
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: _Stroker_Walter_ on March 17, 2006, 02:46:55 PM

Title: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: _Stroker_Walter_ on March 17, 2006, 02:46:55 PM
The past few weeks I have been really struggling and hurting during league play. I have a hard time even meeting my average and the 200+ scoring games are very rare now. My release has gotten worse and now I track over the thumbhole in every single ball I throw. I get inconsistent reactions just because of it so there is no need to buy any more balls until I correct this problem. I'm very close to a full roller.

If I get a full roller layout, will the ball still hit the thumbhole? I used to just clip the thumbhole, but now I roll loudly over it every single time. I want lessons, but I need a patient and knowledgeable coach. I'm tired of asking for help and getting an attitude like I am doomed and ain't worthy of their time.

I feel I really messed something up with my release. It never used to be this way. Everything is going downhill. I tried to improve my release but I just made it worse. My form isn't the best thing to look at and I won't dare videotape it and post it. Basically , I'm a total clutz. I'm not graceful, and I'm not a gymnyst. I've just about had it.
Currently for sale:
X-Factor Vertigo 16lbs, one drill, <50 games.
Triple X-Factor 16lbs, one drill, <50 games
Columbia Wild 16lbs, one drill, <30 games

Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: Speedburner89 on March 17, 2006, 10:57:23 PM
the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem...
Don't trust the moustache
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: VAbowler on March 17, 2006, 11:06:33 PM
i feel your pain, seems like it just gets worse, one thing to remember is to have fun, relax while your on th approach, take a deep breath.  Go practice outside league, just bowling to have fun, you'd be surprised sometimes how your form comes back.  The more you think and analyze, the harder it is to have a nice, freeflowing swing.
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: _Stroker_Walter_ on March 17, 2006, 11:19:09 PM
Thanks deadbait.......I will definately look into that. Biggest problem is that when I have a bad night of bowling, I buy another bowling ball as an impulse buy. So far this year, I have four new balls (vapor zone, The one, Inferno, Cobalt) and I'm still slumping. Biggest problem is tracking over the thumbhole and sometimes I have a flare or two inside of it. I've tried strengthening my forearm to try and cup the ball. I bowl second shift and I need to speed the ball up, and I end up muscling it big time. I also need to feel comfortable using the arrows. I have big problems and need a good coach.

So for now, I'll look into that cobra type wrist device.
Currently for sale:
X-Factor Vertigo 16lbs, one drill, <50 games.
Triple X-Factor 16lbs, one drill, <50 games
Columbia Wild 16lbs, one drill, <30 games

Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: Charles on March 17, 2006, 11:31:22 PM
Walter, first thing I tell everyone that gets down on themselves is....relax, you pay to bowl to have fun. You are not doing it for a living and your paychack doesn't rest on whether you strike or not. IT'S ALL ABOUT HAVING FUN!!!
When you just don't enjoy it anymore, then quit and find something else that you enjoy, but quit for the right reasons. Not because you are struggling to shoot the 200 games. Ask jkiser01 as he has heard me preach this to bowlers evertwhere. I bet if you relax a little and have some fun, some of those scores might go up a little and surprise you.
If the average isn't 300, then keep practicing and be humble!!
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: BigWillyStyle on March 18, 2006, 12:40:34 AM
but will give you a "feel" for a correct release.

I would first like to say, that there is no "correct" release in bowling! I throw a back-up ball (lefty hook with my right hand), and: just won my Sunday night league, won the 3rd quarter in my Tuesday night scratch league, am 3rd highest average on the Tuesday night league, and am leading in individual points won on Tuesday nights! Don't think I'm trying to brag please, as I'm just trying to prove that there is no "right" way to throw the ball...there is just ALWAYS room for improvement. I know A LOT of the guys that have met me from this website have said that I'm a VERY accurate spare-shooter, and it came from YEARS of self-teaching and practice. Don't get down, as you will only struggle more with your consistency; since you'll now put more pressure on just hitting your average. Think about this: If you hit your average EVERY game, then wouldn't your average be higher (which would mean that you then wouldn't hit it every game...)?!? C'mon man, just take it easy on yourself...everyone goes through slumps. You said you've been dealing with this "the past few weeks." THE PAST FEW WEEKS?!? I went on like a 3-month slump over the summer, where I couldn't hit the pins if there were bumpers in the gutters, but I just dropped back to the basics and figured out what I was doing wrong (timing had gone awry)! If ya ever wanna talk about bowling (or something else to get your mind off of bowling), just message me, and I'll always shoot the breeze! Till then, take it easy man,

Big Willy Style

PS...Speedburner69...LOL...that's funny!!!
Just my $0.02; so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
***This message brought to you by the A.O.B.U.B.O.A. (Assembly Of Back-Up Bowlers Of America) which is now taking applications***  

Honorary Member of the F.O.S. (and also the best back-up bowler the Saws have ever had)!
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: _Stroker_Walter_ on March 18, 2006, 01:41:26 AM
The new Cobalt bomb I purchased is 14lbs. I want to see if this would help for drier lanes since I can throw it faster, and possibly help with my release? It worked very little tonight. I had the most luck with my one but I was robbed many times by 8,9,7, and 10 pins. I couldn't pick up 10s to save my life tonight.

