
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: echidapus on December 04, 2008, 01:43:24 AM

Title: 2 handers
Post by: echidapus on December 04, 2008, 01:43:24 AM
Is there a web page where you can learn how to bowl 2 handed?  Or do most just go out there and wing it and see what happens?
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 04, 2008, 09:53:14 AM
Most of us, atleast the ones that are good, started doing it when we were very very young, when the ball was too heavy for us, thats how its starts, then you just put an approach to it over time and bring the ball to your side. I know I started bowling like that when I was 4, Belmo and Osku were the same way they both started it when they were very young. Not sure about Cassidy, but Youtube would be as close to a website your gonna get.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: abrown on December 04, 2008, 09:56:22 AM
there was something up on the usbc about it not to long ago
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: leftyinsnellville on December 04, 2008, 10:06:56 AM
I read an article that described the two handed technique in detail.  Don't have the link at work.  I'll try to remember to post the link when I get home.  If you don't see it this evening, PM me a reminder (damn Alzheimer's!)
220...221...whatever it takes.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 04, 2008, 12:15:33 PM
2 handed bowling ??????

why in the world would you want to learn this. Its the worse way to learn how to bowl. The style to me is a joke. Bowling is a 1 handed game not 2 because you cant hack it like the rest of the world. 2 handed bowling is a disgrace to the sport of bowling. Take ur pick bowl 1 handed and make it in the sport or choke like the rest of the so called 2 handed bowlers that think they are good
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: rymacatthedisco on December 04, 2008, 01:01:12 PM
hahahaha at ucumin2....are you crazy, some of the best bowlers in the world are 2 handed...get out of 1940 and into the real world...bowling is a game of many different styles that can ray looks like total fool when bowls with his head going up and down and popping up at the line but guess what he has the most wins ever. dont get mad that you cant bowl like the 2handers and create the power and speed they have...

if anything is a joke, you are
RYAN MCDANIEL...University of Wisconsin Whitewater Men's Bowling...5th place at nationals in 07/08
great new website!!!


Diamonds...she'll pretty much HAVE to!!!
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Astroman on December 04, 2008, 01:14:51 PM
Try this link:

Its an article by Joe Slowinski on the 2 handed approach, very informative.

Also, Osku has various videos of himself with different camera angle during his approach:
Carry the 5!

Gems(to me)->
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 04, 2008, 01:19:15 PM
2 handed bowling ??????

why in the world would you want to learn this. Its the worse way to learn how to bowl. The style to me is a joke. Bowling is a 1 handed game not 2 because you cant hack it like the rest of the world. 2 handed bowling is a disgrace to the sport of bowling. Take ur pick bowl 1 handed and make it in the sport or choke like the rest of the so called 2 handed bowlers that think they are good

Seriously get out of the stone age, I can bowl one handed and play straight up 10 like a dunce like you and score all I want to,just like Osku can go on youtube and watch him bowl 1 handed, its EASY, VERY EASY. But I love being able to be versatile and take my game to the next level and be the best I can be, and thats 2 handed, I can play straight down 10 or I can play 30-10 with all of the different hand/wrist/top hand adjustments you can make with 2 hands it makes you SO versatile when you get good at it and understand the changes and learn to be able to cut the revs down and bring them up and cut the speed down on the heavy and pump it up on the dry, we can do that and do it with the best of them. Read this months US Bowler, look at the piece about Belmo and read WRW Jr's(every old last century bowlers hero) take on two handed bowling, GUESS WHAT? HE'S DOING IT TOO!, hes practicing bowling 2 handed so that he can use it on the heavy patterns where he can't play the big line inside like the high revver's. Come on, if the greatest bowler on tour is doing it, it has to be good. Give it about 5-6 more years, I guarantee there will be 5-6 of us on tour, good luck.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 04, 2008, 05:22:56 PM
Not living in the stone age guys just think 2 handers are a joke. I have seen Jason Belmonte bowling and to me nothing special. The times i have seen him the guy has choked. So if thats who you want to bring up sorry but he needs to stay out of the U.S and bowling were people like seeing him choke Australia. With PBA giving him an expemtion thats even a big laugh. Its simple look at the title winners and see who is 2 handed. Hmm thats tough  NONE because its not constist. For all you guys who think you can dominate 2 handed go for it just bring ur wallet.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Dan Belcher on December 04, 2008, 05:37:31 PM
You do realize 2-handers HAVE won in international competition before and have done well for Team USA, right?

The object of the game is to roll the ball down the lane and knock down all 10 pins.  There is no one way to do it right!  I personally think that at least the two-handed delivery is much more effective way to magically gain tons of revs over the no-thumb one handed delivery.  (It offers much more control at least)  It is NOT the best method for all conditions, much the same as the one-handed high rev release is not the best method for all conditions, and the one-handed low rev release is not the best for all conditions.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 04, 2008, 05:47:24 PM
So they have won international titles point being what. 1 title 2 titles maybe 3 and that is good why .  When they can even come close too 10 -15 titles then there maybe something to talk about. There is a reason why they cant win and dont bowl in the U.S. because they cant and wont win. Like i said from all i have seen not constist at all.

You do realize 2-handers HAVE won in international competition before and have done well for Team USA, right?

The object of the game is to roll the ball down the lane and knock down all 10 pins.  There is no one way to do it right!  I personally think that at least the two-handed delivery is much more effective way to magically gain tons of revs over the no-thumb one handed delivery.  (It offers much more control at least)  It is NOT the best method for all conditions, much the same as the one-handed high rev release is not the best method for all conditions, and the one-handed low rev release is not the best for all conditions.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 04, 2008, 05:47:33 PM
Not living in the stone age guys just think 2 handers are a joke. I have seen Jason Belmonte bowling and to me nothing special. The times i have seen him the guy has choked. So if thats who you want to bring up sorry but he needs to stay out of the U.S and bowling were people like seeing him choke Australia. With PBA giving him an expemtion thats even a big laugh. Its simple look at the title winners and see who is 2 handed. Hmm thats tough  NONE because its not constist. For all you guys who think you can dominate 2 handed go for it just bring ur wallet.

