
Equipment Boards => Lane #1 => Topic started by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 12:00:33 AM

Title: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 12:00:33 AM
Well as I sit here at my job and ponder life and death and sex and religion and whatever the hell else it is I do here I began to wonder something.  Now bare with me here as I will eventually get to my point.  

I consider myself a Nation member(and I feel I am accepted by them) because I throw Lane#1 which of course share coverstocks with Big B and also because I have a great respect for Brunswick balls and have thrown Brunswick balls on occassion as well.  

Now with that said my question to all of you Buzzsaw users on here, Do we need our on Group on BR.  We could be the "Sawheads" or if someone has something else catchier that would be good too.  The reason I ask this question is simply because I am Lane#1 loyal 100%, the shirts, the balls, the bags, and the love of the product.  While I am happy being a Nation member I was just curious if we should have our own little group.  So everyone speak up and share your thoughts with me on this.  

For all the haters please don't turn this into a bashing post of any kind simply create your own post if you wish to do so.
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.
Now that I am back and my Saws are sharp again, I am ready to cut some wood.

Edited on 3/4/2005 8:56 AM

Edited on 3/4/2005 2:30 PM
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 08:30:32 AM
Not bad Chris not bad lets keep them coming.
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.
Now that I am back and my Saws are sharp again, I am ready to cut some wood.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: ten pin killler on March 04, 2005, 08:52:19 AM
I like "Sawheads" ......... nice ring to it.
TPK .... A HammerHead with a touch of BuzzSaw

Could someone tell me where this "Great Wall of China" is???
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: DonSVO on March 04, 2005, 10:55:30 AM
Buzzsaw Lumberjacks Lodge #...
cut 'em down, count the rings!

and put your member number after the ... part.
funniest thing i have ever read on here:

originally posted by Bjaardker, about if brunswick sells 2nds/blems:

Yeah, they're called Lane #1s....


Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 12:32:42 PM
How bout "Fellowship Of The Saws!"  Initials would be FOS because everyone probably thinks we are Full of Shi* anyway. Yes I stole it from Lord of the Rings sue me.
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.
Now that I am back and my Saws are sharp again, I am ready to cut some wood.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 12:38:12 PM
Isn't it obvious what I do at work.  I obviously dabble in douchebaggery all day long.
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.
Now that I am back and my Saws are sharp again, I am ready to cut some wood.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 01:04:00 PM
I am definitely leaning towards FOS as long as I am King of the Saws, geez I deserve to be king of something.  But I am in no hurry to proclaim our title we must get more input, input input need input.  To quote LANE1_BoWlEr who earlier quoted Short Circuit.
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Fellowship of the Saws! Coming soon to a Ballreviews near you!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 01:08:13 PM
HHHMMMMMM Nope sorry mediumrevs.
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Fellowship of the Saws! Coming soon to a Ballreviews near you!

Edited on 3/4/2005 2:04 PM
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: a_ak57 on March 04, 2005, 01:15:21 PM
Well since you guys say you're the royal cousins, why not The Monarchy?  The Nation, and the monarchy.  Makes sense to me, but then again, i made the solder zone, so i wouldn't go by that....
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 01:17:48 PM
Yo Chris you gots ta fix those typos in your signature man or your out of the fellowship bro.
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Fellowship of the Saws! Coming soon to a Ballreviews near you!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 01:20:01 PM
Damn I guess now I gotta spend more money on F.O.S. wristbands.
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Fellowship of the Saws! Coming soon to a Ballreviews near you!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 01:21:52 PM
that is just my high class uptown, french roaylity way of spelling, ain't you never been out of the stick son

"official memeber of the Fellowship of the saws"
we play dirty

Ok you may remain a loyal member then.
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Fellowship of the Saws! Coming soon to a Ballreviews near you!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 01:30:27 PM
I guess it official with this signature change.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: Steven on March 04, 2005, 01:50:29 PM
Whatever you guys do, have pride. Don't settle for being an 'outpost' within the Brunswick Nation. Yes, Lane#1 uses Brunswick covers, but that's not what the brand is about.

Lane#1 is about the core, which has nothing to do with Brunswick.

