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Author Topic: What a great opportunity we have at!  (Read 2431 times)


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What a great opportunity we have at!
« on: January 11, 2006, 09:14:49 AM »
Something rather interesting happened to me last week. As some of you know, I went down to Medford for the Earl Anthony PBA Tournament. I went for a number of reasons, but part of it was that I wanted to introduce myself to bowlers like Jeff Carter, C_J, and others that I spend time talking with on this forum.

I was walking down the concourse, and a stout guy was cruising through ballreviews on a computer that was set up. I stopped and asked what was going on. Rudy Kasimakis was online, being trashed by a couple of members. He was ticked off - not that he was being trashed, but by the attitudes of some of the more "juvenile" members on the forum...

I got online and vouched for him - that it was indeed him signed in under his name. He told me that he'd probably just move on, and not spend any more time on ball reviews, because he didn't like dealing with that kind of attitude. We may have lost the opportunity to gain a lot of information from the one and only Rudy Revs!!!

How come people want to trash these players?  We have a GREAT opportunity, here, folks - members of this forum have a DIRECT line to ball manufacturers, ball reps, EXEMPT players, many regional players, etc. A lot of the time, folks on here do indeed treat these "elite" with respect, but a few bad apples really can spoil the bunch. Why don't we treat this privilege like a true privilege, and use the forum the way it was intended when it was founded???

I know several years ago, when I was getting ready to go out on tour for the first time, I spent a lot of time in PMs talking with Jeff Carter, Ron Hoppe, C_J, tenten, and others about what to expect. Without exception, they were gracious, and spent a lot of time with me. These folks are anxious to share information - but only when treated with respect. So - why don't we???
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Re: What a great opportunity we have at!
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2006, 06:34:15 AM »
I think it's great that we not only get the pros reading/posting here, but they are also brave enough to speak up and tell us who they are!!  I've had quite a bit of e-mail contact with Danny Wiseman, but have been reluctant to mention BallReviews to him because of these nimnut posters who are just out to piss everyone off.  Like Mumzie and others have said, these people are a valuable resource when it comes to discussing this sport we love.  It's the one of the few sports that will let you get so close to its elite players!!  While I have no solution to the problem, I think we can do our best to at least let the pros know who the idiots are so they, too, can ignore them.


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Re: What a great opportunity we have at!
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2006, 07:25:34 AM »
I think people need to take this forum with a grain of salt.  Of all the bowling forums I am on this is probably the most fun.  There are some that are like Romper Room and others that are run more like Josef Stalin.  Each one is a little different and has plus and minuses.  BR sometimes reminds me of an interactive sports page.  It would be the same thing as if baseball players had a forum and went "you know that Jose Conseco guy, he's a bum".  There are a lot of fans that have opinions about athletes.  Example I think the Dallas Cowboys stink and Bill Parcells is a bonehead at times but could I do a better job???   No Way!  I don't know a damn thing about football but I am still a fan!  I have some ideas on how they could improve but I'm pretty sure they have already thought of my ideas.  I have met many Professional Bowlers over the years and with very few exceptions they are some of the nicest people to meet and deal with.  Look at the pro-ams every week that they do, charity events and other functions.  This is the only sport in the world you can sit down next to one of your idols and have a pleasant conversation with them as long as the time is appropriate.  The Pros need to realize that some of the people on here are fans  like I am to football.  The key saying is " if you think you can do better then shoe up buddy! "  and they should leave the critics alone and again take the comments with a grain of salt.  The Pros are truly the best of the best.


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Re: What a great opportunity we have at!
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2006, 08:11:01 AM »
A grown man whining about being trashed on a public forum? I mean cmon. Not everyone is going to like an individuals game. Everyone here has had some type of nasty reply towards them and the majority haven't left. Could I amount to the talent he has bowling? Probably not. In my opinion I'd rather not see the guy bowl and he's as horrific to watch as Dave Traber. This is not coming from a juvenile.


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Re: What a great opportunity we have at!
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2006, 09:37:09 AM »
well said Mumzie, there is one freaking reason I dont want anyone to know my real name, first they want to pick me for information, and then they want to slam me for my personality.  I can get that crap at the lanes.  Maybe one day you little pukes will wake up and realize, the touring professional is just that a professional and for their tireless hours of practice and community service at their respective home houses, deserve, better yet, have earned the right to be shown some respect.  And until that happens I will not be a frequent poster of this crap hole


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Re: What a great opportunity we have at!
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2006, 10:05:25 AM »
On a side note I don't know Rudy personally but some of the touring professionals don't treat the fans with respect so do they deserve it in return? Many posters here have countless bad experiences with the pros.


