Traditionally, all symmetrical core balls will be smoother for the more direct use you desire and just the opposite in assymmetrical designs. I have been a long term user of all the LM balls new and old and they are what you want if you want what you describe.
What LF or LM balls would you recommend for a decent 2 or 3 ball bag? 39' medium/light volume on SPL surface... Thnx
I basically bowl on that same type of surface/length. I currently use a 4000 polished Lane Masters "Perfect" as my benchmark, it is drilled 70 x 4-3/4 x 35, a 4000 polished Lord Field "Judgement" drilled 45 x 4 x 30, and a Lord Field "Burning Up" (their urethane offering) when its a little drier, it is drilled like my "Perfect" (70 x 4-3/4 x 35).
That is all I have been using all season. As of late I have been working with a highly polished (hit with a used 4000 abralon pad) Lord Field "Get Some" drilled 45 x 4 x 30 and shot 784 last friday in league with games of 279-257-248.
Another popular ball I drill alot for people in the Lord Field family is the "Torment". The ball would make an excellent benchmark ball for most people and conditions based on it's ability to cover a wide variety of lane conditions for dry(with an appropriate amount of polish) to med-heavy (with 1000/2000/4000 abralon or saiir adjustment). I also drill up alot of LM "Perfect's" for people as well.