
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: xrayjay on March 17, 2015, 10:56:10 AM

Title: Is this common? (finger tape)
Post by: xrayjay on March 17, 2015, 10:56:10 AM
I've seen guys use finger tape without inserts. but, do some people use finger tape while having inserts too?

I have very dry skin on the pad side of my middle finger that cracks and bleeds if I don't use Aquaphor or any lotion. And to protect this finger when bowling from cracking and bleeding, I just started using vise hada patches, grey. This worked out great.

But, I'm sure there is a better tape to use since this tape gets bunched up in the top corners of my finger tips. Or, a better way to put this on. Do any of you have a better suggestion other than the hada tape? Or a better technique in applying the tape to the finger?

Title: Re: Is this common?
Post by: SVstar34 on March 17, 2015, 11:08:41 AM
Ive seen guys use it with inserts. The common tape to use is the Vise Bio Skin
Title: Re: Is this common?
Post by: xrayjay on March 17, 2015, 11:33:26 AM
Ive seen guys use it with inserts. The common tape to use is the Vise Bio Skin

thanks, I'll look into that....
Title: Re: Is this common?
Post by: MTbowler on March 17, 2015, 02:04:39 PM
The Vise Bio-Skin did not work for me. It didn't stick as well as other vise tapes. And it was so tacky that it bunched up within the first 5 frames.

I use finger tape and have inserts. Just put in bigger inserts and worked great, no bunching.

I have use the yellow Vise NT-50 tape which worked great. Recently I have been using a roll of the red vise thumb tape. This is cheaper and works just as well. I cut off a strip about 5 inches long, fold in half, and cut the top to make it look like a V. Then the V goes on tip of the finger, fold and stretch around. This eliminates the bunching at the top that you had mentioned.
Title: Re: Is this common?
Post by: EL3MCNEIL on March 17, 2015, 03:13:06 PM
I've seen a few bowlers do it with the regular white bowling tape for their hands with no inserts. They said they prefer the feel. I figured it would probably increase gripping so I didn't think to try it.
Title: Re: Is this common?
Post by: xrayjay on March 17, 2015, 04:29:12 PM
I'm looking for tape that would protect my skin on my middle finger, which I can use with inserts. So far, the gray hada vise tape is working fine. But, I'm looking to see if there's anything better for this purpose.

Lane masters has some finger tape, pre cut strips, which I will try this afternoon. If I can avoid cutting and trim'n tape, and have the tape not bunch up at the top, and protect my skin..I'm buying it.

I already use "finger" tapes for my index and pinky fingers. They are self adhesive non bowling tape that are cheap and has some grips to it. they are athletic ace bandage type tape. These are the ones I use for the second and fourth digits.

They are a dollar some per roll and each roll last a good month or so.
Title: Re: Is this common? (finger tape)
Post by: Quadrajet on March 19, 2015, 01:23:06 AM
Another vote for the yellow Vise NT-50 tape on the fingers.  In the middle of winter my fingers get calloused and dry.  If I bowl any more than 3 games a week they start to crack and bleed right at the joint.  I have a very relaxed span and only use the oval side of the grip, never the lift, so I know it isn't from anything too extreme fit-wise.

I use grips because my fingers are so dry, I don't get any grip on plain drilled finger holes.  I will say that when using drilled holes I've never had my fingers crack and I even like the edges of my finger holes Norm Duke sharp...just drill and throw.
Title: Re: Is this common? (finger tape)
Post by: ccrider on March 19, 2015, 09:05:31 AM
Clean your fingers with alcohol before applying the tape. It will stick much better.
Title: Re: Is this common? (finger tape)
Post by: bpanes on March 19, 2015, 11:54:59 AM
I bowl with a Sarge Easter grip with an insert for my middle finger. I use the yellow Vise NT-50 on both of my fingers because its my preference. Tape usually has a hard time sticking to my skin because i have pretty clammy hands. Before i tape i wash my hands with cold water and soap to reduce any swelling there may be, so when i bowl and my hand swells a little from the activity, the tape just gets a little snugger on my fingers. I also use a little liquid bandage on my finger nail, it helps the tape stay in place better for me once i get bowling. Doing this i can bowl a 10-game tournament without having to change tape. Also to prevent the bunching on the finger tip, it helps to fold the tape in half and cut the corners, i usually use a strip 8 squares long, fold it in half and cut the corners.
Title: Re: Is this common? (finger tape)
Post by: MI 2 AZ on March 19, 2015, 01:12:33 PM
I remember reading on this site a long time ago about using compound tincture of benzoin to help tape stick to skin.


Title: Re: Is this common? (finger tape)
Post by: St. Croix on March 19, 2015, 01:21:10 PM
Vise hada patch tape has the most adhesion of any finger tape that I have used. You almost have to pry it off, and the tape leaves an outline on your thumb. I have never had a problem with Vise hada patch tape staying in place.
Title: Re: Is this common? (finger tape)
Post by: xrayjay on March 19, 2015, 02:59:49 PM
For now, I'm using the gray vise hada patch and trim the top corners and anchor it to my finger nail. The adhesive is too strong for my peeling skin. I have to be careful when removing it or I'll peel a loose skin off and bleed.

I used lane masters finger tape for a few games. It held well, it was easier taking it off, but it was too thin so I had to use two tapes. So far, it's been working well since it's not too slick like the grey hada.

I have yet to sample the blue or yellow tapes. I wonder how thin these tapes are. If they are thin like the hada patch and fit like the Lane masters (not to slippery or to sticky) that'll be the one to choose.

For now, it's the lane masters finger tape.
Title: Re: Is this common? (finger tape)
Post by: St. Croix on March 19, 2015, 03:41:04 PM
For now, I'm using the gray vise hada patch and trim the top corners and anchor it to my finger nail. The adhesive is too strong for my peeling skin. I have to be careful when removing it or I'll peel a loose skin off and bleed.

Good point---you should never apply any hada patch tape over open skin or a healing cut unless you want to bleed.