
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Fuller300 on December 16, 2007, 01:17:51 PM

Title: Lefty Bashing
Post by: Fuller300 on December 16, 2007, 01:17:51 PM
I was curious to know why lefties take so much crap, especially on the pba tour (I am right handed by the way). What makes them so much different (aside from the obvious difference) then right handed bowlers?
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: Russell on December 16, 2007, 09:23:11 PM's all in who you ask.  Some people think they have an advantage....and in some areas they do.  I think the same thing that gives them an advantage on some conditions gives them a disadvantage on others.

Example one - Relatively easy condition on the fresh, as the lanes break down the scoring pace goes down.  Lefties will thrive in this environment because their transition is less and therefore they can ride the wave of scoring much longer.

Example two - The fresh condition is VERY tough, and only gets playable once the track has had time to break down.  The righties have the advantage here because they have a higher traffic volume and will open the track up easier.

Example one happens more in league bowling because the house wall is easier when fresh 95% of the time.  Example two happens more in tournament environments.....a specific example is the US Open....a VERY brutal condition that never gets "easy", but a little more playable as the track is worn down.

To answer your question many people think the lefties have the nuts all the they grow to despise them.  When an week like this happens....everyone complains...forgetting the many weeks that there are NO lefties on the shows.

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: NicholasE on December 16, 2007, 09:46:38 PM
They are picked on or whatever you want to call it because there seems to be less leftys then rightys I guess.
MoRich bowling - Better take some Viagra, you don't want to go soft throwing a MoRich!
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: baseballfrk8998 on December 16, 2007, 09:50:20 PM
Well if us righties are gonna complain then we should just learn to bowl left handed. That's how I feel about it.

Click my link and tell me what you think. Please.
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: Fuller300 on December 16, 2007, 09:56:10 PM
Yes good point. I have been practicing left handed recently. I can hook the entire lane with my plastic ball. Last week i shot my first 200 game left handed, needless to say the lanes were flooded.
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: VBP-Dustin on December 16, 2007, 09:58:33 PM
the lefty vsd righty debate will never end however i cant tell you this that you will never see a lefty make the show on the shark or us open and if you do  that lefty will have found something noone else did
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: NicholasE on December 16, 2007, 10:01:01 PM
Well if us righties are gonna complain then we should just learn to bowl left handed. That's how I feel about it.

Click my link and tell me what you think. Please.

I can bowl left handed as well it just takes more time to get warmed up but can usually shoot about a 150 haha
MoRich bowling - Better take some Viagra, you don't want to go soft throwing a MoRich!
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: baseballfrk8998 on December 16, 2007, 10:05:00 PM
A guy in our league used to carry like a 180 right handed but he messed up his shoulder and had to learn to bowl left handed. He only averages around 120-130, not completely sure, but I think it's awesome that he dedicated that much time and effort just to keep bowling.

Click my link and tell me what you think. Please.
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: BrunsMike on December 16, 2007, 10:27:54 PM
ya i could shoot left too. with my right handed stuff. i think it would be nice to learn how to shoot both.
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Im doing this for 1 reason, to better myself as a Youth Coach so when I come across a left handed bowler it will be easier for me to coach them since I have the idea of what they feel. I have nothing against left handers, my father is a lefty and honestly, he struggles more then most of the righties I see on the lanes on a THS.
Mike Zadler
Using the best brand in the nation, BRUNSWICK!!!
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Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: charlest on December 17, 2007, 06:57:38 AM
They are picked on or whatever you want to call it because there seems to be less leftys then rightys I guess.

I believe that they are picked on because the average bowler is a whiner and a complainer. He is never happy unless he gets all the breaks and his opponent gets none whatsoever. We just never seem to know when we have it good.

My take is what's to be gained from bashing lefties. It doesn't make you a better bowler. And it certainly doesn't make any rational person think less of any lefty bowler. It only makes you sound like a whiner and like someone with whom no one wants to bowl.

That said, we all need to complain to someone about something, just get pressure off our minds. I just think it should be done to a friend, in private.
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Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: Fluff E Bunnie on December 17, 2007, 07:15:05 AM
They are picked on or whatever you want to call it because there seems to be less leftys then rightys I guess.

I believe that they are picked on because the average bowler is a whiner and a complainer. He is never happy unless he gets all the breaks and his opponent gets none whatsoever. We just never seem to know when we have it good.

My take is what's to be gained from bashing lefties. It doesn't make you a better bowler. And it certainly doesn't make any rational person think less of any lefty bowler. It only makes you sound like a whiner and like someone with whom no one wants to bowl.

That said, we all need to complain to someone about something, just get pressure off our minds. I just think it should be done to a friend, in private.

