
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: zeus on February 02, 2006, 01:23:21 PM

Title: mushtare da man..
Post by: zeus on February 02, 2006, 01:23:21 PM
the wonder boy took high honors this week firing an 852
do not know if this was a "pre-bowl".
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: a_ak57 on February 02, 2006, 09:24:28 PM
What?  An 852?  He's falling apart at the seams, sad to see him develop such a slump.
- Andy
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 02, 2006, 09:38:59 PM
I don't know how such jealously and envy develops in a group of people!

In the same time since he has gone on this record run...another fellow has thrown 900 in NJ.  It was in the American Bowler.  Let's hope nobody on this site finds out about it!  


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 03, 2006, 09:44:34 AM

There has never been any allegations he didn't do it except ONE post here...that has never responded back when questioned.  Why is he thought of as a fraud...because what he did was hard for many of us to conceive of!

The first one was not approved ONLY because league did not have paperwork in.

The other 900 I saw was listed in print in this months American Bowler put out to sanctioned bowlers by the USBC.


PS thank God Bob Beamon's 1968 broad jump of 29 feet 2 inches was caught on film ...because at the time the record had stalled at 27 feet 10 inches for many years!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: baccala8872 on February 03, 2006, 10:19:11 AM
You know, enough about this kid already!!!!

I mean, come on, I have been in a lot of bowling centers and seen a whole lot of good bowlers in my day.  Actually, I've seen a lot of great local bowlers as well.  A lot of them were at or better than a 211 average.  I bowl with one guy on Thursday who, on any given week, is as good as he wants to be.  Point is, a lot of people are good.

But, this kid, at 211, is NOT 852, 900, 900, 900, 900 good.  Realistically and objectively, take a look at those numbers.  And now think about a 211 average.  Good, but not that good.

I'm almost as sick of hearing about this kid as I am of the Steelers this week.
Divorced men quickly find out that poker is not the only game which begins with holding hands and ends with huge financial loss.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: supernoodle on February 03, 2006, 12:55:03 PM
A bowler who bowls a 900 will get my respect if/when one bowls a 900 on tougher conditions elsewhere such as in Europe as apposed to the THS you get in most places in the US.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 03, 2006, 01:46:46 PM
Lefty in the Zone thank you! one has ever said he didn't do it ...except one person!  Who has not answered questions about the allegations he made on this site!

255 in league...on a walled shot is still...255 in league.. incredible. there are no 900s in your book that deserve your respect cause they've all been shot in league on top hats except Norm Duke had one over 2 sessions on the pro tour!

You are good!


PS I've watched the brief video shot of this guy and 240+ on a league condition certainly looked like the type of powerful style he had.  My hat is off to him a future fellow alumnus of my Mother from Carthage high, NY!!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: a_ak57 on February 03, 2006, 01:55:15 PM
EDIT:  Eh, whatever.
- Andy

Edited on 2/3/2006 2:48 PM
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: Strapper_Squared on February 03, 2006, 02:02:23 PM
just like the lefties to stick together...  let's think about this one for a second...  prior to this kid, in the whole history of the sport, there has been 1 900 set thrown (maybe two..I don't keep up)?  Now all of a sudden, this kid has thrown three over the course of a few months???  RED FLAGS!!!  He's cheating / lying... period.  

If these scores were legit, it would have to be the easiest house shot (with the most incredible carry) in the world...  (to just edge out the place in IL were Nagy averages like 258, throws 45 800's and the lady throws like 28 300's all in one season).  Where are the other big scores in this house?  The kid is a fraud... parents are frauds.. they are probably trying to get him a free ride to college or something... open your eyes!!!
-Strapper Squared

Alias Generator (http://"")
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: a_ak57 on February 03, 2006, 02:14:21 PM
just like the lefties to stick together...  let's think about this one for a second...  prior to this kid, in the whole history of the sport, there has been 1 900 set thrown (maybe two..I don't keep up)?  Now all of a sudden, this kid has thrown three over the course of a few months???  RED FLAGS!!!  He's cheating / lying... period.  