2 handed is a new type of thing, yes there have been some before and have won regionals etc. in the US but havent been on the main stage and havent go a lot of publicity like now. But its new so how could they have titles already?, Osku's entered 2 tournaments ever here and made the show once at the US Open!, Belmo has entered 5 I believe, and has cashed in all 5, yes hes not doing good this week but its the cheetah not great for high revs guys. Did WRW cash in his first 5 events? NO, did Norm Duke make the show in his second tournament? NO, and Osku's was a very tough shot and a major, just not any old normal tournament. As for consistent, watch a tape of the Weber Cup or the World Ten Pin masters where Osku or Belmo bowl and they show the lines where they play, both of them are within a half a board of there mark every shot. Which is better than most on tour, especially with the lines they are playing. We've been putting up with people like you all of our lives, if you read Jasons Bio or Osku's Bio, they talk about people telling them there doing it the wrong way or not bowling the way there supposed to, and I went through the same thing, but once you beat all of those people like we all have, there attitudes change a bit, which is also talked about, we do things our own way and always will.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 04, 2008, 05:51:53 PM
Look here is your superstar idol                                               55  Jason Belmonte  Orange, NSW,Australia   11  733  2181  -19  198.27

Guy is a joke 55TH out of 63 bowls. Don't no who the big joke is him or PBA for even letting him get on the lanes

Just to funny keep wasting your time guys learning to bowl like this choke artist
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 04, 2008, 06:00:13 PM
Look here is your superstar idol                                               55  Jason Belmonte  Orange, NSW,Australia   11  733  2181  -19  198.27

Guy is a joke 55TH out of 63 bowls. Don't no who the big joke is him or PBA for even letting him get on the lanes

Just to funny keep wasting your time guys learning to bowl like this choke artist

Its the cheetah, no high rev guys do well on the Cheetah, dont say Malott because hes not high rev.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Dan Belcher on December 04, 2008, 06:12:35 PM
ucumin2 is just trolling at this point, just ignore him.  He's oblivious to logic and reason...
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Kid Jete on December 04, 2008, 08:43:32 PM
So they have won international titles point being what. 1 title 2 titles maybe 3 and that is good why .  When they can even come close too 10 -15 titles then there maybe something to talk about. There is a reason why they cant win and dont bowl in the U.S. because they cant and wont win. Like i said from all i have seen not constist at all.

You do realize 2-handers HAVE won in international competition before and have done well for Team USA, right?

The object of the game is to roll the ball down the lane and knock down all 10 pins.  There is no one way to do it right!  I personally think that at least the two-handed delivery is much more effective way to magically gain tons of revs over the no-thumb one handed delivery.  (It offers much more control at least)  It is NOT the best method for all conditions, much the same as the one-handed high rev release is not the best method for all conditions, and the one-handed low rev release is not the best for all conditions.

One handers have more title because they got a 40+ year head start.  That's like saying Tommy Jones sucks and is a choker because he has less titles than Walter Ray.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 04, 2008, 08:51:50 PM
Funny logic and reason.  You show me any logic reason why anyone would bowl 2 handed and I will listen. There is no longevity in 2 handed bowling. 10 years maybe till you have health problems because of it. Sorry rather bowl for 40 plus years without chance of severe problems.  I enjoy how because Belmonte is choking this week. People blame the shot. The guy just chokes on American soil.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Kid Jete on December 04, 2008, 09:00:24 PM
Funny logic and reason.  You show me any logic reason why anyone would bowl 2 handed and I will listen. There is no longevity in 2 handed bowling. 10 years maybe till you have health problems because of it. Sorry rather bowl for 40 plus years without chance of severe problems.  I enjoy how because Belmonte is choking this week. People blame the shot. The guy just chokes on American soil.

Sounds like you have more of an issue with Belmonte than 2 handers.  How would you know if 2 handed bowling is not healthy after 10 years?  It hasn't been around that long.  Nice try though.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 04, 2008, 09:26:29 PM
So they have won international titles point being what. 1 title 2 titles maybe 3 and that is good why .  When they can even come close too 10 -15 titles then there maybe something to talk about. There is a reason why they cant win and dont bowl in the U.S. because they cant and wont win. Like i said from all i have seen not constist at all.


I missed this one, you are the most oblivious person ever, wanna know how many titles Osku won this year in Europe on the Tour? 7! 7!, thats as many as WRW Jr's best year. Anything else you have to blabber that makes no sense?
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 04, 2008, 09:28:21 PM
Funny logic and reason.  You show me any logic reason why anyone would bowl 2 handed and I will listen. There is no longevity in 2 handed bowling. 10 years maybe till you have health problems because of it. Sorry rather bowl for 40 plus years without chance of severe problems.  I enjoy how because Belmonte is choking this week. People blame the shot. The guy just chokes on American soil.

There is a guy on here that I know that is 35 and has been bowling 2 handed since 16. Thats 19 years, and not only that, any one handed power bowler goes through the same exact things as we do, if you stay active and exercise the right parts of your body (abs, lower back, hips and shoulders) you will last a long time.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 04, 2008, 09:44:55 PM
osku got to the tv finals before the exempt field kicked in and did not pursue a pba career because of it. plus the euro is looking pretty good against the dollar right now

I mentioned the first one earlier and totally agree, plus I know I would much rather bowl over there where bowling is everywhere and is considered a big time thing rather than here where it is treated like crap. Also they embrace the 2 hander over there and understand how great these 2 guys are, dont have to put up with jerks like this cumin guy.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 04, 2008, 11:52:22 PM
Here comes the name called from the children. 2 handed bowls can't take the truth of how there bowling is a joke. Or that there are only 2 names they can think of for 2 so called good 2 handed choke artist.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: John D Davis on December 05, 2008, 12:18:47 AM
   You can talk all the junk you want about the Two Handers choking but what it all boils down to, is they are there and you are not!!! Nor will you probably ever be there with the attitude you have towards the game. I may not be the best bowler in the world but I am very competitive and I am very good at times... You however probably dont average even 200 or 210. Being you cant average 230-240+ then you probably couldnt even carry the bag of one of these pros on the exempt tour! Look at Jason Belmontes league average and see if his is not higher than yours. I would be willing to bet the farm it is. Now thats why people use the two handed release... To be and score better than people like you. I rest my case.................................John
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 05, 2008, 06:44:56 AM
Main problem is I am very competitive and 2 handeds are just a waste of time. You can only talk about 2 bowlers who have had minimum results bowling 2 handed. Take ur pick on any of the top 50 this week and you can see even a girl walked away from him. For your info seeing that you no nothing about me I average 206 to 210 threw out all 3 of my leagues.  But I know its nothing like ur guys 197. This week
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Dan Belcher on December 05, 2008, 07:12:52 AM
How can you take one or two weeks and base any valid statistical comparison on that?  You can't.  There are only a small handful of professional two-handed bowlers in the world because it's a very new thing.  It's IMPOSSIBLE to truly accurately judge how effective it is at this point because the sample size is so small.

