
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: 9andaWiggle on May 08, 2003, 07:44:17 PM

Title: Lane Conditioner
Post by: 9andaWiggle on May 08, 2003, 07:44:17 PM
I have read several times on this site an argument that in golf you can see the greens and the way the earth slopes, but in bowling you can't see the oil.  Why not?  How hard could it be to put color in the conditioner so we could easily see where the oil is at on the lane?  Maybe color the conditioner a bright red, possibly neon green, or how about hot pink.  Think of the cosmic bowling opportunities as well!!  What are your thoughts on this idea?


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Title: Re: Lane Conditioner
Post by: Bjaardker on May 09, 2003, 10:49:03 AM
Personally I'm all for that. They would then be able to use tougher oil patterns & people wouldn't have a right to complain. No more whining at the lane man for oiling poorly.

On the flipside, it would keep centers honest in how often & how well they oil.
Title: Re: Lane Conditioner
Post by: SrKegler on May 10, 2003, 12:47:05 PM
Have to disagree with the Bones.  I'd say put out the conditioner so we can see it.  Most of today's bowlers aren't accurate enough to miss/hit the pattern anyhow, especially if they have less than a 5 board area.
Title: Re: Lane Conditioner
Post by: charlest on May 11, 2003, 06:36:02 AM
All you really have to do is make the modest effort to talk to the laneman. If you show a genuine interest, I have never yet seen one refuse to show you a graph. With a little practice at it, you can almost always savvy out the shot from the graph.

Nah. I have talked to many and they would willingly tell me, IF THEY ONLY KNEW. Around here the "laneman" does not run the machine, a flunky does. The hardest part is finding out who set the machine ...
Title: Re: Lane Conditioner
Post by: 10 In The Pit on May 11, 2003, 10:21:34 AM
Another consideration as far as coloring the oil is that different lane conditioners act differently on the lane.  Some oils are more or less viscous than others, and carrydown characteristics are different between brands too.  Basically, even though the lanes might be conditioned the same with 2 different conditioners, the reaction one sees might be completely different between the 2 brands.
Title: Re: Lane Conditioner
Post by: MI 2 AZ on May 11, 2003, 10:31:14 AM
So each brand would be a different color?

Edited on 5/11/2003 10:29 AM
Title: Re: Lane Conditioner
Post by: MI 2 AZ on May 11, 2003, 10:33:01 AM
Now how did I edit my reply before the reply was posted?
Title: Re: Lane Conditioner
Post by: 10 In The Pit on May 11, 2003, 11:16:16 PM
MI_2_AZ, you did really good editing a post some 2 minutes before even posting it!  Aren't computers just foolproof!!!  Now you know why I even double check my calculator at times.  And, I have seen an older version AMF automatic scoring system that couldn't add properly too.....on one particular lane, we had to hand add up the scores each night, because the computer had a glitch in it and came up with some wierd numbers all the time.

It just goes to prove that machines are NOT perfect!  However, CEO's of companies seem to have a hard time realizing that the people are smarter than the machinery.