If these scores were legit, it would have to be the easiest house shot (with the most incredible carry) in the world...  (to just edge out the place in IL were Nagy averages like 258, throws 45 800's and the lady throws like 28 300's all in one season).  Where are the other big scores in this house?  The kid is a fraud... parents are frauds.. they are probably trying to get him a free ride to college or something... open your eyes!!!
-Strapper Squared

Alias Generator (http://"")

Actually I think there has been a handful of them that have been approved.  But anyways....
- Andy
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: Strapper_Squared on February 03, 2006, 02:19:21 PM
Pardon me there Strapper,I am a lefty but I too do not beleive he did this. 4 900's even though 2 were practice, is just too much. Look at the best bowlers in the world and how many they have.

Chris Barnes - 0
Walter Ray - 0
Earl Anthony - 0
Jason Couch - 0
Brian Voss - 0
Dick Weber - 0
need I go on? So for him to say that he has four? Come on!

Oh...sorry  how about... just like you people with lefty in their screen names to stick together...
-Strapper Squared

Alias Generator (http://"")
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: bass on February 03, 2006, 05:49:42 PM
I'm not bashing this kid but i've got a simple question.
What ball was he throwing in any of his 900's?
If this was a legitimate score i'm sure that ball company would be putting his picture/bio all over their website.

Wouldn't you agree.

Just bring it!!!!!!
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: a_ak57 on February 03, 2006, 05:52:48 PM
I'm not bashing this kid but i've got a simple question.
What ball was he throwing in any of his 900's?
If this was a legitimate score i'm sure that ball company would be putting his picture/bio all over their website.

Wouldn't you agree.

Just bring it!!!!!!

A Paradigm.  They actually did for the 1st one until it was shot down, so they took the mention down from their site.
- Andy
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 03, 2006, 07:29:53 PM
Ummmm Robert Mustare is a Right hander!

Lefty in the zone is just stating facts for you about his scoring. league with other bowlers this past weekend he shot 852!

Why is the bad thing that he was 17!

I saw Ben Crenshaw in the US open in 1971 at Merion golf course.  He was incredible the day I saw him!  He had just turned 18 and his girlfriend and future wife looked every bit as good as Tiger Woods new wife!
He played with Gene Littler a fantastic pro golfer...a young prodigy himself as a youth and a previous winner of the US open and a tied for 1st in a Masters which he lost in a playoff.  He also went on to a fantastic senior career.

That day I saw him young Crenshaw outhit every drive Mr. Littler hit by about 40 yards frequently flying the ball past the end of Mr. Littler's drive.  He carved up this tight tricky US open course by controlling his ball like no one else we saw that day...carving shots left or right at command and exhibiting non of the crookedness he evidenced as a pro.  He floated majestic soft pitches and chips several times and made about 3 or 4 40 footers during the round.

As he approached the last hole we left him and we heard he double bogied and missed tieing the course record because of this bad hole!  We were convinced we had just seen the next Bobby Jones.  Little did we know that he would decide to take lessons from other coaches than Harvey Penick and become incredibly crooked as a pro!  Still the winner of two Masters and almost a PGA.

When I next saw him as a pro he was in the process of winning the Phoenix open by showing golfers how to win tournaments by playing golf in a style called Army golf!  Left right left right left right!  I don't remember him on the fairway!  He was never as good as the day I say him a day or so after his 18th birthday!


PS if he had asked me I could have told him how his swing had changed but alas he didn' I had paid $10 to get in!  It is a good thing I didn't get to tell him.... Watching a guy hit every fairway and putt like that could get boring!  Luckily at that time I hit like Greg Norman and Unfortunately I putt like Ben Crenshaws great grandmother!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 2/3/2006 8:43 PM
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: JoeBowler on February 03, 2006, 08:49:17 PM
I dont' give a hoot about how old he is.

