
Equipment Boards => Hammer => Topic started by: thegame on November 25, 2003, 02:10:59 AM

Title: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: thegame on November 25, 2003, 02:10:59 AM
I had the opportunity to throw the Big Blue at a Hammer Demo Days, and I saw it as a relatively medium hooking ball, with a very mild, controllable backend.  I think this is going to be a fantastic ball in the Hammer line, but there are some things that kind of make me wonder....  Hammer seems to be touting this as a big hooking ball, by the hook chart at the back of their leaflet that was sent out with BTM's November issue, and it also recieved a very high hook rating in that issue of BTM.  However, Hammer has not (yet at least) put a hook rating or SF/ER rating for the Big Blue on it's website, although it's hook is listed at 42.2 (more than the Vicious Strike) at the back of that same leaflet, and the differential listed for it is very low      

This is just my impression from what I saw at the Hammer test, the differential is probably correct, the hook motion on the hook chart at the back of the leaflet seems to be misleading as it shows it going long, and having a huge backend, I found just the opposite to be true, I think the hook path of the Power Diesel or Sharp Blade on that chart would be more accurate.
Again, don't get me wrong, this is going to be a great ball for Hammer, with a truly unique weight block inside of it, and you are going to see more Hammer PBA bowlers than you can count using it on those conditions, but I think some of the literature that has come out on it may be misleading.  Just curious as to what some other impressions of this ball are.
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: jkiser01 on November 25, 2003, 05:38:05 PM
This ball was recalled because it didn't hook as much as advertised. They are gonna tweek the cover and release it in mid December. I was able to throw at the demo days I attended 2 weeks ago and I liked it alot.

I know I will have one as soon as they come out. I loved the old Blue Hammers and this one is going to be a monster.

I can't wait..

Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: charlest on November 25, 2003, 06:19:43 PM
Oh, No!
That's exactly what happened with Faball's Blue Hammer 2001! A bunch came off the assembly line all polished and hooked about 2 boards instead of 20 (I'm exaggerating here).

I can't believe this would happen again.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."

Edited on 11/25/2003 7:58 PM
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: da Shiv on November 25, 2003, 06:21:00 PM
I heard something similar to what jkiser01 said.  I was told that there was some problem with the initial run of Big Blues and a very large number of them were made wrong in some way.  This postponed the release of the ball a bit.

There is something else that I heard that may explain why the ball is not given an SF or ER rating.  I heard that even though the ball has a particle coverstock, it is not a resin ball, but a urethane.  I've seen this subject danced around quite a bit, but if anyone has said for absolute certain that this is true, I missed it.  I have the leaflet mentioned in this thread.  My pro shop guy gave me one almost a month ago.  It doesn't specifically say.  

I see that Hammer ball designer Ron Hickland turns up here on this site from time to time.  What's the story Ron?  Inquiring minds want to know!

I think we're all Bozos on this bus
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: Strider on November 26, 2003, 07:09:17 AM
Looking forward to the release of the big blue in UK.
I use the original blue hammer, as I had trouble getting on with skid/snap

Does anyone know if you can polish the big blue ?

If you don't want the ball to skid/snap, why do you want to polish it?

There is a Hammer ad included with the current BTM.  They show the hook path of the Big Blue to be big time skid/snap.  With a 500 grit particle cover???
Penn State Proud
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: thegame on November 26, 2003, 09:45:13 AM
Yeah, Strider that was the leaflet I was referring to in my original post.  That hook path of the Big Blue on that chart was totally different to the reaction that I saw when I threw the ball.  Who knows, if Hammer's tweaking the coverstock, in the end maybe it will be like that skid-snap motion, we'll just have to wait and see.
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: Jeffrevs on November 26, 2003, 10:23:03 AM
I'm not bashing here...........but,........

this is the second time Ebonite/Hammer has "mis-released" something......the TPC Shooter was a big debacle as well......why ??
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: thegame on November 26, 2003, 12:07:16 PM
You're right Jeff, that is a little questionable, you'd think testing was done within the company (as I'm sure it is) before it is tested by those outside of the company.  I don't know how many, if any, Big Blue's have already been sold, but I would request an exchange from Hammer after the re-releases come out, if I already had one.
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: jkiser01 on November 26, 2003, 01:10:17 PM
None have been sold yet..They where recalled before they where ever released..
Thats what the Hammer rep told me at Demo days..

Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: MI 2 AZ on November 29, 2003, 07:11:58 PM
Big Blue was never recalled because it is not scheduled for release until Mid December. ... At the Super Hoinke this weekend I mapped out over 30 Big Blue's and Big Blue was making alot of money for a lot of people.

So it is not for sale to the general public yet but you are selling them at certain events?
I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing!"
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: bowlerstyle on November 30, 2003, 06:49:16 AM
all of you guys that have questions about this new ball could always try it out at another Hammer demo day.  I believe that they are having one in Feburary at Kearny Mesa Bowl (Now a heavy oil house shot).  And you would be able to see if they have tweaked the cover or not or how it would react to the heavy oil conditions.  Just FYI. Well I gotta go bowl....
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: Airplay on November 30, 2003, 07:40:43 AM
You might get to see one on the show today since Jeff Lizzi was using two during the round of 8 before switching to a Power Deisel for the last game.
Bowl to win Baby
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: six pack on November 30, 2003, 02:00:27 PM
I watched the show today and it looked like it rolled alot like my solid deisel particle,very smooth arcing my opinion it was a bad choice for the shot but a good looking ball for the longer patterns.
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: da Shiv on November 30, 2003, 07:49:28 PM
Thanks for the Big Blue info.  I'm already doing very well with Hammer balls--having two of the Diesels and a Sling Blade.  The Sling Blade made me some money just last night.  Big Blue sounds like a candidate for my lineup.  I'll be very interested to hear some reports once some of them start getting to market.

I think we're all Bozos on this bus
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: HammerHombre on December 01, 2003, 08:37:12 AM
It seemed like Ron layed out 300 Big Blue's this week at the Super Hoinke and not only 30, one of which being for me, the ball is wonderful.  Even rolling, it is hard to get it to overreact, and beyond that, it looks great going down the lane.  People, you need to get one as soon as they are available.  Heavier house condition oil patterns, there is no way you can go wrong with this ball.  Like Ron said, just ask people who used it at the Super when they were collecting their large bills.

Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: da Shiv on December 01, 2003, 11:49:11 AM
What price range is the Big Blue going to be in?  From what I'm seeing, it looks like it's going to priced about the same as the Vicious line?  Also, did anybody try it with a smoother (say 2000 grit) surface on it?  I'm wondering what it's move looks like when it's shined up.  I wasn't at that tournament, so maybe it wasn't practical or useful to use a shined Big Blue.  Just wondering.

I think we're all Bozos on this bus
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: thegame on December 01, 2003, 12:02:24 PM
So, Ronald, am I to take it, there was not a problem found with the Big Blue, it is just not being released for a couple of weeks yet, and the Big Blue I threw at the Demo Days was the same ball (dynamically speaking), that was being thrown at the Hoinke, and Lizzi used on the show?  Thanks again for taking the time with the help.
Title: Re: Big much ball are we talking here
Post by: HammerHombre on December 01, 2003, 12:15:38 PM
Shiv:  I am left handed, and speaking from a left handed point of view, there was no reason to shine Big Blue this weekend.  The volume was simply too heavy and the play did not burn any part of the lane that would have required a shine.  I did ask Ron, and he said you'd get the ball reaction you would expect if you shined any ball, more push down the lane and sharper break-point.  Nothing secret about it, and it can handle it.  Hope this helps.