I bet if you were old enough, you would have been calling the idea of putting three fingers in the ball instead of just the thumb and middle finger "crazy."  Just because something is new and different doesn't mean it's necessarily good or bad.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 05, 2008, 08:23:44 AM
Change is not a bad thing but it takes no skill. If you stand left throw right in a general 20 board area it will come back. So whats the point? Its the same style of guys who cant throw a hook and bowl with no thumb. So how is it new because you hold onto the ball with 2 hands like hmm the kids due. If there is a logically reason why anyone would want to bowl this way i would love too know. As for small handful of professional who do it and there are only a few why/ Not because its new  its because it doesnt work as well as 1 handed. Look at big picture 2 bowlers who have few titles or 100's who have won many

How can you take one or two weeks and base any valid statistical comparison on that?  You can't.  There are only a small handful of professional two-handed bowlers in the world because it's a very new thing.  It's IMPOSSIBLE to truly accurately judge how effective it is at this point because the sample size is so small.

I bet if you were old enough, you would have been calling the idea of putting three fingers in the ball instead of just the thumb and middle finger "crazy."  Just because something is new and different doesn't mean it's necessarily good or bad.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 05, 2008, 08:39:36 AM
Main problem is I am very competitive and 2 handeds are just a waste of time. You can only talk about 2 bowlers who have had minimum results bowling 2 handed. Take ur pick on any of the top 50 this week and you can see even a girl walked away from him. For your info seeing that you no nothing about me I average 206 to 210 threw out all 3 of my leagues.  But I know its nothing like ur guys 197. This week

You average 206-210 on a THS and your even here arguing this? Do you understand how horrible that is? I average 224 on a THS and am having a bad year, and I bowl 2 handed, your average is what I average on PBA Expierience patterns not a THS. Seems like you talk a lot of game but can't back it up at all. Yes he averaged 197 but hes bowling on a tough pattern,atleast a lot harder than a THS, not a THS where you put the ball on the lane and your in the pocket, thats so sad that you've been talking this whole time like your such an ambassadeur to the sport and so good and you average 210.

There is no talking to you because your stubborn and will not listen to reason and understand oil patterns, obviously because you average 208 composite on a THS you most likely no absolutely nothing about what there out there bowling on even this week and understand how bad the Cheetah breaks down after 2 games.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Dan Belcher on December 05, 2008, 08:42:32 AM
The advantage of using both hands instead of just the one handed with a no-thumb (or thumb-only-inserted-halfway) delivery is control.  Watch the release of a truly good two-handed bowler in slow motion.  Their throwing hand stays underneath the ball in a more balanced, natural position since the other hand is there for balance and grip.  Right before the release point, this hand is removed, so the bowler actually only throws the ball with the one hand.  This offers much greater accuracy than the one-handed no-thumb release in general.  One of the best bowlers in my area has been using a two-handed release for years, and he's just about as accurate as the other top-level bowlers in the area who have more standard deliveries.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 05, 2008, 08:44:43 AM
Change is not a bad thing but it takes no skill. If you stand left throw right in a general 20 board area it will come back. So whats the point? Its the same style of guys who cant throw a hook and bowl with no thumb. So how is it new because you hold onto the ball with 2 hands like hmm the kids due. If there is a logically reason why anyone would want to bowl this way i would love too know. As for small handful of professional who do it and there are only a few why/ Not because its new  its because it doesnt work as well as 1 handed. Look at big picture 2 bowlers who have few titles or 100's who have won many


It takes no skill? Dumping a ball straight down 10 1 handed takes no skill, I had never bowled 1 handed ever, went out one day and did it, by game 2 straight down 10 I was averaging 210, thats WAYYYYY easier than what we do. Your talking about the bad 2 handers that spray the ball around like that but obviously you havent read any of my previous posts because your just a troll thats here to make everyone pissed and not understand the points everyone is trying to make. Bowling 2 handed is like bowling blind folded in compared to 1 handed straight down 5 or 10, thats how much more difficult it is, yes people can go out and do it but DOING IT WELL AND BEING GOOD at 2 handed is a totally different story, yes you get the revs, but controlling them and learning how to use them to your advantage and learning every other aspect of it and being able to take them away and play straight down too, and be versatile is what makes a GOOD 2 hander.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 05, 2008, 09:10:10 AM
I average what i average and say what you want to say about. Dont care what you think you averaged here there or anywere  I understand more then you think. Oil patterns ball drilling whatever the case may be. Problem is everyone talkign how good 2 handed is blah blah blah and then here PBA give belmonte a few trys and he chokes. Then comes then bs oh its the oil pattern thats what im tired of. Every time no matter who the bowler is who chokes same old excuse is was a bad oil pattern for him. Belmonte just likes to choke. Still waiting for a logically reason why anyone would want to bowl with 2 hands?

Main problem is I am very competitive and 2 handeds are just a waste of time. You can only talk about 2 bowlers who have had minimum results bowling 2 handed. Take ur pick on any of the top 50 this week and you can see even a girl walked away from him. For your info seeing that you no nothing about me I average 206 to 210 threw out all 3 of my leagues.  But I know its nothing like ur guys 197. This week

You average 206-210 on a THS and your even here arguing this? Do you understand how horrible that is? I average 224 on a THS and am having a bad year, and I bowl 2 handed, your average is what I average on PBA Expierience patterns not a THS. Seems like you talk a lot of game but can't back it up at all. Yes he averaged 197 but hes bowling on a tough pattern,atleast a lot harder than a THS, not a THS where you put the ball on the lane and your in the pocket, thats so sad that you've been talking this whole time like your such an ambassadeur to the sport and so good and you average 210.

There is no talking to you because your stubborn and will not listen to reason and understand oil patterns, obviously because you average 208 composite on a THS you most likely no absolutely nothing about what there out there bowling on even this week and understand how bad the Cheetah breaks down after 2 games.
480 rpms
Average 220+

Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: SleepOnIce on December 05, 2008, 09:11:53 AM
So you don't want people making fun of the two-handed style, but then you go and say one handed bowling is easy and takes little to no skill. Kinda hypocritcal, no?

Note: I think people should bowl however they want, to bowl their best. If it's one handed, two-handed, between the legs, backwards, whatever.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Dan Belcher on December 05, 2008, 09:12:05 AM
Still waiting for a logically reason why anyone would want to bowl with 2 hands?
I just explained it above.  Pay attention.  And that's coming from someone who is a low-rev one handed release guy!

