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Author Topic: and you wonder why bowling is in trouble....  (Read 7651 times)


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and you wonder why bowling is in trouble....
« on: March 12, 2007, 03:24:59 AM »
So very depressing...  I'm sure this topic has been beaten silly, but it hits when you actually become a witness to the sadness.

In a league, many of the bowlers were complaining the shot was too easy.  Many were tired of bowling 250+ and not winning any money (i.e. pots, brackets etc.)  So, the owner changed the oil pattern to something quite challenging.  Now that the shot has changed, many are still complaining that it's too difficult and have already threatened to quit.  With that in mind, the owner will more than likely dissolve the league at the end of the season and fill the spot with OPEN BOWLING.

I already know of another center who after this season will close leagues on Friday and Saturdays because it generates more money from open bowling, parties etc.

How can this (if any way possible) be corrected?  sure you introduce PBA Experience leagues, but the average 'house-hacks' aren't interested in participating.  With this in mind, how can a 'house-hack' justify his discontent with tougher/challenging conditions, yet spend his money participating in a tournament (i.e. Nationals, Hoinke, etc.) where not only the shot, but the competition can be just as challenging?  Logic seems a bit fuzzy.

What sayeth you?
Proud member of the Track Revolution - EMERITUS & Hitman

"Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open!"


Eddie M

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Re: and you wonder why bowling is in trouble....
« Reply #46 on: March 13, 2007, 11:30:03 PM »

If difficulty made people excited, basketball would see dunks and shots in the box banned, and beyond the arc would be one point, and half court and farther would be where people wanted to shoot.

You realize that over the years the NBA has done things to make the game more challenging.... right..... right..... RIGHT??  Stricter rules, wider lane, pushing back the 3 point line.  Rule changes are not uncommon in the major sports.  The NBA managed to transform itself from a fringe tier 1 sport, to one of the top 2 major sports in the country.  The USBC would be well server to take action as the NBA did to point the game in a different direction.  

Baseball players would be given popsicle sticks, and the ball would be thrown by machines that can go up to 150mph with massive curves.  But why not?  Because difficulty doesn't get people intrested, non-repetitive action with quick results does.

Major League Baseball is basicly unchanged over the last 100+ years.  Bats, balls, and the fields are more or less the same.  Records that were set 25, 50, 75 years ago still stand.  The only surge in the game, and period of many broken records, occurred due to the rampant use of steroids in that era.  The MLB hasn't introduced new balls that curve more when pitched, or bats that swing themselves.  Bowling has changed so much over the last 100 years, it barely resembles the game it used to be.  Hell it barely resembles the game it was 10 years ago.
Right Handed
Motiv Venom Shock, Motiv Freestyle, Storm Mix
avg: 221 - hg: 300 x7

Left Handed
Storm Street Fight, Storm Mix
avg: 180


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Re: and you wonder why bowling is in trouble....
« Reply #47 on: March 13, 2007, 11:33:05 PM »
Funny, I've a friend whose mentality says it all.  He states....'I wouldn't bowl in a league where the shot is tough.  Why waste my money on the frustration. Give me an easy shot and I'm happy.  Most league members aren't only frustrated with the low scoring conditions,but can't justify paying increasing dues year after year to subject themselves to the madness.'

You factor in the increasing costs (here in NY, dues range from 25-30 per night on the avg.), difficult scoring conditions and conceited,self worshiping, egomaniacs... well, there is your QUITTER!  Yet, this very same individual will spend money at a tournament yet won't venture beyond his local house when it come to leagues.

In all honesty, many people don't really take bowling seriously.  in other words, trying to overcome conditions isn't the challenge,but the case of becoming 'one of the respected' amongst locals is the hilight of their accomplishments.

I also know of many who are mega-talented yet lack drive because it's too easy for them. They're respected because of their abilities, but lack respect for the game.

I remember when I first started bowling.  It seemed like I was going to be stuck at 150 avg. forever.  Sorta like you felt when you reached a certain height and felt like you stopped growning  Anyways, I practiced and practiced.  Even taped Pro Bowlers Tour that aired on TV Saturdays.  After watching the telecast, I'd always grab my stuff and run to the lanes.

Just how many people share the same enthusiasm about the game today?  I think they are few and far between.  The 'machismo' factor will always exist and will always cause a divide where higher avg. bowlers think they're too good to be associated with lower average bowlers.  I didn't 'seek' to belong, but had some 'old school' bowlers help me out here and there.  Now it's every bowler for himself, 'F' everyone else! Totally demoralizing...

Sorry for the rant....
Proud member of the Track Revolution - EMERITUS & Hitman

"Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open!"

Edited on 3/14/2007 11:36 AM


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Re: and you wonder why bowling is in trouble....
« Reply #48 on: March 13, 2007, 11:50:38 PM »
Funny, I've a friend whose mentality says it all.  He states....'I wouldn't bowl in a league where the shot is tough.  Why waste my money on the frustration. Give me an easy shot and I'm happy.  Most league members aren't only frustrated with the low scoring conditions,but can't justify paying increasing dues year after year to subject themselves to the madness.'

You factor in the increasing costs (here in NY, dues range from 25-30 per night on the avg.), difficult scoring conditions and conceited,self worshiping, egomaniacs... well, there is your QUITTER!  Yet, this very same individual will spend money at a tournament yet won't venture beyond his local house when it come to leagues.

In all honesty, many people don't really take bowling seriously.  in other words, trying to overcome conditions isn't the challenge,but the case of becoming 'one of the respected' amongst locals is the hilight of their accomplishments.

I also know of many who are mega-talented yet lack drive because it's too easy for them. They're respected because of their abilities, but lack respect for the game.

I remember when I first started bowling.  It seemed like I was going to be stuck at 150 avg. forever.  Sorta like you felt when you reached a certain height and felt like you stopped growning  Anyways, I practiced and practiced.  Even taped Pro Bowlers Tour that aired on TV Saturdays.  After watching the telecast, I'd always grab my stuff and run to the lanes.

Just how many people share the same enthusiasm about the game today?  I think they are few and far between.  The 'machismo' factor will always exist and will always cause a divide.  Totally demoralizing...

Sorry for the rant....
Proud member of the Track Revolution - EMERITUS & Hitman

"Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open!"

I believe I am one of those "few and far in between" people.  I used to average 130-140.  Now I average 200+ and now my goal is to improve my tournament game.  I will go out of my way to make my wrist stronger and may even change my form completely if I have to in order to get better.  PBA leagues - bring it on.  A 200 game in the PBA leagues is very special, unlike 200 games are in THS leagues.
Current Arsenal
Storm X-Factor Vertigo
Hammer Black Widow
Lane #1 Cobalt Bomb Solid
Storm Trauma ER
Storm Recharge
Ebonite Vortex Afterburner
Columbia 300 Messenger Ti
Storm Hit Blue Pearl
Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
Total Season Average: 203.707
2007 Year Average: 209.467
2007 Tournament Average: 150.333
The Vertigo is the best ball Storm ever made.  Find one if you can.
I might have the strongest drilled Black Widow in history.
Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

Currently Retired from Bowling