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Re: What a great opportunity we have at!
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2006, 10:07:53 AM »
Rudy is a member of my site too.  He participates once in a while.  Mainly beacuse that's where to learn about local action.  He knows many of my members persoanlly since he's bowls with many of them.  I will allow people to speak their mind, but never in a derogatory way.
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Re: What a great opportunity we have at!
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2006, 10:22:59 AM »
I will allow people to speak their mind, but never in a derogatory way.

You moderate your own site Tony....that's the difference....a BIG difference.



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Re: What a great opportunity we have at!
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2006, 11:13:47 AM »
Though, I dont understand why. Some trash talking jack-azzes who hide behind screen names offend them so much that they leave? Uh yeah, get over it. lol.

A grown man whining about being trashed on a public forum? I mean cmon. Not everyone is going to like an individuals game.

A couple of quotes here I'd like to address... I guess I don't understand why anyone should be expected to spend their time being insulted?  Sure, not everyone has to agree, but people don't need to be jackasses to each other (like usually happens on this site) when they disagree.  I'm sure (although I don't know him personally) that he can take a little trash talk - but when you take your time to show up and offer your help and only get jerks treating you like crap, why hang around?

Personally, I like Tony's approach and how he handles his site.  You can disagree, but if you're not mature enough to do it respectfully, he'll put an end to it.  Heck, I seen him shut down a whole forum before, so I know he backs it up with some smackdown if the rules aren't followed!

There are a couple of other sites that have come up the last year who also do an excellent job of taking out the trash.  Too bad people seem to be so hung up on this site though, because there are 3 others that I can think of right now that offer a much better environment for open discussion without the idiocy and disrespect that seems to run rampant on some of these forums.  Coincidentally, I think 2 of the 3 newer sites were started by people who were fed up here...


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Re: What a great opportunity we have at!
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2006, 11:23:36 AM »
On a side note to the side note.  Brad Angelo a couple of years ago took my high school students out to the truck and showed them his equipment storage.  We had a match on Saturday night during the tournament at the other end of the house and he stopped by to watch for a few minutes.  He was great with the kids.  I have a private student that is 13 years old.  Last summer she asked me if I would see Kim Terrell in Orlando when I was there.  I told her most likely because I had met her the year before in Las Vegas at the same function.  I ran into Kim and Kendra Gaines in the hall way at the hotel and told them that a student of mine wanted to give Kim something.  Kim took the envelope and opened it and went COURTNEY!!!!!   I KNOW COURTNEY!!!!  They both looked over the pictures and were delighted to see them.  Seems that Kim Terrell, Kendra Gaines and Maxine Nabel all gave Courtney bowling balls at a tour stop here in Dallas.  Courtney is a bowling machine at 13 years of age.  For Kim to know we slugged the ball she gave Courtney and in October she shot her first 500 in less than a month she shot her first 600 with it!!!  She also took 3rd in all events in the Dallas city tournament with it in December!  

Now on the other side!

I saw one well known pro and known for his attitude take a womens head off in the stands because she wanted to take his picture.  

People are and will be people.  To the bad attitude pro's defense a little, it's like being put in a cage and people poking or wanting something from you all day long.  They hunt you from the minute the doors open and will not leave you alone.  It's got to get to you at some time.  

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Re: What a great opportunity we have at!
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2006, 12:09:23 PM »
Smash understandable these people are humans but they are entertainers and with that they have to take responsibilty for their actions. Fans are the ones contributing to their paychecks and they need to appreciate that. Without the fans they would be out a job. A mere autograph or a second of their time isn't much to ask if they aren't with the family or something like that. The majority of bowlers I met are great people but you have the rare bad apple.

Edited on 1/12/2006 12:57 PM


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Re: What a great opportunity we have at!
« Reply #26 on: January 12, 2006, 12:16:19 PM »
That truly is a shame. As ive said before the problem with bowling today is other bowlers and their "holier than thou" attitudes. Not lane conditions or powerful bowling balls etc. Enough to make some people quit altogether.
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