I have both and while I like my Jacked, the Pin Hacker is something special. In my hand the Jacked is very strong and fairly angular on the backend. It is a great choice for when the pattern opens up and I need to take that giant step in and still get recovery. On the other hand, the Pin Hacker to me is the definition of a benchmark ball. I have not yet seen a condition where I couldn't create a look with the Pin Hacker. On fried up house shots, I can get in deep and hook the lane with the PH or on tight sport patterns I can square up and roll the PH up the boards. I bowled all 9 games at Nationals this year with the PH and scored very well. One caveat about both balls though, I did not care for the box finish on either. Out of the box both reacted squirty, I found my Jacked to react best with 500 abralon and Brunswick Rough Buff. The Pin Hacker I left at 4000 abralon no polish.