No on e in the history of the game has shot 2 900. Only 7 aknowledgedd ones are known. But he now claimes to shoot 4 in a two month span, I would call him a liar at any age.

I believe he made have shot one but I find it suspecious that the USBC denied the first one when they have let the tchnicallity go by in the past on other scores.

So they have fabricated another to get him his score and get around the violations  of the first one.

I've seen the video... he is nothing special... I've seen a hundred around here who throw it as well or better.

Giv e him the score, let the game to he11, and let lucky be delusional.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: Nails on February 04, 2006, 06:05:04 AM
For a legal shot, all you need is 3 units of oil on every board.  Never mind the fact that some machines are incapable of putting oil on the last board or two, or that the governing body won't bother to measure these things.  It's almost impossible to put out an illegal shot.  You can make such an incredibly easy shot that there's no advantage of laying out an illegal one.  I'd be willing to bet a large sum of money that the shot Mushtare throws on is legal.  There are plenty of other things to question, however.
Telling it like it is.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 04, 2006, 08:55:05 AM
Why is it that people mix up the skill to tear up a house shot with the skill to tear up a difficult shot?

Two different skills!


PS this kid is POWERFUL...His physique reminds me of Babe Ruth!  Good thing you guys weren't around when the Babe starting hitting twice as many homers as  any other player....if you had the power you might have crucified him!!  As you are trying to do here.
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: Cbjdc on February 04, 2006, 09:14:59 AM
my problem and I have taken a different perspective then before.  I was all about bashing the kid.  However, my problem is this.  If you shot an 800 or 300 or heck even a 900.  You dont go running around the bowling community bringing attention to yourself.  You let your accomplishment speak for it self then let the accolades come in.  I just keep reading things that this kid posts about how the lanes were like this, or he struck 36 times cold without practice, or he can tell when he is gonna leave ten pin.  I can see the later sometimes its a feel thing that everyone knows sometimes.

Another way of looking at this is that its like golfing and having an ace on a par 3 without anyone watching.  Now does it count or doesnt it.  You only know for yourself unless someone is around to see it happen.  

But my point here is this, lefty or whoever you guys can put your .02 cents on this, but I would be more readily excepting of this kids accomplishment if I didnt keep hearing the yipping from him.  Trying to defend himself, or have he dad handle all the press, or this or that.  So that makes me really doubtful.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: NOTHUMB on February 04, 2006, 09:24:00 AM
I posted the first time that his 900 was mentioned on the board.

I said---congrats---but ridiculous.

It is ridiculous. It shouldnt happen once much less how many times it happened. Whether or not he actually shot the 900s by merit is another issue.

My issue is that it makes this sport into even more of a joke. I always say, you can only bowl as well as you can on your given set of conditions. Apparently he is doing his best. Its still a joke.

People attacked me when I criticized him---and now look, everybody is on the bandwagon. Gee, if you all would just face the truth---ITS A JOKE.
Only Losers Feel Pressure
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: ChrispyBrownies on February 04, 2006, 10:30:28 AM
i agree with nothumb. 852? was this one sanctioned or in practice? with handicap or bumpers or lots of handicap(or all of the above)
oh well. . .
Its hard to play with an inferno and not get burned. Last time I threw my inferno, the opposing bowler definitely got burned.

Columbia Scout Reactive(Blue/Gold)
V2 Sweet
Original Inferno
Intense Inferno
Smokin' Inferno
(scorchin to occupy this place shortly)
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 04, 2006, 11:20:12 AM
As written by Lefty in the was in league with everyone else bowling.

What happened to when prodigies came around and people admired them and tried to emulate them.

I've watched the tape and I have always wished I was a better walled condition bowler.

Bowled with a guy this week that went like 27X 26x to finish night and the 3 times he didn't strike were bad luck!  He has a GREAT area release though He doesn't throw it as powerfully as this kid.  