Also consider that folks comfortable in their choices don't need a "Nation" to validate themselves. If you want to form a little club, that's fine, but keep things in perspective.
"You want the truth? -- You can't handle the truth! "
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 01:51:02 PM
Supersaw you may well be the Prince of the Buzzsaw.  However I herebye decree LANE1_BoWlEr to be my general and second in command if I am not present or able to fullfill my duties as Leader.  He shall also be heir to my thrown and my collection of rare buzzsaws should I meet and untimely demise.(No assassination attempts please I am well guarded in my palace of buzzsaws.)This is my word and as such is the law and cannot be challenged.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 04, 2005, 01:59:05 PM
I am off my loyal followers. I shall retire to my palace of buzzsaws and take more pics of my rare gems.  I shall return soon enough.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: TJFreaky24 on March 04, 2005, 02:09:53 PM
These darn cults are poping up everywhere......ahhhhhhhh
I am the best kept secret....  

Redemption has never been so sweet!!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: TJFreaky24 on March 04, 2005, 02:16:49 PM
I'm a poor college student....I can't afford $800 balls...I gotta stick with the cheaper stuff that works just as well
I am the best kept secret....  

Redemption has never been so sweet!!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: nd300 on March 04, 2005, 02:17:08 PM
Darn it, I missed my chance to become Prince last night at league. Had the first nine,then got soft on the speed and left a 4-7-9. Oh,well,it was fun anyway.
 As to a theme song,how about the Eagles classic..........
 Life In The Fast Lane
 Lane#1--nothing else hits like 'em.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: TJFreaky24 on March 04, 2005, 02:25:37 PM
You guys will never be able to compete with the nation however. Since no PBA bowlers throw lane1, you won't be able to brag when your guys win shows
I am the best kept secret....  

Redemption has never been so sweet!!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: a_ak57 on March 04, 2005, 05:12:17 PM
The Power is Growing. We WILL own the bowling world. MWAHAHAHAHAHA
LANE#1 Questions>>>Just Ask.

My Saws NEVER Stop Cutting.

Member of the FOS
 We hit Hard!!!!

 Is there another option????

Nuh-uh!  I'm gonna win $999 quintillion dollars in the lottery, make my own company, buy all the bowling companies, and then buy the world! DAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

BTW, don't try your jedi-diamond core mind tricks on me!  You know why?  I'd need an actual brain to be affected!  Muahahaa!
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: thfonz98 on March 04, 2005, 10:50:37 PM
(opens door)...Am i in the right room?
YOU HAVE NO MARBLES!! (http://"") - major league 2
F.O.S. Member

Edited on 3/4/2005 11:49 PM
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: CORDOG on March 04, 2005, 11:27:41 PM
fellowship of the saws is good, im gonna ad it to my sig

The Cyrness: Member -Fellowship of The Saws
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: CS on March 05, 2005, 12:03:15 AM
Im in as well!
Well Thats My 2 Cents Worth
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 05, 2005, 09:53:46 AM
Come one Come all but only if you wield the Mighty Buzzsaw!
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: SprayNpray on March 05, 2005, 03:04:41 PM
Count me in.
Predicting my next opponent runs into a BUZZSAW!

Member- FOS
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 05, 2005, 04:27:02 PM
Don't turn away, embrace the power, feel it flowing through you.  And one day you too shall become Master of the Universe like me.  "I haveeeee the powerrrrrrrr."  Man that was a killer movie.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: thfonz98 on March 05, 2005, 04:38:27 PM

I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!
YOU HAVE NO MARBLES!! (http://"") - major league 2
F.O.S. Member....Proof (http://"")

