
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: ITZPS on June 01, 2017, 12:42:12 PM

Title: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: ITZPS on June 01, 2017, 12:42:12 PM
Possibly even the entire "sport?"  As soon as I remembered bowling was supposed to be fun, my perspective changed.  I used to aspire to be like the custom jersey wearing dozen ball toting snobs for some reason, I guess it can be seen as a mark of success or "arriving."  What I found out though is that competitive bowlers, or the vast majority of them are like this, and the average bowler doesn't like that.  How much does it suck to go to a tournament and find out you're either on a pair with or bowling next to a team full of matching custom jerseys and KT tape and each bringing in 12 balls?  You know you're going to have to accommodate all their quirks, decipher how many lanes of courtesy to give, figure out how they want the balls arranged in the bowlers area, figure out where you can and can't put your towel, etc.  These elitists are everywhere, and now with high school bowling and collegiate bowling becoming bigger, the uppity snobs are being groomed at a younger age.  It's funny to listen to a 15 year old dog on handicap and complain about their fellow teens and how everything should just be scratch and people should just get better or deal with losing all the time, but at the same time wondering why their little "youth masters" tournaments don't have more entries.

The average bowler doesn't like competitive bowlers, and the competitive bowlers I believe are driving off the very crowd they're trying to obtain.  They keep whining about the decline of bowling and the sorry prize funds, but don't seem to realize that they condescend to, intimidate, criticize, and just flat turn off all those that would possibly be their peers with some coaching and practice.  Nobody wants to turn on the tv and see a bunch of uppity douchebags throwing fits or with all these weird and or showy habits or routines or being "sport pattern snobs" (or the holding your arm out to the side thing some of these college girls are doing which drives me insane).  I think competitive bowlers are actually contributing to or causing the decline of their own brand. 
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: milorafferty on June 01, 2017, 12:51:31 PM
I've found a perfect solution to being confronted by these so called "competitive" bowlers who are so full of themselves and think everyone should cater to their wishes.

Just a single reply of "Kiss my ass" is usually sufficient to let them know you aren't playing their game. And as a side benefit, the look on their face is usually hilarious.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: Impending Doom on June 01, 2017, 01:06:17 PM
There needs to be a clear cut line in the sand between the sport and the game. There's not.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: morpheus on June 01, 2017, 01:07:05 PM
"A Future for the Sport" is the only thing that matters...
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: lilpossum1 on June 01, 2017, 01:30:06 PM
Miro, another quality post! That would be exactly my reply! I don't have to put up with that crap, so I refuse to put up with it.
Luke, I remember somebody a year and a half or two years ago said they were open bowling next to a group of kids and it reminded him how bowling was for all of us when we first started. That post hit me hard and I have tried to get back to being that same person. I still take the game seriously, but the only time I am serious throughout the night is as soon as my foot touches the approach. Right after I step off, I start having fun with everyone again. Life is too short to be a dick over a game. Especially one we all supposedly love
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: BeerLeague on June 01, 2017, 02:16:56 PM
This is exactly why I am returning to "beer league" bowling with my buddies and giving up the sport league I have been bowling in for the past 15 years.

2 lanes courtesy, people complaining if you move on top of them, people complaining about ball surfaces or urethane .. or whatever.  I'm done.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: rocky61201 on June 01, 2017, 02:59:56 PM
As I read this I did a little self reflection. Is this what I've become???? 

Nah, but I do have a nice Storm 4 ball roller.  And I'll never wear matching jersey's and my teammates better not try it either. 

This post makes me remember that line from the movie kingpin, "lt's kind of intimidating to be in the presence of so many great athletes."

Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: leftybowler70 on June 01, 2017, 03:13:20 PM
Sadly, this is experienced alot and it does contribute to the decline of the very bowlers' that we need to grow this dying sport.  :(
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: 2handedrook12 on June 01, 2017, 04:44:08 PM
I've found a perfect solution to being confronted by these so called "competitive" bowlers who are so full of themselves and think everyone should cater to their wishes.

