or higher revs don't notice the loss of reaction as much, but they do lose reaction when I watch them.  Almost all covers have the problem.  Ebonite is not alone:  TEC and TEC2 were horrible, as were the WOWII and later coverstocks from Track.  Superflex and PK18 were much better, but they too lose reaction overtime.  Ebonite ADMITS its equipment tends to lose reaction, they admitted it in their materials for "Hook Again."

Here is the tradeoff from what I have seen.  For 80-100 games (that's essentially a season in a league and, if you have two or three balls, a full season if you switch off even in multiple leagues) the AO is very good.  Sometime at the end of that period, it goes tube.
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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2007, 04:00:04 PM »
as a pro shop,  i see this all the time.   one cleans his ball and maintains it, and gets good results.  and then another does the same and the ball dies.
now i know that greg is into cleaning his coverstocks.    so when something like this happens,   can;t explain it.

recently i had three bowlers who all felt their hammers died.   two have spinner's and do big time cleaning.  the third never ever cleaned his ball.
usually just wiped it down with a dirty towel.

so i can see greg's  point.  hard to explain,  but it does happen.

hate to say this but,  one of them brought the ball into me to be restored.
we gave it the whole nine yards.   drew the  oil out, resurfaced it, but he still felt the ball had lost it.

we did the same thing on the customer who never cleaned his ball,   and it worked out well for him.

go figure.


Edited on 3/8/2007 5:03 PM


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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2007, 06:25:30 PM »
I just mentioned to one of my buddies last week that my Angular One seems to be dying.... I punched it up about 3 months ago.
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Re: The One line .. Ball death?
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2007, 06:42:43 PM »
To those who say that all Ebonites die, I resent that. I've had numerous Ebonites over the years, none from the One series but V2's, XXcel, Time, Tornadoes. And I've never had a permanent problem with ball death. My V2 Clean is the only ball that I ever had loss of reaction from but it came back with a hot water bath.

Now I've put lots of games on my V2's and they're still going strong til one cracked. My old V2 sanded probably had over 1000 games on it and it was still one of my favorites. My XXcel has had over 100 games on it as well and I think it's stronger than day one. The BigTime has yet to lose any reaction after 20 games or so. I haven't thrown it much lol but still.

I'd be willing to bet as long as you take care of your equipment and deep clean regularly, all will be well. If you want to dish out 200+ for a ball and neglect it, than that is your problem because it will lose reaction.
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