Edited on 3/5/2005 5:37 PM
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 05, 2005, 04:39:31 PM
Sorry I am a big Heman fan or was growing up.  Thats a quote from Masters of the Universe the movie.  After he takes his sword back from skelator he says "I haveee the Powerrrr!"  In the cartoon he always said that when he changed into He Man.  Before you ask yes i am just a big kid and yes I have no life.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 05, 2005, 04:48:22 PM
Thats song does rock I first heard it as part of Tiple H music on WWE.  I have it on a cd of mine i was listening ot it fry-day actually.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: skbowl300 on March 05, 2005, 06:37:34 PM
Are us west coasters aloud to join???  Not to many of us over here in Washington, alot of people have never heard of Lane 1 but I am fixin to change that, well my Buzzsaw and I!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 05, 2005, 06:43:08 PM
skbowl300 you are welcome to join and I am glad to here you will be spreading the word in our western most boundries.  Our ties stretch as far as Malaysia and soon we will conquer the entire world.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: skbowl300 on March 05, 2005, 06:57:31 PM
I am wanna get a F.O.S. shirt made up, or is that to dorky?
F.O.S. member
conquering the west side since 03/05/05
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 05, 2005, 06:58:40 PM
No thats not dorky but you have to check with the F.O.S. treasurer I am not footing the bill for shirts too.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: Saw Mill on March 05, 2005, 07:13:40 PM
Just thot I would chime in, BUT not before updating my signature.  Please check it out and comment, if you like.  Hi, my name is David and I am a Buzzsaw addict, and a member of the FOS!!!
If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted; mess with FOS and get CUT like all the rest!!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 05, 2005, 07:15:52 PM
All hail Saw Mill one of the strongest and eldest in our order.  He has been Buzzsaw loyal for quite some time.  Good to have you my friend.  I am aware of your passion for the saws and welcome you to the fellowship.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!

Edited on 3/5/2005 8:13 PM
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: Saw Mill on March 05, 2005, 07:28:36 PM
Thank you brother JPR, for that glowing welcome.  I am honored that my Saw fame and loyalty has spread to the far east.  I'll bet that just because I am the eldest, and held in your higly esteemed graces, does not mean that I am getting your SCB for my birthday!?  I humbly welcome your words of praise, and would echo the sentiment back at you fellow saw brother, and may your teeth always be sharp, but if you need sharpening, just visit your local SawMill.

If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted; mess with FOS and get CUT like all the rest!!

Edited on 3/5/2005 8:34 PM
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: Saw Mill on March 05, 2005, 07:42:29 PM
Phewww, for a minute there I thought you typed that I was over the "Clump", but I re-read it and Saw that it was hump.  I am Always sharp my brother, as I should be after using saws for so long.

If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted; mess with FOS and get CUT like all the rest!!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: a_ak57 on March 05, 2005, 07:45:19 PM
Clump?!?! Where?!?!?

All we need now is hampster posting about lane 1 again...
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.

Edited on 3/5/2005 9:10 PM
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: a_ak57 on March 05, 2005, 08:15:40 PM
Hmm, i wonder if clump's vid is still floating somewhere?  Anyone ever save it to their harddrive?
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 05, 2005, 08:27:36 PM
Clump is our brother and is tied to the buzzsaw as strong as any of us.  Many do not know where he has gone and he is sorely missed by us F.O.S. members.  I would wager he is lurking among us waiting for his rebirth.  I welcome him if he is watching us all, to step forward and reclaim his former glory as a new member of the F.O.S.  Clump is the mighty member who mined the powerful golden nugget.  Clump is gone but not forgotten.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: thfonz98 on March 05, 2005, 08:44:04 PM
here's clump's video

got scb golden nugget and thats all i watched so far.
YOU HAVE NO MARBLES!! (http://"") - major league 2
F.O.S. Member....Proof (http://"")

Edited on 3/5/2005 9:41 PM
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: a_ak57 on March 05, 2005, 08:49:55 PM
Haha, I remember that video...A "14mph stroker with 200rpm".....Hahaha.....
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: thfonz98 on March 05, 2005, 08:51:06 PM
Haha, I remember that video...A "14mph stroker with 200rpm".....Hahaha.....
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.

yeah my roll is just like that too...isnt yours?...........HA
YOU HAVE NO MARBLES!! (http://"") - major league 2
F.O.S. Member....Proof (http://"")
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: Saw Mill on March 06, 2005, 12:02:17 AM
14mph?!!!  You have got to be kidding me!  I am close personal friends with the Clumpster, and his ball speed is 20 mph average, and I have seen him up to the 25 mph mark.  The clumper dude is a great guy, and has decided to take a sebatical, but he would definitely have said yes to the F.O.S!!