And again, how can you take ONE example as a fair basis for a statistical analysis?  Just because Belmonte's bowled like crap for two weeks doesn't mean that the two handed delivery in and of itself is a failure.  It just means that Jason Belmonte's bowled pretty awful for two straight weeks.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 05, 2008, 09:15:45 AM
If your saying the other hand is just there for balance and its just the same as throwing ball 1 handed in a way then why does is look so weird? Im saying if 1 hand in ball and other hand balancing ball then why be all crotched down just stand up and walk with the ball like most do . Havent seen accuracy at all when i have seen 2 handed bowlers bowl and how can you say more natrual postion?  Natrual is bent over?  

The advantage of using both hands instead of just the one handed with a no-thumb (or thumb-only-inserted-halfway) delivery is control.  Watch the release of a truly good two-handed bowler in slow motion.  Their throwing hand stays underneath the ball in a more balanced, natural position since the other hand is there for balance and grip.  Right before the release point, this hand is removed, so the bowler actually only throws the ball with the one hand.  This offers much greater accuracy than the one-handed no-thumb release in general.  One of the best bowlers in my area has been using a two-handed release for years, and he's just about as accurate as the other top-level bowlers in the area who have more standard deliveries.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Dan Belcher on December 05, 2008, 09:17:47 AM
Different body motion requires different body position for balance and leverage.  Again, it makes a lot more sense if you actually watch a slow-motion video of a two-handed bowler's approach and release.  Or better yet, actually try it yourself someday during practice when you're bored to see if it makes sense then.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 05, 2008, 09:47:43 AM
Thanks for trying to bring logic to the subject. Dont plan on trying it because i just dont agree with it. I bowl well enough 1 handed to bring a new concept into my game.

Different body motion requires different body position for balance and leverage.  Again, it makes a lot more sense if you actually watch a slow-motion video of a two-handed bowler's approach and release.  Or better yet, actually try it yourself someday during practice when you're bored to see if it makes sense then.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Dan Belcher on December 05, 2008, 09:53:30 AM
I don't mean sit down and focus on learning it.  I mean just throw a couple balls with two hands on a whim just to see how the motion works so you don't have to be so confused about it.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 05, 2008, 09:57:28 AM
Motion is the same besides the stance of a cranker. High rev . Just dont see it being  versatile  for conditions. Like the crankers unless you can adjust. Dont see many adjustments that can be made. So why try it if you cant bowl on every lanes condition?

I don't mean sit down and focus on learning it.  I mean just throw a couple balls with two hands on a whim just to see how the motion works so you don't have to be so confused about it.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 05, 2008, 10:39:13 AM
If bowling 2 handed was as accurate as people think then why does Osku Palermaa shot spares 1 handed ??
There should  be a rule  that if you bowl with 2 hands you cant change to 1 just like they do with rightys who pick up spares with left hand. I understand its same hand but yet its different approach to lanes
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 05, 2008, 10:43:55 AM
Tell me this are all international tournaments bowled on just 1 lane??
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 05, 2008, 11:11:11 AM
Blah blah blah good by. Dont care who what were when why. Your just another online tuff guy i feel sorry for u Its ok dont cry  Its an opinion moran. Have a nice day with ur 2 handed bowling since you cant hack it like a real bowler

You just like to hear yourself b!tch or complain I guess...

MIKE MILLER changed his game back in 1990 to the 2 handed release you've come accustomed to seeing BECAUSE he said to me that he wanted to be able to create more area.

Do you have a problem with Mike Miller's bowling? Even the 300 he shot on tv? Do you think that caused a lot of kids to wanna bowl 2 handed? So what if it did..

Get your head out of your @ss 'cause bowling is bowling no matter how the ball gets down the lane..
A former member of the 20/20 Club 'cause sciatica sucks
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Spider Ball Bowler on December 05, 2008, 11:24:00 AM
You guys are all silly.  Get out the ruler see who's bigger.  Remember the ladies dig the girth.

Ahhh Disco Biscuits!
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 05, 2008, 01:14:53 PM
Motion is the same besides the stance of a cranker. High rev . Just dont see it being  versatile  for conditions. Like the crankers unless you can adjust. Dont see many adjustments that can be made. So why try it if you cant bowl on every lanes condition?


I explained this about 10 times here, this is getting rediculous learn to read. We dont just make adjustments with the bottom wrist/hand/finger positions to adjust, moving the top had a little to the left/right/front/back, changes the roll of the ball totally and makes us even more versatile, I can probably change 15-20 more things to adjust than a normal 1 hander can, if I bowl on something longer and need more tilt I can pop my thumb out and get more tilt, if I need more length wrist comes flat, top hand goes to the front of the ball more and it will go long and straight.

The reason you dont like it is because its different and its not the old school way, I dont see you out there on tour or ever were and I dont see you averaging anything even on a THS, you can understand anything you want but high revvers dont do well on the Cheetah, its common knowledge, look at Kenny Simard this week.

As for the hypocritical comment, I'm not hypocritical, I say do things however you want, whatever gives you your best chance to win, do it. I'm just saying how easy playing straight up 1 handed is because he said 2 handed is easy which it nowhere is as easy as playing straight up 1 handed.

As for shooting spares I shoot mine 2 handed just like belmo does and I make 93% of my single pin spares, only ones I ever miss are 7 pins(lefty) and an occasional 4 pin and they are few and far between.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: SleepOnIce on December 05, 2008, 01:29:29 PM
I don't see how wrist/tilt adjustments are something that only two-handers have to do.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 05, 2008, 03:14:45 PM
Dont see how you are able to change hand/wrist/finger positions. Reason i dont like it is because 2 ME its a joke.

As far as the spares your a good shooter but i was asking is there a rule out there about changing from 1 hand to 2 handed ? I just keep hearing how 2handers are very accurate with 2 hands but then why shoot spares with 1?

Motion is the same besides the stance of a cranker. High rev . Just dont see it being  versatile  for conditions. Like the crankers unless you can adjust. Dont see many adjustments that can be made. So why try it if you cant bowl on every lanes condition?


I explained this about 10 times here, this is getting rediculous learn to read. We dont just make adjustments with the bottom wrist/hand/finger positions to adjust, moving the top had a little to the left/right/front/back, changes the roll of the ball totally and makes us even more versatile, I can probably change 15-20 more things to adjust than a normal 1 hander can, if I bowl on something longer and need more tilt I can pop my thumb out and get more tilt, if I need more length wrist comes flat, top hand goes to the front of the ball more and it will go long and straight.