My bowling game needs a complete overhaul. I just hate not making my average and hurting my team. Bowled two leagues tonight, a 539 and 520. I'm normally a 190+ average bowler. But most of all, I'm frustrated at the lack of good help to become better at this sport. I'm tired of talking to pro shop guys who are quick to critisize me on everything yet offer no help or answers. Also it is frustrating when one person tells me one thing and then another person tells me another.

I just want to strike, score good, and feel better. I've reached a plateau where my average isn't improving at all (falling currently) since last year. I'm ready for some coaching. I'm tired of the endless ball purchasing and hoping that it matches up well for me.
Currently for sale:
X-Factor Vertigo 16lbs, one drill, <50 games.
Triple X-Factor 16lbs, one drill, <50 games
Columbia Wild 16lbs, one drill, <30 games

Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: Pin_Daddy on March 18, 2006, 02:59:06 AM
I'd been going through a mini-slump as well, and just recently seem to have snapped out of it.  I figured out my problems: I was aiming too much, and I was trying to fix a non-existant timing problem.  Have since bowled several 250+ games.

Just relax and throw the ball...don't worry about making the ball hit the target, just let it go and know that it will.  As long as it's close you have some room on a THS.  As for the single pin leaves...what can I say I've been there too.  Don't worry about it, they'll start falling soon.
Yeah. You know, I had a guy in Jackson county. He had a little drum circle in his backyard. It turned into a drum circle four miles in diameter. You get a few hippies playing drums and next thing you know, you got yourself a colony.
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: JohnP on March 18, 2006, 09:25:29 AM
My release has gotten worse and now I track over the thumbhole in every single ball I throw. I get inconsistent reactions just because of it so there is no need to buy any more balls until I correct this problem. I'm very close to a full roller.

If I get a full roller layout, will the ball still hit the thumbhole? I used to just clip the thumbhole, but now I roll loudly over it every single time.

If you are "very close to a full roller", but still a 3/4 roller a full roller layout won't help you.  It would flare into the gripping holes even worse.  If you're actually a full roller that's very close to a 3/4 roller, a full roller layout will help.  That would mean you're clipping the right side of the thumb hole and/or the left side of the middle finger.  A full roller layout will reverse the flare, so that as the ball flares it moves away from the holes instead of into them.    --  JohnP
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: LuckyLefty on March 18, 2006, 09:35:58 AM
Deadbait...for Cobra release are you talking the one with the EXTENDED index finger???  or extended all fingers???


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: thedjs on March 18, 2006, 10:55:22 AM

What you have described is almost exactly what happened to me.  About 3-4 years ago after finishing with a 199 average, I started to go downhill.  It got to a point where I was lucky to shoot 400.  I bought new balls, went to the local pro several times, did the video bit and attended several demo days.  Nothing.  My bowling just got worse.  In the 2003/2004 season my average hit an all time low of 161.

In the fall of 2004, just after shooting one of my big 400 series and preparing to tie my bowling balls to the back of the car and drag them home for punishment, a friend of mine came over and said if I would stay after the league had finished, that he could correct my problems in about 15-20 minutes.  I thought, yeah sure.  After all the times with the local pro and many hours of practice, you can fix my problems in 15 or 20 minutes.  This I gotta see.

The first thing he did was to put a towel about 2 feet out from the foul line and told me to throw the ball over the towel.  That was not an easy feat for me as I usually put the ball down close to the foul line.  But after a few tries, I was able to do it.  Then he had me drop the ball down in my stance and make an effort to push it out along with the first step of my four step approach.  Since I usually hold the ball about chest high, this felt funny.  But after a few shots, it also began to feel natural.  Next he had me stand close to the foul line and take only one step.  This made me swing the ball and get the feel of what a free swinging arm would feel like.  What he had me doing was just going back to basics.  Put your hand in the ball, get it in a confortable position, look at your target, make a good approach and then just throw it off your hand.  Don't think about anything else except making a good swing and hitting your target. As one of the old time pros used to say, "if youre thinking, your stinking".