If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted; mess with FOS and get CUT like all the rest!!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 07, 2005, 07:07:37 AM
Thanks Captain Saw, I appreciate your diligence.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 07, 2005, 07:13:40 AM
Sweet!  Yes they are quite nice if I do say so myself.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 07, 2005, 07:23:57 AM
While I love the pink rasberry and I don't care what color my balls are, I a not sure If I could sport a Pink Wristband even if it were for the F.O.S.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 07, 2005, 08:32:04 AM
Shocker you bettter get that signature up to par ASAP or you will be punished.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 07, 2005, 08:34:35 AM
I wouldn't be a very good leader if I weren't on top of things.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 08, 2005, 10:58:52 AM
Thanks for the bump Chris.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: BrunsNick on March 08, 2005, 11:02:02 AM
Diamonds are for sissy girls.

xoxoxoxo, hugs n kisses guys! Hi Frodo! (JPR)

Who's Gimley, son of Gloin? lol
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 08, 2005, 11:09:19 AM
I got your Frodo right here Little Nicky.  You must have just rolled out of bed or something.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!

Edited on 3/8/2005 12:05 PM
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: BrunsNick on March 08, 2005, 11:11:27 AM
Haha, nailed it... Still have eye boogies and bedhead.

I have a lesson to give at 11, later Frodo!
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 08, 2005, 11:14:28 AM
Bedhead huh I thought your hair just always looked like that.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: BrunsNick on March 08, 2005, 11:28:21 AM
Bedhead huh I thought your hair just always looked like that.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!

You're asking for some photochopping Mister!

I'm just here to have fun, Sawboys.
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 08, 2005, 11:41:28 AM

I'm just here to have fun, Sawboys.
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!

Isn't that why we are all here.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 08, 2005, 12:32:37 PM
Ha it was 70 here yesterday, but it is suppose to get 25 tonight.  Brrrr thats cold for us north carolinians.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 08, 2005, 01:00:48 PM
That flaming shot is hilarious what a dumbass,  I will keep my shots normal wihtout the flame please.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 08, 2005, 01:10:49 PM
Crown, Jack, or a decent Vodka with no flames please.  Actually anything as long as its without the flames.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 08, 2005, 01:14:31 PM
7 pages and counting thats right.  You have no choice but to respect the fellowship now all of you haters.
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 08, 2005, 06:09:14 PM
It spreads as we speak and soon we will control the entire world one website at a time.  Ballreviews will always be my home but I never turn down a chance to spread the word of the Saw. Lane#1 for life!
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws! If its not a Buzzsaw it better be a Brunswick!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: a_ak57 on March 08, 2005, 06:10:21 PM
Eh you won't do much there, it's already a lane 1 site primarily.
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 08, 2005, 06:16:39 PM
Sig. Change
Lane#1 for Life! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Leader of Fellowship of the Saws!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 09, 2005, 07:58:22 AM
Can't let it fall too far we might have new F.O.S. members ready to join the ranks.  Leader reporting in this morning.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 09, 2005, 08:33:13 AM
What say you fellow members,  How bout the first line of my newly revamped signature for our motto.  I came up with it last night I thinks is awesome.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 09, 2005, 08:42:52 AM
Thanks to captain trigg it is now complete.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: PekosBob on March 09, 2005, 10:51:05 AM
I’m down a week due to a browser hijack and a system upgrade and look what I miss! Dang!

I humbly request entrance into this Fellowship of the Saws. I have only a meager collection, two saws, but I wield them mightily. One is Dirty and the other is purely Golden. I will await The Fellowship’s decision.