The reason you dont like it is because its different and its not the old school way, I dont see you out there on tour or ever were and I dont see you averaging anything even on a THS, you can understand anything you want but high revvers dont do well on the Cheetah, its common knowledge, look at Kenny Simard this week.

As for the hypocritical comment, I'm not hypocritical, I say do things however you want, whatever gives you your best chance to win, do it. I'm just saying how easy playing straight up 1 handed is because he said 2 handed is easy which it nowhere is as easy as playing straight up 1 handed.

As for shooting spares I shoot mine 2 handed just like belmo does and I make 93% of my single pin spares, only ones I ever miss are 7 pins(lefty) and an occasional 4 pin and they are few and far between.
480 rpms
Average 220+

Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: lsf_21 on December 05, 2008, 03:37:35 PM
Dont see how you are able to change hand/wrist/finger positions. Reason i dont like it is because 2 ME its a joke.

As far as the spares your a good shooter but i was asking is there a rule out there about changing from 1 hand to 2 handed ? I just keep hearing how 2handers are very accurate with 2 hands but then why shoot spares with 1?

to piss you off so you can b!itch whine and moan a little more.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 05, 2008, 05:15:00 PM
No whinning here just trying 2 figure out why people think this is the next big thing. Asking a question 2 someone who is bringing so light on situation unlike yourself just trying 2 piss someone off        

Dont see how you are able to change hand/wrist/finger positions. Reason i dont like it is because 2 ME its a joke.

As far as the spares your a good shooter but i was asking is there a rule out there about changing from 1 hand to 2 handed ? I just keep hearing how 2handers are very accurate with 2 hands but then why shoot spares with 1?

to piss you off so you can b!itch whine and moan a little more.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Dan Belcher on December 05, 2008, 05:41:48 PM
Reason i dont like it is because 2 ME its a joke.
Amazing logic...  Sounds like when a parent gives a kid the reasoning "Because I said so!"  Basically, you're admitting you don't like it simply because you're close-minded and set in your ways, not because it's necessarily bad.
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 05, 2008, 07:28:28 PM
Dont see how you are able to change hand/wrist/finger positions. Reason i dont like it is because 2 ME its a joke.

As far as the spares your a good shooter but i was asking is there a rule out there about changing from 1 hand to 2 handed ? I just keep hearing how 2handers are very accurate with 2 hands but then why shoot spares with 1?

Motion is the same besides the stance of a cranker. High rev . Just dont see it being  versatile  for conditions. Like the crankers unless you can adjust. Dont see many adjustments that can be made. So why try it if you cant bowl on every lanes condition?


I can adjust wrist/hand/finger positions on the bottom hand(the one in the ball) the exact same way a 1 handed bowler does, I use my thumb, so I can do exactly the same with that hand as all you one handers. Plus can adjust roll and tilt with the top hand without having to change wrist positions.

As for it being a joke, thats just an assinine comment.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: fuel3331 on December 05, 2008, 07:54:22 PM
The 2-handed style is becoming more popular because it takes full advantage of the new bowling equipment on the market. You never saw this 25 years ago because even with the increased revs 2-hands provide, the rubber, plastic, and urethane balls wouldn't recover when swinging out that far - clearly not the case now. People who are able to do it want too because it yeilds more strikes, even when compared to traditional 1-handed power players. I'm a high rev righty and can average 225-230 on a THS, but I know 2-handed guys that are not as accurate as me, but average hgiher because they simply generate more striking power with 2-hands. I understand your point about 2-handers not winning that many big time tournaments, but that's due to the style's life span - it has not been around that long. I see no reason a decade from now why their won't be fulltime touring pros who have the skill to make that style work.  

No whinning here just trying 2 figure out why people think this is the next big thing. Asking a question 2 someone who is bringing so light on situation unlike yourself just trying 2 piss someone off        

Dont see how you are able to change hand/wrist/finger positions. Reason i dont like it is because 2 ME its a joke.

As far as the spares your a good shooter but i was asking is there a rule out there about changing from 1 hand to 2 handed ? I just keep hearing how 2handers are very accurate with 2 hands but then why shoot spares with 1?

to piss you off so you can b!itch whine and moan a little more.

Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 06, 2008, 08:11:42 AM
Thats my point right there. 2 handers can miss there mark and still score and that is good how. just because you can  strike doesnt mean ur good. That is 1 of the reasons i dont agree with 2 handed bowlers. The sport is about hitting ur mark and constituency. If you can miss and still score how is that making you a better bowler ?

The 2-handed style is becoming more popular because it takes full advantage of the new bowling equipment on the market. You never saw this 25 years ago because even with the increased revs 2-hands provide, the rubber, plastic, and urethane balls wouldn't recover when swinging out that far - clearly not the case now. People who are able to do it want too because it yeilds more strikes, even when compared to traditional 1-handed power players. I'm a high rev righty and can average 225-230 on a THS, but I know 2-handed guys that are not as accurate as me, but average hgiher because they simply generate more striking power with 2-hands. I understand your point about 2-handers not winning that many big time tournaments, but that's due to the style's life span - it has not been around that long. I see no reason a decade from now why their won't be fulltime touring pros who have the skill to make that style work.  

No whinning here just trying 2 figure out why people think this is the next big thing. Asking a question 2 someone who is bringing so light on situation unlike yourself just trying 2 piss someone off        

Dont see how you are able to change hand/wrist/finger positions. Reason i dont like it is because 2 ME its a joke.

As far as the spares your a good shooter but i was asking is there a rule out there about changing from 1 hand to 2 handed ? I just keep hearing how 2handers are very accurate with 2 hands but then why shoot spares with 1?

to piss you off so you can b!itch whine and moan a little more.

Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 06, 2008, 09:57:35 AM
Thats my point right there. 2 handers can miss there mark and still score and that is good how. just because you can  strike doesnt mean ur good. That is 1 of the reasons i dont agree with 2 handed bowlers. The sport is about hitting ur mark and constituency. If you can miss and still score how is that making you a better bowler ?