Just a single reply of "Kiss my ass" is usually sufficient to let them know you aren't playing their game. And as a side benefit, the look on their face is usually hilarious.
That reply made my day!


 You bring up a very interesting point and I think it has merit to it. Growing up a part of this generation definitely comes off like the survival of the fittest. The top guns shun those beneath them and it causes some to either aspire as you daid you started to do or just come to the conclusion that they cannot be good enough and care less or none about the sport (or game for that matter). When I watched the PBA growing up, I wanted to be just like them. Growing up competing against others of this nature didn't help and the spiral continued as I bowled in high school and college now. It's truly crazy how fast bowlers turn on the casual base as if we came out of the wound competitive bowlers.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: billdozer on June 01, 2017, 04:48:43 PM
U had me at ....

"next to a team full of matching custom jerseys and KT tape and each bringing in 12 balls?"
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: itsallaboutme on June 01, 2017, 04:57:27 PM
You coulda just stopped at if you own a jersey...with your name on it...and where it to league.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: billdozer on June 01, 2017, 05:08:02 PM
You coulda just stopped at if you own a jersey...with your name on it...and where it to league.

I wear jerseys cuz I like the feel and length. But I don't with my name on it!! Hahaha
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: itsallaboutme on June 01, 2017, 05:12:08 PM
Did you pay for a jersey with a ball company logo on it?
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: Impending Doom on June 01, 2017, 05:28:46 PM
This whole thread is me, and I even bedazzle my Griips glove for extra #swag.

I've bought ball company shirts. I don't give a flip. I've worn my 900 Global stuff everywhere. Work, outings, whatever. I don't have my name on the back of all of them. Only have 2 for tournament use if need be. I'll wear those while drinking so when I'm blacked out, they know my name and they're not like "HEY GUY!"
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: milorafferty on June 01, 2017, 05:42:03 PM
I don't see where wearing a ball company(or shoes, inserts, bags etc.) jersey is relevant to some "wanna be" acting like a tool. Although I do admit to giving that person wearing the gear a bit of a closer look.

And no, I don't wear a logo jersey to bowl.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: BallReviews-Removed0385 on June 01, 2017, 05:50:05 PM
Interesting comments here. 

I know for 100% certainty:

1- That no one is there to watch me, unless they want to see a very "human" bowler,
2- That I am not going to league so that I can watch in awe of another house hack,
3- That I am going to have fun, whether I score well or not.

As long as I remember these things I will continue to enjoy bowling.

P.S.  Although I own shirts and a few jerseys, not one has my name on it.  I've just never wanted that type of thing, and it's counterproductive to my being in the witness protection program. ;)

Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: itsallaboutme on June 01, 2017, 05:57:15 PM
Paying for a jersey with a logo and pimpin' cause you get free stuff are two entirely different things.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: Impending Doom on June 01, 2017, 06:02:58 PM
I want free stuff!!
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: itsallaboutme on June 01, 2017, 06:08:28 PM
Everybody wants free stuff, and way too many people think they deserve free stuff.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: avabob on June 01, 2017, 06:41:52 PM
I have been a scratch bowler for over 50 years.  Seems to me you are stereotyping competitive bowlers with a pretty broad brush. Are there bowlers out there who fit your description?  Of course , but for every guy like that I can name 10 who are downright humble about their ability and are glad to help anyone who shows an interest in improving.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: milorafferty on June 01, 2017, 07:06:34 PM
I have been a scratch bowler for over 50 years.  Seems to me you are stereotyping competitive bowlers with a pretty broad brush. Are there bowlers out there who fit your description?  Of course , but for every guy like that I can name 10 who are downright humble about their ability and are glad to help anyone who shows an interest in improving.