Admission into the Fellowship of the Saws pending
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 09, 2005, 10:59:27 AM
Site wouldn't let me on before I went to lunch wasn't working for me.  Of course Bob you are more than welcome to join the fellowship.  Hope your attending this weekend.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 09, 2005, 12:17:51 PM
I thought of the first part last night know it, live it, throw it and triggerman thought of the rest.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: PekosBob on March 09, 2005, 01:15:15 PM
Yes Jesse, I will be there Saturday unless something changes between now and then. You may even see me tonight, Leon is going to punch another ball for me.
Proud Member of
Fellowship of the Saws

Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: a_ak57 on March 09, 2005, 01:19:15 PM
*AK57 ponders, as he wonders if he is the only one who realized that in the movie, the fellowhip fell apart so that'd actually be a bad name for a group that wants to last forever, thinks about mentioning it, but walks out the door*
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 09, 2005, 01:23:16 PM
What you speak may be true but I am a much better leader than Frodo ever dreamed of being anyway.  And I am at least twice as big as him if nothing else.  Plus they had to destroy the ring of power nobody can destroy the almighty SAW.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!

Edited on 3/9/2005 2:18 PM
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 09, 2005, 01:26:07 PM
I have to hear it first before I can give my seal of approval.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 10, 2005, 06:30:45 AM
Leader checking in for yet another day of Buzzsaw glory.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Come one, Come all but only if you wield the mighty Buzzsaw!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: a_ak57 on March 10, 2005, 12:57:44 PM

My Saws NEVER Stop Cutting.

Member of the FOS
 We hit Hard!!!!

 Is there another option????

Mabye he's too cool to just say "Bump"???
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 10, 2005, 01:44:25 PM
The leader is off work and already home, So I am going to veg out on the couch for a while before league I am tired from doing nothing all day. See you guys little later.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: Ragnar on March 10, 2005, 02:00:42 PM
You may have noted that I, one of the leading SAWMEN, have avoided this thread.  There is a reason.  I have always been hesitant to join a group which would have people like me as a member.
"To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire; and where they make a wilderness, they call it peace."  (Tacitus)
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: a_ak57 on March 10, 2005, 02:01:08 PM
maybe I will hide here for a little while till the dust settles in the brunswick board.
Official member Fellowship of the Saws
Captain of the Bomb Squad
Chicks Dig guys who throw the Diamonds
we fight Dirty.    

Enuf said

Guuuueeeesssssssssssssss Whhhhhooooooo??? Muahahahaha
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: TheBowlingKid25 on March 10, 2005, 02:03:12 PM
We have no standards, or morals or limits, everyone is welcome, even if you wear womens clothes
Official member Fellowship of the Saws
Captain of the Bomb Squad
Chicks Dig guys who throw the Diamonds
we fight Dirty.    

Enuf said

¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!

Nothing more to be said.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 10, 2005, 02:21:21 PM
Holy 9th page batman, So Rags are you with us or against us there is no in between.  You either pledge loyalty to us or you get cut by the blade of the F.O.S. What say you?
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: Ragnar on March 10, 2005, 02:25:11 PM
Well, since I mostly throw 'Saws anymore (tried some others and came back) I guess I'm in.  Think of me as the ancient one who appears to be wisely nodding his head, but is actually dozing off.
"To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire; and where they make a wilderness, they call it peace."  (Tacitus)
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 10, 2005, 02:26:59 PM
All hail Rags(Notice I never type his whole name) possibly the oldest, most likely the wisest of our fellowship. I declare Rags historian of the F.O.S.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: TheBowlingKid25 on March 10, 2005, 02:30:14 PM
he can keep records and such for you guys! He can use his vast knowledge of.....uhm....filing stuff! or something
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!

Nothing more to be said.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: a_ak57 on March 10, 2005, 02:44:33 PM
No, his name is Rags the Friendly Giant.  Afterall, that's what he is.
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: pinbombz on March 10, 2005, 10:09:43 PM
Well, glad you like yer new saw. I was droppin bombs again tonite with my hybrid. Sweeeeeet backend roll.

>>> There is only 1 Lane #1 <<<
Member of the F.O.S.
We Hit Hard!!!!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 11, 2005, 06:29:22 AM
Wake up Sawheads wake up.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 14, 2005, 11:41:59 AM
I am up but not really doing anything.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: pinbombz on March 14, 2005, 11:11:25 PM
Oh, I didn't realize you had to ask for membership first. I want in the F.O.S.