Yeah basically.  On the whiner and complainer front, I think it's better for a bowler to just focus on what they are doing with their game and not worry about the advantages someone else has or what breaks they are getting.  They are going to end up with whatever score they get and you need to maximize yours really...
Go Bucs?
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: fins4ever88 on December 17, 2007, 07:28:51 AM
Because the majority always hates on the minority.
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: JoeBowler on December 17, 2007, 07:39:59 AM
We play different games. Weather easier or harder they are different.

Take this week on the pba. When the lefties have the nuts all they have to do is beat the other lefties. So in their case 6 exempt, 1 qualifier all make the top 16, 6 make top 10, 5 make the show.

No condition could be put out that would give a top 10 finish to a right hander as they still have to beat 55 others.

Talk of the first 7 tournies locking out leftiees. What about rhino? He been qualifing and making match play. Finishing high in the points.

Who has it easierer i dont know if either side does but it is easier for a lefty to make a show.
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: novawagonmaster on December 17, 2007, 07:49:09 AM
Don't pick on the lefties.
It's not their fault their doing it wrong!

On a serious note:
I could care less which hand people use. If I really thought is was an advantage, I would learn to throw lefty. Turth is, I have a hard enough time keeping my right hand under control. I don't want to have to worry about what the other hand is doing!
Jon (in Ohio)
F.O.S. Proud Saw user...see profile.
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: BOWL119 on December 17, 2007, 08:34:15 AM
I never really understood the lefty bashing. I give some of the lefties that I know a hard time, but it is all in fun.

Lefties are born that way and they have the athletic ability to be able to bowl well and that is great. No matter what anyone thinks, bowling is not easy. No matter if you are right or left handed.
Thanks in advance for all comments...

Awesome Revs, Finish, Flip, LevRG, Fury,  Shift, Bravo
Opinions are just that, opinions.

Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: phil1776 on December 17, 2007, 08:47:39 AM
Imo, look at the percentage of leftys and rightys. The rightys must
be in a large majority, leaving the leftys in a small minority.
Considering this I feel that the rightys were shut out of the
competition due to the lane condition on the right side. We both
have our advantages, be it a lefty or righty. But due to the leftys
taking all top seeds and in the minority just doesn't seem legit.
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: KDawg77 on December 17, 2007, 08:51:32 AM
Boo Friggidty Hoo! Every week would be lefty week if all this BS was true. Explain the times when there's one righty and all other lefties and the RH wins. Quit your b1tchin' and bowl already. Worry about your own game.
Sometimes you are the cheetah and sometimes you are the stick...
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Edited on 12/17/2007 9:51 AM
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: Maine Man on December 17, 2007, 09:05:17 AM
If you don't like lefties beating you, the solution is simple:  Learn how to bowl left handed.  Otherwise hire a coach, practice, go see a sports psychologist, or whatever you have to do to learn to beat lefties.  If you don't want to do either of the above, then shut the he!l up, period!

Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: novawagonmaster on December 17, 2007, 09:12:33 AM
^^^ Look out...disgruntled wrongsider on the loose!^^^
Jon (in Ohio)
F.O.S. Proud Saw user...see profile.
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: Maine Man on December 17, 2007, 09:26:43 AM
Sorry nova, I didn't have my coffee this morning and I had to shovel off a foot fresh snow !

Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: Spider Ball Bowler on December 17, 2007, 09:40:47 AM
I am so sick of lefties.  All they do is close their eyes and throw the ball and they strike 99% of the time.  Gosh darn those lefties.

It really does get old.  I am a lefty and if I had a Dime for everytime someone says, "I wish I was lefthanded" or any other stupid comment I could retire at the age of 25.

I admit on a house shot, there are times when I don't have to move at all.  I still have to carry and still have to throw the ball well to score.  It seems as if some people forget that in bowling you have to throw the ball well to score consistently.  Yes with todays technology and weak lane conditions anyone can score, but to do it all the time takes skill.  I am not one to say that no we don't have it easier some nights.  We do, and I plan on taking full advantage of it.  Trust me when I say too, there have been tournaments I've gone to and been one of three lefties and we all finished in the bottom half.  The lanes were flooded, so we were bowling on a fresh flood every game, while the righties had it looking like a modified house shot by the end of the 2nd game.  So who has the advantage there?

Have you ever been in a league where they purposely try and shut out the lefties?  I have.  Have you ever seen them shut out the righties, I haven't.  2 weeks ago in my league they had a nice flood from the gutter to 20 on the left side, while the right side could do whatever they wanted.  I did not complain.  I got up dealt with what I was handed and promptly shot a 689.  I was the only lefty in the house to break 600.  I didn't come on here and complain that they tried to shut me out, I dealt with it.

The lefty vs. righty controversy will never end, but when it comes to consistent scoring, winning big matches and whatever else, the best bowler left or right handed will come out on top more often than not.