True, but I don't think Luke is including every competitive bowler in the group, just the ones who act like tools. And we all know some of those.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: Impending Doom on June 01, 2017, 07:14:26 PM
I have been a scratch bowler for over 50 years.  Seems to me you are stereotyping competitive bowlers with a pretty broad brush. Are there bowlers out there who fit your description?  Of course , but for every guy like that I can name 10 who are downright humble about their ability and are glad to help anyone who shows an interest in improving.

True, but I don't think Luke is including every competitive bowler in the group, just the ones who act like tools. And we all know some of those.

I resemble that remark.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: milorafferty on June 01, 2017, 07:21:57 PM
I have been a scratch bowler for over 50 years.  Seems to me you are stereotyping competitive bowlers with a pretty broad brush. Are there bowlers out there who fit your description?  Of course , but for every guy like that I can name 10 who are downright humble about their ability and are glad to help anyone who shows an interest in improving.

True, but I don't think Luke is including every competitive bowler in the group, just the ones who act like tools. And we all know some of those.

I resemble that remark.

After a few too many Elijah Craig's, me too.
Well, maybe after just a couple.
Okay, after just one.
Okay, okay, I admit it, I'm a tool. I blame the Russians...and James Comey  ;D
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: ignitebowling on June 01, 2017, 07:43:44 PM
There is plenty of truths to this with competitive and wanna be competitive bowlers.

The broader truth is many league bowlers are the bigger problem. They complain a lot. They don't invite people to bowl. In many cases they scare off new league bowlers from returning. There's plenty examples of this to be found on here and other bowling forums.

Bowling is fun…… many bowlers are miserable people. (When bowling)
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: mainzer on June 01, 2017, 09:07:27 PM
I am also contrary to the OPs point. Though I will agree that some of the Elitists take it a bit far...

But IMO the bigger issue with Bowling is the largest percentage. The once or twice a week hack. Nothing can ever be enough for them. When the conditions are​ easy and scores are high "the shot is to easy" put that same guy on a even slightly tougher condition and it is "this ridiculous I can't average high enough" blah blah blah.

They think they understand but they don't, so worried about a average and then needing to stroke the ego and shot that average and if they don't piss and moan and blame it on the conditions while ignoring the fact that they don't know much about Bowling.

Not trying to sound like a ass just commenting on what I see and hear.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: avabob on June 01, 2017, 09:16:06 PM
Certainly a few "tools"out there but in my experience I find them at every average level with no particular group having s monopoly
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: Juggernaut on June 01, 2017, 09:17:18 PM
 I honestly have to say, I've been the "tool" guy before, and when you are, you don't realize that's what you are.

 At some point, I came to my senses though, and came to realize bowling was no longer the fun thing it used to be. It was a very serious thing, more like having a job than having a good time doing something I liked. At this point, bowling pretty much sucked for me, and I probably made it suck for quite a few others. I was real good, but also a real big a**hat as well.

 Then, one day, I got tired. Tired of all the work, tired of all the practice, but mostly tired of all the other a**hats I had to deal with, and that's when I realized I had become one as well.

 My attitude changed after that. The name shirts I had, that I had been so proud of, became goodwill donations. The closet full of old bowling balls became donations to the junior league bowlers here, and I pared down what I carried to league with me to a 3 ball roller.

 In the ensuing ten years since, I have fallen back in love with bowling again. No, I'm not nearly as good as I was when I was bowling 50-75 games a week, but now bowling is fun again. I bowl one league a week, practice every once in a while, and look forward to getting to go.

 And, just like the ex smoker who now hates cigarettes, I now detest "elite" bowlers who drag in two six ball rollers, flash their logo jerseys, and point out scoring errors made 5 lanes away from them, all on a supposed "fun only" league, all in the name of the "sport".

