Do you know why they discontinued the ball? When I shop for bowling balls, I look for RG's less than 2.5 and diff's above .05. For some reason that's a combination that works best for me, but not many manufacturers make balls like that and when they do, they seemingly discontinue production quicker than others. What's the deal?
I won a "Black Ice" Danger Zone in a raffle back in 1997, and bowled 2-300's and several other high scores with it. I tried to keep it highly polished and could use it on just about any condition. The next year I tried to buy another one and guess what? No longer availiable. After doing some research I found out that the core had low RG <2.5 and high differential, >.05, since then that's what I look for in a ball. I have Hammer Diesel's Pearl and Particle. The Pearl is my favorite of those two. But, first out of the bag is my Vicious Particle and I am averaging 230 in my summer league. Cant wait for the fall season to start.