You know what I'm talking about ...the area release thumb out a long time before the fingers ball staying on the fingers forever!  In bowling secrets of the pros

High Scoring Made Bill Horvath (http://"")

Bill explains the secret is this early release of the thumb which leads to tremenendous area.  Having a great match of speed and revs also helps and strenght like this kid appears to have doesn't hurt much either.

Thsi kid has what Bowling Secrets above talks will not surprise me if he throws ANOTHER 900 or two in the next two years(OF Course on a walled condition!)!  And some might be in practice and some might be in prebowl.

If people had reacted like this when Roger Bannister broke 4:00 in the mile or Vasilev Alexeev broke 500 pounds in the Clean and Jerk these guys may have been burned at teh stake.... Instead the 4 minute mile was broken many times immediately after people believed it could be done.  Instead the 500 pound clean and jerk was broken about 30 times in the next two years....Now people believed.  But times have changed...Disdaining accomplishment is a national disease!

And so it is with this accomplishment....those that quote statistics in their heads about why it is improbable to throw the next strike...Won't.  Those that don't think they can or are ahead of their average so maybe they should get back to normal...WILL!  Those that say...."I've only been bowling for a year and I'm not even lefthanded...I can't win this tournament...WONT!

However, those that think.. "I can do this".  "Isn't accomplishment FUN".

"Just because others can't doesn't mean I CAn't".

But like Robert Mushtare thinks...."I have this ability to throw strikes on this type of condition....and I'm just going to keep doing it....OVER AND OVER AND OVER....this is fun!"  "I can see it and I can feel it"

I say it every day when I post...."Open the door(your mind) see what's possible...and walk right thru!"  

He has shown you the possible...accept the gift.... walk thru the door and explore your OWN personal potential!  This is the old style of encountering is so much more fun than bitterness!  And leads to greater accomplishment for you ...whereas bitterness leads to stagnation at your current level!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: DrWackypants on February 04, 2006, 12:50:47 PM
what luckylefty doesnt seem to get. is that people SAW those accomplishments.
They were done infront of audiences, everything was standardized. Roger bannisters dad wasnt operating the stopwatch.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: 230-n-up-or-bust on February 04, 2006, 12:55:34 PM
...he was, however, manning the sundial...
House Hack.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  And, according to my therapist, that's not so bad.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 04, 2006, 01:56:31 PM
852 in league this week......everyone watching!

Take it in and Learn what you can from this kid about scoring on Walled conditions!  


PS if he reported on this board that he had bowled 879 twice...would it change all the assembled masses bitterness?  Then I believe we'd see these posts.

"Awesome...keep it up....maybe next time you'll get the elusive one....we're all behind you...that must have been a great feelin!  Imagine...just one more!"
One pin...can convert you guys from fans to nasty.....ONE PIN!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: tjj300 on February 04, 2006, 09:34:43 PM
LL, the problem is this.  We have a kid here who claims he won the Powerball lottery 4 times; but twice he had the numbers and didn't buy the ticket, once he had a ticket but the lottery commission said it wasn't valid, and he's waiting for the 4th time to be declared a winner.  And it's actually easier to win the Powerball than it is to shoot 900.

I wouldn't care if he's the combined reincarnation of the top ten bowlers in history, physics and probability say multiple 900's are effectively impossible.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: supernoodle on February 04, 2006, 09:46:43 PM
Thankyou tjj300,that is exactly what I have been saying.I'm glad I am not the only person that talks sense on here!

LL, the problem is this.  We have a kid here who claims he won the Powerball lottery 4 times; but twice he had the numbers and didn't buy the ticket, once he had a ticket but the lottery commission said it wasn't valid, and he's waiting for the 4th time to be declared a winner.  And it's actually easier to win the Powerball than it is to shoot 900.