 I lost sight of why I started bowling to begin with. It became something bigger in my mind than it actually was, and I got caught up in the show. I thought I was really somebody. 🙄
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: HackJandy on June 01, 2017, 09:21:45 PM
>who drag in two six ball rollers

Wow I want to go grab my back brace and capsaicin patches even thinking about that world of pain.  Hell I am seriously thinking of dropping down from three to two balls at least for a lot of the open bowling I have been up to lately.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: ksucat on June 02, 2017, 11:41:05 AM
Oooh oooh oooh, don't forget the guy who wears his honor score rings on every finger.  I tried to warn a friend that this was too showy, but he wanted to make a statement.  Another friend was checking him in for a tournament and started laughing his butt off.  There's always a bigger fish.

My kids and their friends were discussing making a league minimum average of 180 in their competitive scholarship league.  They complained about giving too much handicap even though their team was high average and leading the league.  I calmly asked them to find all the 180 average bowlers in the league and add up how many teams would be left.  Instead of a 14-16 team league, they would have less than 4 teams.  Not much prize money.

I found myself staring into my trunk before a tournament thinking I'm going to have to make 2 trips to get all the balls in.  Wanted to kick my own butt.  Bad thing is that I've had that "magic ball" match-up before that makes me think if I only have the right tool, I can win. 

I will tell you that picking "only" 5 balls for the kids Junior Gold tournament is way harder than I initially thought.  Even typing that sounds crazy, challenging patterns really show what these balls can do. 
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: Helluvahobbybowler on June 02, 2017, 11:50:41 AM
This is the best post ever.  I love bowling.  I grew up watching my Dad and frankly I compete against him and the lanes.  I take the good with the bad days.  I was even hesitant to post an honor score because I didn't want to be viewed as a bowling snob.  It got so bad one day I told someone "Don't let bowling get your ass kicked"
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: Kegler300800 on June 02, 2017, 11:54:56 AM
I have worn a logo'd shirt or jersey to league bowling, open bowling and tournament bowling for over 30 years and will continue to do so. In fact, I never go bowling without a bowling shirt/jersey on. I'm a proud bowler and it's what I do.

Golfer's don't hesitate to always wear golf shirts and no one says anything.

I also wear my collared bowling shirts to work when I am going bowling that night. No need to dirty up 2 shirts in one day.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: milorafferty on June 02, 2017, 12:12:29 PM
How is it that several of us seem to miss this part;

"... accommodate all their quirks, decipher how many lanes of courtesy to give, figure out how they want the balls arranged in the bowlers area, figure out where you can and can't put your towel, etc.  These elitists are everywhere, and now with high school bowling and collegiate bowling becoming bigger, the uppity snobs are being groomed at a younger age..."

Luke didn't say if you wore a jersey with your name on it, you were a tool. Nor did he say if you brought "two six ball rollers" every week to league that you were a tool. So stop being offended, unless of course, you are the tool, then by all means, be offended. Just don't expect the rest of us to care if you are offended.  ;D

Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: itsallaboutme on June 02, 2017, 12:33:48 PM
I play golf 4 or 5 times a week and I have yet to play with anyone that paid for a special shirt to be made with Titleist or TaylorMade plastered across the chest in 4" letters.

The only thing goofier than when the PBA guys starting wearing the jerseys is when people starting buying them and wearing them to league.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: HackJandy on June 02, 2017, 12:46:23 PM
I am actually much more likely to wear a golf type shirt (not with brand names though) bowling than ever purchasing a jersey.   Not a preppy but got in habit of wearing comfortable collared shirts for work in the past and now even prefer them often to my tshirts (which I now wear to work too).  Hammer did have that free giveaway for their jersey's with the Gauntlet.  Almost bought that ball but decided to get a Lane #1 SB instead.  If I got jersey as a thrown in not sure if I would have worn it or not.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: Brandon Riley on June 02, 2017, 12:57:58 PM
I feel like its less about the shirt/bowling balls and more about the attitude.  The "elite" bowlers need to understand that by being welcoming to the weekend warriors (who realistically have but a marginal chance of winning) means bigger leagues, bigger tournaments and better prize funds.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: LookingForALeftyWall on June 02, 2017, 01:19:41 PM
I like to support the bowling industry but I don't want to feel like a walking billboard.  I wear this shirt from time to time to stay somewhat within those parameters:


I do on occasion bowl tournaments that require a shirt with the name on the back, so I've got a polo for that.  I haven't gotten a jersey yet.  If I did get one, it would probably be plain black with no company logos.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: rackattack on June 02, 2017, 05:41:53 PM
I prefer the look you describe to the over sized wife  beater and shorts by Omar currently being sported on the lanes. I don't care how much equipment you bring as long as there is a clear path to the lanes. I was given a jacket with my name and award scores embroidered on it. I like it and I earned it so I wear it. Lane courtesy is nice but if you can't wait feel free to walk the approach with me.Just be consistant or I'll wonder where you are. Some guys wear tape some tattoos so what.Every sport has d bags be glad the ones that bother you wear bright shirts so they're easy to spot.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: ITZPS on June 02, 2017, 07:36:24 PM
Lots of good points and replies here.  Yeah, I was pointing at more the guys who have a whole team with specially designed or custom jerseys and their million balls and all that nonsense that are trying to be serious.  I also know a lot of guys who are outstanding that don't walk around with their chests puffed out.  I have to wear something with my affiliations displayed (as it's been pointed out, if you're still paying for stuff, even if it's not much, are you really a "staffer?") when I'm in a bowling center, it's part of my contract, but I'm very conscious and aware of the looks I get and how it seems up front to people.  Once I talk to them a bit or banter with them, then they relax and most of the time I get the, "I was just worried I was going to lane jump you and piss you off or mess up your line or something."  Yeah, I've got a couple jerseys, and they're comfortable to wear, but they're just stock jerseys off the website that anyone can order.  I also have a team of guys that are getting matching jerseys, but based on an inside joke, they're going to be the most obnoxious pink Hello Kitty jerseys you've ever seen.  I've seen some people with fun or funny jerseys, and those aren't the people that end up being ass hats. 

But watching these college tournaments, and the guys at the OC that are half a game behind the entire squad because they've been doing PBA courtesy the whole time, these are the people the general community doesn't like, and yeah there are douchers at every average level, but it's really only the upper elite that are talking about saving bowling and how bad things are and how participation is down and everything, yet they're the ones crying about handicap and ridiculing people and putting them down and being super pissy about lane courtesy and all this stuff.  Nobody wants to be around all that, and I've heard several people say that if that's what being good looks like, they want nothing to do with it.  I've wanted to go to a lot of bigger events, but I just don't want to put up with all that crap, and I think a lot of people feel the same way.  Thanks for all the opinions, I'm likely going to make a beer frame video about this and wanted to get some different thoughts and perspectives, lots of good stuff here on both sides. 
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: northface28 on June 02, 2017, 07:57:43 PM
I play golf 4 or 5 times a week and I have yet to play with anyone that paid for a special shirt to be made with Titleist or TaylorMade plastered across the chest in 4" letters.

The only thing goofier than when the PBA guys starting wearing the jerseys is when people starting buying them and wearing them to league.

People are stupid. Its really uncanny.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: HackJandy on June 04, 2017, 11:16:45 AM
I play golf 4 or 5 times a week and I have yet to play with anyone that paid for a special shirt to be made with Titleist or TaylorMade plastered across the chest in 4" letters.

The only thing goofier than when the PBA guys starting wearing the jerseys is when people starting buying them and wearing them to league.

People are stupid. Its really uncanny.

