
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Belgarion on September 07, 2003, 07:19:12 AM

Title: Better on fresh...roll or snap?
Post by: Belgarion on September 07, 2003, 07:19:12 AM
Just an opinion poll here.  What do you guys prefer on a fairly normal houseshot?  Lets say 37'-40' medium-medium heavy oil with no OB.

I used to be a big fan of skid/snap.  The harder the angle the more I liked it.  But the more I bowl, I am starting to like some of these earlier revving and rolling balls.  The shot I bowl on usually doesn't seem to like skid/snap.  It is too hard to get it to the breakpoint consistently thus causing tons of Over/Under.

So I think my goto balls from now on are going to be solids, and my pearls come out as some carrydown hits and as the heads burn up.

What does everyone else like?
Title: Re: Better on fresh...roll or snap?
Post by: lane1lefty on September 07, 2003, 10:23:55 PM
i prefer the solids too, much more read. i'll take my blueberry saw and my recently drilled black cherry bomb over any pearl.
Title: Re: Better on fresh...roll or snap?
Post by: Bjaardker on September 07, 2003, 10:28:02 PM
I dont get the opportunity to bowl on a typical house shot very often.

When I do I find my Voodoo to be nice, it's skid/snap like, but with the surface I have on it I don't have trouble getting it to roll.
Title: Re: Better on fresh...roll or snap?
Post by: 230-n-up-or-bust on September 07, 2003, 10:38:48 PM
Depends on how "on" I mght be that particular night.  You know what I mean.  The kind of night where you could place three dimes on the lane at various distances from the approach and hit all three of them frequently.  THen, I'd love to have the angry hitting power of a skid/snap ball.  However, for the remaining 87% of the time when I can't hit the side of a barn from ten feet with a shotgun, those solid, smooth rolling balls seem to work the best.  And, I don't seem to leave a lot of 10 pins to boot!
I may not have a ton of hand, but I've got 1500 pounds of fingers.
Title: Re: Better on fresh...roll or snap?
Post by: charlest on September 07, 2003, 10:44:43 PM
I love the look and feel of even rolling, smooth balls, BUT I alwasy score higher with skid/flip balls. You figure it out. I sure as heck can't.
"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."