The ones that are good do not miss there mark much at all,and if they do its not by much, I dont miss mine much at all and if I do its by 1 at the arrows and 1-2 at the breakpoint, when you get good at it its very easy to get consistent. Everyone that has any type of hand, even low rev strokers have A LOT of room for error on a THS. If your worried about hitting your mark so much and consistency, take that average of yours into a PBA Expierience league, then you'll see how "accurate" you really are. No one with a 206-210 average on a THS hits there mark consistently, cause otherwise it would be in the 220's easy if you did because of the easyness of them.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 06, 2008, 10:43:44 AM
Im never worried about hitting my mark. All i have heard and seen is how 2 handers are very inconstited. All im saying. Seems like all ur worried about is average. Im very happy with my average this year and most of all how im throwing the ball. Just because you can write 220 plus doesnt mean anything to me. Just another BS bowler here trying to make a name for them self. Sticking up for 2 handers and a lefty im sorry for you.

Thats my point right there. 2 handers can miss there mark and still score and that is good how. just because you can  strike doesnt mean ur good. That is 1 of the reasons i dont agree with 2 handed bowlers. The sport is about hitting ur mark and constituency. If you can miss and still score how is that making you a better bowler ?

The ones that are good do not miss there mark much at all,and if they do its not by much, I dont miss mine much at all and if I do its by 1 at the arrows and 1-2 at the breakpoint, when you get good at it its very easy to get consistent. Everyone that has any type of hand, even low rev strokers have A LOT of room for error on a THS. If your worried about hitting your mark so much and consistency, take that average of yours into a PBA Expierience league, then you'll see how "accurate" you really are. No one with a 206-210 average on a THS hits there mark consistently, cause otherwise it would be in the 220's easy if you did because of the easyness of them.
480 rpms
Average 220+

Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 06, 2008, 10:56:56 AM
Im never worried about hitting my mark. All i have heard and seen is how 2 handers are very inconstited. All im saying. Seems like all ur worried about is average. Im very happy with my average this year and most of all how im throwing the ball. Just because you can write 220 plus doesnt mean anything to me. Just another BS bowler here trying to make a name for them self. Sticking up for 2 handers and a lefty im sorry for you.

right, because playing straight down and in you dont have to worry about hitting it, yea the revs are nice, but if I miss out Im on the nose, if I miss in Im on the nose, so yes to be good at 2 handed you have to be able to be consistent which according to the bowlers map session I had 2 years ago I am very consistent and within a board at the arrows every shot, and within 1-2 at the breakpoint. My average doesnt matter to me, winning is what matters to me and I do it well, as for making a name for myself, everyone in this entire valley where I live (around 40-50 miles) knows exactly who I am, I've already more than made a name for myself especially in this area. 90% of the people in the house you bowl at probably dont even know who you are because you just blend in with the rest of the low average strokers trying to get better. Sad really. As for sticking up for 2 handers, I AM ONE, if you would read you would learn that.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: roguetwo on December 06, 2008, 11:03:28 AM
Don't feed the troll can you argue this point with someone who can't even speak correctly.

My guess is he is all out of sorts because a 2 hander is throwing a beat down on him in his league lol...I love his logic of how all the 2 handers have is spray the ball all over the lanes and they will it just me or isn't that typical on a THS????? lol
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: fuel3331 on December 06, 2008, 11:13:11 AM
ucumin2 - I understand your thinking that bowling should be about hitting your mark consistently, but due to advances in the sport that basic rule-of-thumb has changed. Being successful is no longer about splitting boards each shot, it's about generating the most area on the lane where your ball can hit the pocket and strike. I'm not saying that's good or bad, just the way it is now. You hear Randy on the PBA finals all the time talking about how one of the guys seems to have more margin for error than his counterpart, and their usually the favorite for that particular match. This entire thread about how good/bad smart/stupid the 2-handed style is reminds me of Rick Barry shooting free throws. His "granny-style" looks absolutely ridiculous and totally unathletic, but even now he still stands as one of the five best free throw shooters in NBA history. He got it done in his sport looking different, 2-handers are getting in done in bowling looking different. Real bowling is a competitive venture just like any other sport. Whichever way produces the best results that's what you should go with.  

Thats my point right there. 2 handers can miss there mark and still score and that is good how. just because you can  strike doesnt mean ur good. That is 1 of the reasons i dont agree with 2 handed bowlers. The sport is about hitting ur mark and constituency. If you can miss and still score how is that making you a better bowler ?

The 2-handed style is becoming more popular because it takes full advantage of the new bowling equipment on the market. You never saw this 25 years ago because even with the increased revs 2-hands provide, the rubber, plastic, and urethane balls wouldn't recover when swinging out that far - clearly not the case now. People who are able to do it want too because it yeilds more strikes, even when compared to traditional 1-handed power players. I'm a high rev righty and can average 225-230 on a THS, but I know 2-handed guys that are not as accurate as me, but average hgiher because they simply generate more striking power with 2-hands. I understand your point about 2-handers not winning that many big time tournaments, but that's due to the style's life span - it has not been around that long. I see no reason a decade from now why their won't be fulltime touring pros who have the skill to make that style work.  

No whinning here just trying 2 figure out why people think this is the next big thing. Asking a question 2 someone who is bringing so light on situation unlike yourself just trying 2 piss someone off        

Dont see how you are able to change hand/wrist/finger positions. Reason i dont like it is because 2 ME its a joke.

As far as the spares your a good shooter but i was asking is there a rule out there about changing from 1 hand to 2 handed ? I just keep hearing how 2handers are very accurate with 2 hands but then why shoot spares with 1?

to piss you off so you can b!itch whine and moan a little more.

Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 06, 2008, 01:57:25 PM
Here it comes blah blah blah everyone knows who you are and your the best BS. Go choke some more 2 handed chump. Just another guy here with big online muscles and running at the mouth

Im never worried about hitting my mark. All i have heard and seen is how 2 handers are very inconstited. All im saying. Seems like all ur worried about is average. Im very happy with my average this year and most of all how im throwing the ball. Just because you can write 220 plus doesnt mean anything to me. Just another BS bowler here trying to make a name for them self. Sticking up for 2 handers and a lefty im sorry for you.

right, because playing straight down and in you dont have to worry about hitting it, yea the revs are nice, but if I miss out Im on the nose, if I miss in Im on the nose, so yes to be good at 2 handed you have to be able to be consistent which according to the bowlers map session I had 2 years ago I am very consistent and within a board at the arrows every shot, and within 1-2 at the breakpoint. My average doesnt matter to me, winning is what matters to me and I do it well, as for making a name for myself, everyone in this entire valley where I live (around 40-50 miles) knows exactly who I am, I've already more than made a name for myself especially in this area. 90% of the people in the house you bowl at probably dont even know who you are because you just blend in with the rest of the low average strokers trying to get better. Sad really. As for sticking up for 2 handers, I AM ONE, if you would read you would learn that.
480 rpms
Average 220+

Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Dan Belcher on December 06, 2008, 02:01:27 PM
The sport is about hitting ur mark and constituency., it's not.  Bowling is about knocking down pins.  Hitting your mark consistently certainly helps with that, but it's not THE goal.  The goal is to knock down more pins than your opponent!
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: ucumin2 on December 06, 2008, 02:04:08 PM
Thats all very understandable.  I agree with you as far as bowl which ever way you personally get best results but dont agree with 2 handed bowling being forced down everyones throat. Its like they think its the best and only way to do bowl anymore. I look at it this way just bring it and put ur money were ur mouth is. Just dont be like the only two 2 handers everyone can come up with and choke.

ucumin2 - I understand your thinking that bowling should be about hitting your mark consistently, but due to advances in the sport that basic rule-of-thumb has changed. Being successful is no longer about splitting boards each shot, it's about generating the most area on the lane where your ball can hit the pocket and strike. I'm not saying that's good or bad, just the way it is now. You hear Randy on the PBA finals all the time talking about how one of the guys seems to have more margin for error than his counterpart, and their usually the favorite for that particular match. This entire thread about how good/bad smart/stupid the 2-handed style is reminds me of Rick Barry shooting free throws. His "granny-style" looks absolutely ridiculous and totally unathletic, but even now he still stands as one of the five best free throw shooters in NBA history. He got it done in his sport looking different, 2-handers are getting in done in bowling looking different. Real bowling is a competitive venture just like any other sport. Whichever way produces the best results that's what you should go with.  

Thats my point right there. 2 handers can miss there mark and still score and that is good how. just because you can  strike doesnt mean ur good. That is 1 of the reasons i dont agree with 2 handed bowlers. The sport is about hitting ur mark and constituency. If you can miss and still score how is that making you a better bowler ?

The 2-handed style is becoming more popular because it takes full advantage of the new bowling equipment on the market. You never saw this 25 years ago because even with the increased revs 2-hands provide, the rubber, plastic, and urethane balls wouldn't recover when swinging out that far - clearly not the case now. People who are able to do it want too because it yeilds more strikes, even when compared to traditional 1-handed power players. I'm a high rev righty and can average 225-230 on a THS, but I know 2-handed guys that are not as accurate as me, but average hgiher because they simply generate more striking power with 2-hands. I understand your point about 2-handers not winning that many big time tournaments, but that's due to the style's life span - it has not been around that long. I see no reason a decade from now why their won't be fulltime touring pros who have the skill to make that style work.  

No whinning here just trying 2 figure out why people think this is the next big thing. Asking a question 2 someone who is bringing so light on situation unlike yourself just trying 2 piss someone off        

Dont see how you are able to change hand/wrist/finger positions. Reason i dont like it is because 2 ME its a joke.

As far as the spares your a good shooter but i was asking is there a rule out there about changing from 1 hand to 2 handed ? I just keep hearing how 2handers are very accurate with 2 hands but then why shoot spares with 1?

to piss you off so you can b!itch whine and moan a little more.

Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 06, 2008, 02:41:34 PM
Here it comes blah blah blah everyone knows who you are and your the best BS. Go choke some more 2 handed chump. Just another guy here with big online muscles and running at the mouth


No Im not FIGJAMing here, I've worked damn hard to make a name for myself around here, your the one that brought up the subject about being a nobody which I am not, especially around here. I'm not the best, but I'm in the top 5 around here and I am the best for my age, no one my age around here within 40 miles comes within 10 pins, but thats average, look at it this way when I bowled youth tournaments, I won 9 out of my first 9 then quit and joined mens leagues, they werent competitive. As for choking, I dont choke, there are no nerves with bowling, its a game and money is money, it comes and goes, theres no pressure with bowling. Maybe for you yea because guess what? 210 isnt winning against me EVER. So good luck. Honestly should have just stopped this conversation because Im talking to someone that thinks they know everything but blows at the game. I've been nice this whole time trying to explain things about it to you, but you've been a prick back and haven't listened to a thing I've said, so Im done with this subject. If you think your so good put your money where your mouth is, not over the internet with your big 210 average, a monkey can average 210 on a THS.
480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: strikealot on December 06, 2008, 02:57:37 PM
the day people quit using roboarms is the day we can have the debate about 2 handers...

~<:-0======"IN CG WE TRUST" i chant as i pray to the static weight God...======

Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 06, 2008, 06:26:57 PM

the day people quit using roboarms is the day we can have the debate about 2 handers...

~<:-0======"IN CG WE TRUST" i chant as i pray to the static weight God...======

480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: icewall on December 06, 2008, 07:23:42 PM

the day people quit using roboarms is the day we can have the debate about 2 handers...

~<:-0======"IN CG WE TRUST" i chant as i pray to the static weight God...======

480 rpms
Average 220+

giant wrist braces im assuming. such as the spring loaded ones.

I dont even understand why there is a debate over 2 handers? there is no one way to bowl and I dont think it gives them an advantage unless we are talking about purely the THS.

people like osku and belmo are obviously skilled bowlers and they would have been just as good bowling 1 handed. I say this because in any sport the people who truly have talent (belmo proved hes talented already) will be victorious... sure theres a little luck sometimes (especially in bowling) but thats a given.

I say let the two handers just bowl....

If theres one thing I could say I hate about bowling...       the whining!

ill make a suggestion. next time a 2 hander beats you or another bowler carry a kleenex to wipe the tears.

nuff said
Visionary Test Staff 08/09

all visionary this year

ogre ss
glad. pearl
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: strikealot on December 06, 2008, 07:28:30 PM

the day people quit using roboarms is the day we can have the debate about 2 handers...

~<:-0======"IN CG WE TRUST" i chant as i pray to the static weight God...======

480 rpms
Average 220+

giant wrist braces im assuming. such as the spring loaded ones.

I dont even understand why there is a debate over 2 handers? there is no one way to bowl and I dont think it gives them an advantage unless we are talking about purely the THS.

people like osku and belmo are obviously skilled bowlers and they would have been just as good bowling 1 handed. I say this because in any sport the people who truly have talent (belmo proved hes talented already) will be victorious... sure theres a little luck sometimes (especially in bowling) but thats a given.

I say let the two handers just bowl....