Ok.  The result.  At that low point in my bowling and after some practice with this new advise, my average started to come back up.  I went from a low of 153 in December of 2004 to a final average of 174.  This year I am up to 187 and am bowling better nearly every week. ( If I would just stop missing some of the corner pins)  My timing has come back, I can get the ball out on the lane better and I have a lot more confidence.  For the past 5 weeks, my average has been over well over 200.

So, what I am trying to say, is try to get back to the basics.  Forget about everything but making a slow approach, looking at your target and "throw the ball off your hand".  If it is drilled right, and your hand is in the correct position, that's about all you have to do to make good shots.  Oh, by the way, you should also remember this is just a game and try to have fun. Yeah, sure. I only have fun when I bowl good and beat everybody.  Another perk for me, is that once I started bowling better, I did not feel the need for as many new balls. ( This really made my wife happy, however, didn't help with my relationship with the proshop )

By the way, I am using a wrist support and it helps an old man like me get a little more revs. on the ball.  It also, helps me get the thumb out faster. Its not the one with the extended index finger, although that might help moving your track up above the thumb hole.  I may try one of those in the future.

Sorry this is such a long post, but I hope it helps a little.  

Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: doggie on March 18, 2006, 11:05:02 AM
hi sw
im wondering what your pin layout is . since u are a high
tracker the pin should not be under the fingers it must be at least
equal. if u look on the hammer web site they have some info
the drilling instructions on pin safe zones. i dont know if
that is your prob but u should at least eliminate it

Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: toomanytenpins on March 18, 2006, 05:20:54 PM
sw if its any concellation you describe me to a tee .Same bowling style same problem and same attitude. thoug i thought i had it figured out i still seem to struggle. But i think one thing above all others is true you cant score if u cant relax.When i practice i get in a rythim and i usually strike and spare ok . But when i bowl leagues or tourneys, i get all tense and uptight.Case in point went to league last night and every friday like i have to win ,have to hit the pots and this over rides any practice any ability i might have.Its like hanging on to a tree limb and if u relax you die and bowling isnt supposed to be this way.Friday nights nothing works last night i couldnt even get out of my balls right until the 3 game. But as soon as i found the release and shot my adrenalline level went up so my relaxation went away amd instead of bowling well i bowled another 160 game to shoot 450 something for the night. and walk out of the bowling alley yet again broke dejected and wishing i had never picked up a ball.But if i can relax and just bowl i can execute . You are probably so tense and musceling the ball that your hand and arm are too rigid to come thru your shots so u are rolling staight over the thumb i have shot all my best games with noone around and nothing at stake if u can get that frame of mind when u bowl every time you ,and i bowl i think we will be ok.I just had my big one drilled 2 weeks ago and i couldnt get my hand in it,we have got to learn to relax.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: toomanytenpins on March 18, 2006, 05:24:13 PM
not much better at spelling than bowling as u see, i also forgot to mention i have been in a slump for over a year now ,but i refuse to let this game beat me,plus the market for used balls isnt so great.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: stringer on March 18, 2006, 05:54:52 PM
I too have been in a slump since the superbowl, back in february.  I was having a soso season down about 6 pins from previous year but bowling consistent scores.  I had a couple of dissapointing outings in tournaments and lost all my confidence.  that and having pain in my middle finger joint and changing my grip to accomodate the finger has totally screwed up my game.  Last Monday, I came out the gate with a 247 game, I guess I just hit my groove.  Next game, i lost the great ball reaction i had and couldn't hit my mark after just throwing 13 pocket hits in a row.  During that game I asked my teammates what I was doing different and no one had an answer for me.  My elbow was hurting and I was thinking I great, sore elbow and finger , I might as well quit, I seem to be falling apart.  Then it hit me, elbow hurts, i must be chicken winging my swing.  I consentrated on keeping my elbow in and my release near my ankle and I had that great reaction back.  I ended up shooting 659 and shot 648 on Friday on a tough shot.  Not stellar scores but I am definately back on track.  So hang in there, you will figure it out.  Don't press, have fun, listen to your body and get a helpful eye to watch you bowl.
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: ttjakt on July 16, 2006, 05:12:49 PM
Won't you feel bad that you're a quitter? People who are serious about bowling always pride themselves on coming back every week to compete. Don't quit. You'll regret it later.
GOOD NIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: yeahright on July 16, 2006, 05:22:05 PM
I agree with ttkajt... Keep with it.

