Sorry to see that you've had to deal with something like this. However, I appreciate you alerting the rest of us about the shady practices of this user. It's too bad we can't all conduct business in a mature way. Some people only care about themselves and what they get out of things. I wish we could all trust one another, but it's obvious that some people cannot be trusted.
First of all, if you know anything about the law, and it seems obvious that you don't, you would know that you would be talking about a libel suit, not slander. Second of all, the odds of winning such a case would be nearly impossible since the messages that you are disputing are on a public forum that is protected by law, and that you have suffered no significant injury because of that speech. You would be smart to just refund his money and take the stupid bag back. I don't know if you're an honest seller or not, becuase we've never done business. However, you're making yourself look very bad because of your stance on this transaction and I would doubt if anyone will work with you in the future. If this were siimply a case of buyer's remorse I would be on your side. But everything that I've seen posted makes me believe that you are in the wrong here. Do the right thing and give the man his money back. Then you can take your bag and try to sell it to someone else, someone who accepts the condition that it is in. Is it an invconvenience, yes. But doing so will prove that you are willing to do the right thing and that you may be trusted. It's your reputation on the line.
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?