Someguys own a nation
Someguys own a universe

But Buzzsaws own the lanes. Long live the F.O.S.
Member of the F.O.S.
There is only one Lane #1
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: Doug Sterner on March 15, 2005, 09:12:37 PM
I have new t shirts in the works......going to be selling for $20 each....anyone interested?
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Although a small elite group, the bond among fellows can never be broken...FOS members rejoice!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 16, 2005, 06:50:35 AM
While i don't feel like typing nearly as much as Chris, the bottom line is a "Pro" can win or score with nearly any ball produced from any company period they are that good.  Lane#1 does comp balls here and there but does not feel the need to pay someone to throw their product.  They have a loyal following and don't feel the increased expense of Staffers would increase their sales enough to justify.  The bottom line is say I am Jason Couch well maybe on certain patterns or times a Lane#1 ball might work better for me and maybe not but why risk using a ball that might carry a little better here and there when I can just throw ebonite and get paid a yearly contract whether I make one show or 20.  Not to mention the bigger staffers get base salary plus incentives for winning.  Quite a few fee agents have one or two lane#1 ball in their bags.  

Oh and don't get us wrong we don't go around screaming our product is superior all other balls should be thrown in the trash blah blah blah,  we simply claim Lane#1 balls are as good as anybodys elses and maybe better for certain people.  Thanks and that will be all for that is my word and it can't be challenged.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 22, 2005, 07:21:33 AM
Morning the leader is here.  So who is ready for summer leagues.  My fall leagues are coming to a close and sadly enough wednesday nights we aren't even close to winning in our scratch league and thursday nights on my mens handicap league we are in second but too far out to win the last third.  So summer league here I come.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 22, 2005, 07:28:22 AM
I may be only doing a 4 man sport shot league this summmer not sure what else.  I am really going to try and rededicate myself to bowling though and  really improve my game.  I have really sucked this last season and not been practicing at all.  I am goign to try and retool and come back fresh and on top next fall.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 22, 2005, 12:35:22 PM
11 pages, damn we're good

My Saws NEVER Stop Cutting.

Member of the FOS
 We hit Hard!!!!

Lane#1>>> Is there another option????

Proud member of
Proud member of

Damn Skippy!
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 24, 2005, 07:40:13 AM
Where are all my Fellowship brothers today?
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on March 31, 2005, 07:42:40 AM
I am glad my captain is in top form like usual.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: trash on May 17, 2005, 01:21:47 PM
Count me in F.O.S. Traded for a cherry bomb last winter it sat till a couple months ago. BIG mistake I wish I had thrown it earlier wow do Saws crush racks! Just ordered two new balls from Lane 1 yesterday (HDB @ Bullet)can't wait to let em rip.

New hooked buzzsaw addict.
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on May 17, 2005, 01:29:10 PM
Just add it to your Signature trash.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: trash on May 17, 2005, 01:57:02 PM
Thanks for the help that was quick.
Proud member of the F.O.S.
Nothing cuts down pins like a Buzzsaw !
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: SlowHand on May 17, 2005, 01:59:47 PM
Hey Guys,

Count me in... Nothing cuts like a saw. I'm a believer!

Oh, I added it already, hope it's okay?


Proud Member of F.O.S. (joined 4-19-2005)
Shhhhhh... Not while I'm sharpening my SAW!
Some days the Elevator, Some days the SHAFT!
I don't care HOW much hand you think you have... No one brings it back from inside the DITCH!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on May 17, 2005, 02:10:48 PM
No problem at all, but if u get a chance sign up good for all F.O.S. members to be on there.

My Saws NEVER Stop Cutting.
-Pimp Wayne
Member of the FOS
 We hit Hard!!!!

Lane#1>>> Is there another option????

Proud member of
Proud member of
Great site is

There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!
Title: Re: Let the Fellowship begin!
Post by: JPRLane1 on May 18, 2005, 07:31:50 AM
Damn man get some sleep for once.
There is only one Lane#1. Know it, Live it, Throw it or Get Beat by IT!
Leader & Founder of Fellowship of the Saws! Respect us or get left in our Saw Dust!
Honorary member of the almighty NATION!