Well got to throw this bad boy last night. Got very lucky buying this one used. The guy that dad it before me has the exact same span,. finger and thumb size. I just had to adjust the thumb with some sandpaper last night and it was ready to roll, lucky me.
After resurfacing it before league I finished it with 800 Resurrection ( btw this stuff really works well on their older particles, better than sandpaper) then snake oil on top. After struggling with my pearls because of to much oil that I did not realize the first game shooting 188. started next game with 3 opens in a row using my Break pearl, just wouldn't get back to the pocket even playing starit up, got a spare in the fourth. Decided to switch to the Conquerer, well that was a good move proceeded to throw 10 strikes in a row from that point, allowing me to end the game with a 225, then followed that game up with a 248. The only spares in game three was a blast 9 pin, ringing 10 and a 10 pin that had a bird dog flying across the deck at warp speed just missing it in the front of it. After game 2 the other team took my ball off the rack and hid it from me the next time I was up so when I was up to bowl I was up there looking around confused wondering if I was drunk since I knew I had it up there. It was comical at the time.
What I saw last night was a motion very similar to my pin down Break S-75, very rolly and arcy which I really like for this house, even with the polish it was bitiing hard . I just continued to move in as the night progressed and never even thought of losing carry, which my S-75 does not allow me to do.
Pin carry was superb to say the least, was 10 in the pit every time. It just rolled all the way throught he deck. Well once again LM/L has impressed the heck out of me, and the S-75 might be sitting the bench from now on.
What is sandbagging???