As dumb as individuals are it takes a group and the whole none of us are as dumb as all of us to elevate to the next level of stupid.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: fredmassie on June 04, 2017, 12:25:47 PM
I have been bowling since 1959 & love the sport. all I heard from most of you is nonconformist drivel.if you dont like the rules that apply get the f**k away from the game. to me most of you sound like the losers from our last election. grow up buttercups. just my 2 cents worth.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: Juggernaut on June 04, 2017, 01:21:12 PM
I have been bowling since 1959 & love the sport. all I heard from most of you is nonconformist drivel.if you dont like the rules that apply get the f**k away from the game. to me most of you sound like the losers from our last election. grow up buttercups. just my 2 cents worth.

 C'mon Fred, stop holding back. Tell us how you really feel..............😉
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: 2handedrook12 on June 04, 2017, 01:47:26 PM
How is it that several of us seem to miss this part;

"... accommodate all their quirks, decipher how many lanes of courtesy to give, figure out how they want the balls arranged in the bowlers area, figure out where you can and can't put your towel, etc.  These elitists are everywhere, and now with high school bowling and collegiate bowling becoming bigger, the uppity snobs are being groomed at a younger age..."

Luke didn't say if you wore a jersey with your name on it, you were a tool. Nor did he say if you brought "two six ball rollers" every week to league that you were a tool. So stop being offended, unless of course, you are the tool, then by all means, be offended. Just don't expect the rest of us to care if you are offended.  ;D
I agree. I think it's more about the attitude. Might be hard to imagibe if you're not around it as much. And for that matter, consider yourselves better off!
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: HackJandy on June 04, 2017, 05:44:32 PM
Matching jerseys you say?

Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: HackJandy on June 04, 2017, 05:47:20 PM
More my style (minus goofy ribbon).

Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: Steven on June 04, 2017, 06:31:12 PM
I have been a scratch bowler for over 50 years.  Seems to me you are stereotyping competitive bowlers with a pretty broad brush. Are there bowlers out there who fit your description?  Of course , but for every guy like that I can name 10 who are downright humble about their ability and are glad to help anyone who shows an interest in improving.

Agreed. I bowl in 2 scratch leagues and have for many years, and I don't see the behavior discussed in the OP as usual. I see this group as being more humble overall than those you'd find in a typical handicap league. Most competitive bowlers venture out to do higher level  tournaments, and they quickly become acutely aware of their limitations.
Like any other setting, you have a few jerks, but that's life in general.
I just got back from bowling a PBA50 tournament in Las Vegas, and the guys participating overall were great to be around. I'm not disputing what Luke described, but I just don't see it as the norm. I'm glad I'm not bowling in his neck of the woods.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: ITZPS on June 04, 2017, 10:30:27 PM
That's good and rather refreshing information, I'm in a real hot bed for egos apparently.  Again, I DO know great bowlers that are great people, but maybe it seems like it's worse than it really is . . don't really notice the nice people because they aren't making waves, but the elitists are ass enough for 10 people. 

I have been a scratch bowler for over 50 years.  Seems to me you are stereotyping competitive bowlers with a pretty broad brush. Are there bowlers out there who fit your description?  Of course , but for every guy like that I can name 10 who are downright humble about their ability and are glad to help anyone who shows an interest in improving.

Agreed. I bowl in 2 scratch leagues and have for many years, and I don't see the behavior discussed in the OP as usual. I see this group as being more humble overall than those you'd find in a typical handicap league. Most competitive bowlers venture out to do higher level  tournaments, and they quickly become acutely aware of their limitations.
Like any other setting, you have a few jerks, but that's life in general.
I just got back from bowling a PBA50 tournament in Las Vegas, and the guys participating overall were great to be around. I'm not disputing what Luke described, but I just don't see it as the norm. I'm glad I'm not bowling in his neck of the woods.
Title: Re: Competitive bowling cannibalizing itself?
Post by: Pinbuster on June 05, 2017, 10:58:25 AM
Around here most of the bowlers who are really good and know they are good, are just regular bowlers and very approachable.

Most of the tools are the ones who are just entering the elite ranks or are bowlers who never really reached the top levels but want everyone to think they are special.

Not all are this way in fact maybe less than 10% are but they look pretty foolish to me.