Formerly SGC300
"Never get into a pissing match with a skunk, cuz he'll piss all over you and like it."-Keyshawn Johnson on Terrell Owens
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: balibowler on December 17, 2007, 10:08:53 AM
That pretty much sums this debate up well.
All I hear is b!itching about lefty advantage. Well guess what, 99% of the people on this board are just house hacks(to the extreme), and literally spray the ball anywhere from 15-2 at the break point and still complain when there are no strikes. I mean come on, go over to the video section of this site, and have a good laugh. Most of us SUCK. The end. If you want to complain about lefty advantage, LEARN HOW TO BOWL! How hard of a concept is that for you to understand? You complain endlessly. SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY. If it pisses you off that much, then get your lazy-asses to the lanes and practice. The better bowler will win, 90% of the time, unless the opposition has a MUCH better look than you, and even so, it goes both ways. Sometimes leftys are shut out, sometimes rightys are shut out. LEARN TO ADJUST! Then you can stop your whining. If you're the better bowler, EPICALLY IN LEAGUE, you should be able to make the couple board adjustments here and there, instead of loosing the pocket when standing on 25, but not moving your feet or breakpoint at all, and stay out of the pocket all game, then b!tch about not having a good look. If the look isn't there, THEN FIND IT YOURSELF! DAYUM. I've had enough of this pissing and moaning...
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: LuckyLefty on December 17, 2007, 10:17:23 AM
I was surprised at my mentor and friend Sawbones comments.

To sum up what I read it seems one will only be satisfied with their win if they admit they had an easier condition.

I don't believe that is always true!

One could watch Parker Bohn bowl the other day and possibly say regarding his last game...."Can a bowling ball be thrown better than that???"

If he followed up and said..."I don't believe I can't throw it better than ability, training, talent, practice, all came together all most perfectly today".  I would not be offended...whether I was opposite handed, two handed or didn't even bowl.  He spoke the truth.

My thoughts!

Often the way I felt when watching Dave Davis many days!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: 9andaWiggle on December 17, 2007, 10:31:44 AM
If it makes you lefties feel better, I don't hate any of you.  Rather, I hate all of those **** righties that are always ******* up my oil!!


The Shepherd has Spoken!
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: Nails on December 17, 2007, 10:40:29 AM
Have you ever been in a league where they purposely try and shut out the lefties?  I have.  Have you ever seen them shut out the righties, I haven't.  2 weeks ago in my league they had a nice flood from the gutter to 20 on the left side, while the right side could do whatever they wanted.

I've been bowling for a long time, and I've never seem them intentionally change the oil pattern on one side to screw someone.  I've seen the machine screw up or an idiot lane man not knowing what he's doing change settings thinking he's improving things, but nothing more than that.  Pumps can malfunction, nozzles can plug... so one side can play worse than the other any given night.  I've had nights where the right side stunk from the get go, and the lefty's were not having problems, but I never thought of a conspiracy.  Too often I hear lefty's complain when their normal shot isn't there that "they tried to shut out the lefty's".

Like a few others have said.  If the left side starts easy, it should stay easy.  If they start hard, there is no one there to help break it down so it can stay hard.
Telling it like it is.
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: scotts33 on December 17, 2007, 10:54:36 AM
If it makes you lefties feel better, I don't hate any of you. Rather, I hate all of those **** righties that are always ******* up my oil!!  

Sheep boy just hates the idiotic shimwreckers.  It is true Wrongsiders work better together to break down a shot than many Rightsiders.

Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: Nails on December 17, 2007, 01:24:01 PM
I have seen the left side purposely screwed up, as well as I have seen the right side change to favor certain bowlers.  Sometimes when money is involved there IS a conspiracy.  Nails, remember you dont know everything.

Maybe not, but every one knows more than someone with this profile:

You dont need my profile. I am probably better than you, and I probably know more than you. I grew up in a bowling alley my family owned multiple centers for many years. I have 3 PBA titles in my family. List of PBA champions who have eatin dinner at my house: Teata Semiz,Johnny Petraglia,Joe Hutchinson,Mike Orlovsky, Gus Lampo. I would NEVER give my real name here. I am from central NY and I still enjoy Mozzarella sticks while bowling.

I'm glad you finally looked up how to spell the names of the names you drop.
Telling it like it is.
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: strikeking on December 17, 2007, 04:18:54 PM
Lefties get a lot of "guff" because they carry every hit so well. I think it has something to do with rotation of the earth as compared to the rotation they put on the ball. That means that a rightie would carry better south of the equator.  Any physics majors out there? If this is true I am going to learn to put reverse rotation on the ball.  LOL
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: JoeBowler on December 18, 2007, 05:49:14 AM
Funny how luckleftty always post about his house and how the lefies are shut out and the righties have the world.

But i guess since htat comes from his majesty it makes it true.
Title: Re: Lefty Bashing
Post by: Lane1Redneck on December 18, 2007, 05:55:13 AM
Lefties get a lot of "guff" because they carry every hit so well

ROFL.. Then you need to come to my house..That's total BS right there..
I think it was said best..Stop all the crying and just learn to bowl left handed..SOB, so many cry babies here..ROFL

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