If theres one thing I could say I hate about bowling...       the whining!

ill make a suggestion. next time a 2 hander beats you or another bowler carry a kleenex to wipe the tears.

nuff said
Visionary Test Staff 08/09

all visionary this year

ogre ss
glad. pearl

yes that is what im talking about.....i have no prob with 2 handers....i saw one of the first to do this or the first i saw do this in 1991, chuck landy...he was amazing at this and if you score better this way, more power to you..

~<:-0======"IN CG WE TRUST" i chant as i pray to the static weight God...======

Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Maine Man on December 06, 2008, 07:34:49 PM
Two handers have taken left handers place as the "whipping boy" for the masses...
James Goulding
Moores Pro Shop
Ball Driller / Consultant
USBC Blogger
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: TWOHAND834 on December 06, 2008, 07:54:09 PM

You are entitled to your opinion and it is perfectly fine.  The game evolves about every 10-15 years.  In the 70s, you had the polyester age.  The 80s brought the urethanes.  The 90s brought you the reactive resin age.  Now, for the past 10+ years, you have the evolution of the 2 handed bowler.  There are people such as yourself that we consider traditionalists.  NOTHING wrong with that whatsoever.  You could not be any farther from teh truth, though, when you say that 2 handers have no sense of consistency/accuracy.  If that is the case, you would not have any of us on Team USA.  Osku would not have had a chance at the US Open several years ago (made the telecast with a field of several hundred).  I see 1 handed people spray the ball all over the place as well and average 200+.  Also, 2 handers can be versatile.  I have seen videos where Osku and Belmo are playing straight up 1st arrow as well as swinging gutter to gutter.  I have done it myself.  It can be done and all it takes is a couple vids from youtube to prove it. Your opinions are well noted and we understand.  However, your assessment of the 2 hander is WAYYY off.  You make it sound as though we are so much different than a 1 hander.  Fact is, that the release is 1 handed and the second hand stays on the ball for a longer period of time throughout the approach.  In reference to what is a joke, is someone who rants about something they know nothing about.  Is there an expert on the style that can say what the second hand really does (I'll wait a bit before I give my answer with my 12 years experience of doing it)?
Steven Vance
Pro Shop Operator

If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 06, 2008, 08:53:04 PM
Agreed!, I have been doing it for 13 years also.People dont understand it like we do when we talk about the adjustments we can make with the top hand too, been trying to explain it and I cant get it through.


You are entitled to your opinion and it is perfectly fine.  The game evolves about every 10-15 years.  In the 70s, you had the polyester age.  The 80s brought the urethanes.  The 90s brought you the reactive resin age.  Now, for the past 10+ years, you have the evolution of the 2 handed bowler.  There are people such as yourself that we consider traditionalists.  NOTHING wrong with that whatsoever.  You could not be any farther from teh truth, though, when you say that 2 handers have no sense of consistency/accuracy.  If that is the case, you would not have any of us on Team USA.  Osku would not have had a chance at the US Open several years ago (made the telecast with a field of several hundred).  I see 1 handed people spray the ball all over the place as well and average 200+.  Also, 2 handers can be versatile.  I have seen videos where Osku and Belmo are playing straight up 1st arrow as well as swinging gutter to gutter.  I have done it myself.  It can be done and all it takes is a couple vids from youtube to prove it. Your opinions are well noted and we understand.  However, your assessment of the 2 hander is WAYYY off.  You make it sound as though we are so much different than a 1 hander.  Fact is, that the release is 1 handed and the second hand stays on the ball for a longer period of time throughout the approach.  In reference to what is a joke, is someone who rants about something they know nothing about.  Is there an expert on the style that can say what the second hand really does (I'll wait a bit before I give my answer with my 12 years experience of doing it)?
Steven Vance
Pro Shop Operator

If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!

480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: strikecing on December 06, 2008, 09:11:25 PM
Putting two handed bowling up there with two finger bowling!!! Works great on house shot and some sport shots but when it comes down to it put three fingers in the ball hold it with one handed and throw that red ball up five like the greats do!!!
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 06, 2008, 09:51:15 PM
I put all 3 fingers in the ball and can play up 5 on just about anything, I dont get where people get it in there head that we can only crank the snot out of the ball. For the bad 2 handers thats all they can do, for the good ones that know there game and have been doing it a long time, we can adjust as good if not better than anyone and can play anywhere on the lanes with consistancy. We can adjust everything a 1 hander can and more because of being able to adjust with the top hand also, its a lot easier to generate a higher speed to play straighter too with the second hand. And that great your talking about (WRW Jr) is practicing bowling 2 handed so that he can make the ball hook more in the heavier oil tournaments.(Its in this months US Bowler in the article about Belmo), so your "great" is doing it too.
Putting two handed bowling up there with two finger bowling!!! Works great on house shot and some sport shots but when it comes down to it put three fingers in the ball hold it with one handed and throw that red ball up five like the greats do!!!

480 rpms
Average 220+
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: Maine Man on December 06, 2008, 09:58:14 PM
JD74, I am not trying to tell you what to do, but if I were you just let the haters continue to hate.  I think you are wasting time trying to convince those who are against two handed bowling, as they are not going to change their mind anyway, no matter how logical you break it down for them.  Also, many of those who hate on the two handers do so partly just to get a reaction out of you, so just ignore them and do the talking with your ball, so to speak.  

I am a traditional single handed lefty, and I am glad to see the two handers rise to prominence.  I think it adds a new dimension to the game, and shows that there is just another way to attack the lanes and be successful.  I wish you continued success, and hope to see you around sometime.  Take care.
James Goulding
Moores Pro Shop
Ball Driller / Consultant
USBC Blogger
Title: Re: 2 handers
Post by: JD74 on December 06, 2008, 10:55:58 PM
Thank You for the kind words Maine and it would be a pleasure to bowl with you so I hope to meet you around some day too. Like you said I am getting nowhere with all of this so I am done with the subject, if anyone needs any help with the 2 handed technique feel free to PM me and I will give advice on it.
JD74, I am not trying to tell you what to do, but if I were you just let the haters continue to hate.  I think you are wasting time trying to convince those who are against two handed bowling, as they are not going to change their mind anyway, no matter how logical you break it down for them.  Also, many of those who hate on the two handers do so partly just to get a reaction out of you, so just ignore them and do the talking with your ball, so to speak.  

I am a traditional single handed lefty, and I am glad to see the two handers rise to prominence.  I think it adds a new dimension to the game, and shows that there is just another way to attack the lanes and be successful.  I wish you continued success, and hope to see you around sometime.  Take care.
James Goulding
Moores Pro Shop
Ball Driller / Consultant
USBC Blogger

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