But if you don't, can I have all your stuff? j/k

Seriously, just hang in there, get a patient coach, and you'll figure it out... Make sure that when you practice to just concentrate on form, and not on the outcome...
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: slowmofo908 on July 16, 2006, 05:24:51 PM
In the past 2 months I went from a 212 avg to 160. I even bowled an 84. It wasn't until last week that I finally corrected my problem.  I wrote down everything I wanted to fix and read it to myself before I bowled.  I suggest going to the alley and working on your game by yourself.  If you can get a video camera and tape yourself.  I was never able to, but read what is helping other people and see if it can apply to your game.
dirty jerz
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: SteveAustin2808 on July 16, 2006, 08:22:52 PM

I feel in this ordeal you are facing buddy. About a month ago I contemplated givin it all up as well. I started thinking about it and I told myself that I would be quitting for the wrong reasons. So I'm hanging in there and gutting it out. Things will turn around for you dude, I promise! God Bless You and have a great week!

What Are You Waiting For? Get on the FASTTrack to success!!

Track -- Building success stories, one bowler at a time!


McCorvey's Pro Shop Supporter

Evolution Tag Team Member # 1
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: ThongPrincess on July 17, 2006, 10:51:22 AM
I was exactly where you are a few months ago, except I had been on the decline for almost two years and I had been working with a coach for a year.  I am still working with the coach and am finally seeing some glimpses of what will be.  My low scores & sets are getting higher, high games & sets are getting higher, and the biggest improvement is the confidence is getting stronger.  I enjoy bowling again.

I credit this to 2 things.  One is keeping in touch with my coach and reading a book he, and others, recommended.  The book is Dean Hinitz's Focused for Bowling.  I highly recommend this book, it deals with the mental side of bowling and has a whole chapter dedicated to slumps and breaking out of them.  I have read it from cover to cover and reread several sections.

If you are looking for a coach, one place to start is  They have a section where coaches are listed by state.

Finally, as others have said, relax, take a deep breath, and hang in there.
"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: janderson on July 17, 2006, 04:27:44 PM
I get inconsistent reactions just because of it so there is no need to buy any more balls until I correct this problem.

There are some true words of wisdom you won't find in every bowler's vocabulary.  That alone tells me that there is plenty of talent and especially potential for you to get out of your slump and move on improving your game.

Any chance of getting help from a coach or someone that has bowled with you for a period of time that can share with you what changes they've seen in your game?  There are plenty of us out there who will not give help unless asked for help.  That isn't a selfish or stand-offish thing - just think about times obnoxious, overbearing people have tried to tell you what to do when you didn't ask them!
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row

Edited on 7/17/2006 4:23 PM
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: ImaRedbird on July 17, 2006, 04:30:52 PM
I can say i've been there bud, just chill out, take your time and go back. Nothing like eliminating yourself to make you feel worse. Go back to the basics, that's what i did. Get a coach and have them correct your mistakes, because that's all that's happening. Keep your mind off the score and make the best shots you can. Once you find out that you got it your confidence will manifest in your skills and you'll start see 220+. You know it's there, bcuz u did it already.
Stop Crying, Shut Up and BOWL!!! Everybody throws  gutterballs back to back at one point in their life Getting Zero is an accomplishent that you should be proud of!!!
Title: Re: Frustrated and thinking about quitting
Post by: toomanytenpins on July 18, 2006, 05:01:21 PM
the fact that you posted with thoughts of quitting means you dont wanna quit,ask me how i know. I also know the feeling of having everyone around you act like you dont exist as a bowler ,and thus feeling out of place and having the thoughts of quitting. A week is a long way from a slump ,and recovery if you work at it is right around the corner. I slumped for 2 years, I wanted to quit ,or at least i said i did, but i didnt . I just happened to run into 2 people in the bowling alley who didnt mind watching and helping me with a couple of things, I even shot my first 300 this year. So believe me when i say ,if you love it work at it . Every good bowler in the alley isnt a snob and most coaches are patient or they couldnt coach. A good coach, I believe, will take the time watch you and either break you down to scratch or find areas in your game to improve on. I think one important key is attitude. You have to believe you can be better. You have to believe you are better than you let yourself think you are,and you have to believe that with work ,practice and possibly coaching you will be even better yet. Positive attitude breeds positive results.
   If you are rolling over the thumb hole regularly maybe take one of your less used balls and have it drilled full roller. I know one guy who bowls full roller and he never hits the thumb ,also has great reaction almost makes me want to try it. But whatevr you do dont keep beating yourself up about it ,do something productive ,or... quit. But dont quit you will miss it .
my style, the art of bowling without bowling