I wouldn't care if he's the combined reincarnation of the top ten bowlers in history, physics and probability say multiple 900's are effectively impossible.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: htotheizzo3561 on February 04, 2006, 09:53:16 PM
I have heard rumor that he has sent in a film of himself to Lindenwood University.
Yo Yo Yo Mo Fo
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: DanH78 on February 04, 2006, 10:16:31 PM
LL, Have you checked ANY of the other bowling sites?  Such as  There are multiple allegations that this kid shot 900 with outside help.  Just becuase you only saw it here, doesn't mean that's the only place it's being talked about. He is thought a fraud becuase NO ONE witnessed his "900's", if I were in his position I'd make sure someone knew I was chasing history, he is thought a fraud because mechanics have admitted to pin throwing to help other bowlers.  And I know it has been explained before, but in case you forgot, pin throwing is the practice of having someone sitting on top of the pin setter and dropping an extra pin on the 6-10 and 4-7 at the moment the ball impacts the pocket.  Why are you so dead set that the kid did it?  No one has ever repeated a 900, most of the greatest bowlers in the world have NEVER shot 900, yet this child has shot 4 of them in a span of just a few don't find that questionable?
What are you gonna do?  Beat me with your Jesus stick?
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 05, 2006, 11:56:33 AM we are getting somewhere.

Someone who is making allegations of fraud!

This happened here before and then there were no more backup of the allegations!

Let's here em!  Right here...not somewhere else!

The "No one has ever done it before ...does not mean anything"!

That is just a mindset...and not one that leads to success I might add!

Bring it here...let's hear the detailed fraud allegations.  I have heard the statistics....If I was a person who believed in statistics...if Tiger woods was a person who believed in statistics...I would not have accomplished the several little crazy things I've accomplished in sports and neither would Tiger Woods have accomplished the almost weekly impossible things he seems to keep on doing!  Neither would have Arnold Palmer...or Jack Nicklaus these guys if they believed in statistics would have reverted to their mean level of play everytime they were in contention...instead they skied when faced with the chance of ....but many many times.  These people of accomplishment...defy!!  statistics!


PS As I told myself once...."The pins don't know you are not left handed...the pins don't know this is your one year anniversary of bowling lefthanded"  "The other guys don't think like you do! and picture what you believe possible"  "The pins know only physics!"
PPS and what I believe Robert Mushtare must think every throw..."The pins don't know I'm only 17!"""  "The pins know only physics!"""
PPPS We have a guy on this site who I believe shot 33 or 34 strikes in a row this year to start a set....Jon Brandon...formerly Big Bully.  I bet you if you asked him if he gets the chance again...I bet you he'll tell you "The first time...I believed I was lucky to get there....the next time....I'm expecting to finish it out!""""  "And then again!"  I guarentee you that if you ask him he will tell you it was the mind and not the body that prevented him from goin all the way...and that he WILL do it THIS TIME!!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: Kid Jete on February 05, 2006, 12:14:18 PM
! !!  !!    !!  !   !   ! ! !! !!!!!  !  ! ! !!
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: DanH78 on February 05, 2006, 12:22:28 PM
They've been made on this site before.  The mechanic has been known to throw pins in order to help people score.  He has shot mutliple 900's with NO WITNESSES.  The second pre-bowl 900 was conveniantly thrown just days before the USBC announced that they weren't going to recognize the first one due to improper sanctioning paperwork.  I'm not going to recreate the dozens of discussions by people in the know over on
What are you gonna do?  Beat me with your Jesus stick?
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 05, 2006, 12:35:03 PM
The mechanic at this center where Mustare threw the 900s has been accussed of fraud and it's been proven that he has raised peoples series in the past!??????

Is his name published?  How many other places has he done it?  He's still allowed ot work in the bowling industry?  This has been alleged in these 900s?
How many other series has he admitted to doing this in the past?  Has he admitted to doing that in this case????

I have not heard this allegation before??? It all sounds very vague but I'd like to hear more specifics?


PS continue...I'm dying to hear all allegations?
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: killswitch66 on February 05, 2006, 12:42:17 PM
LL, the problem is this.  We have a kid here who claims he won the Powerball lottery 4 times; but twice he had the numbers and didn't buy the ticket, once he had a ticket but the lottery commission said it wasn't valid, and he's waiting for the 4th time to be declared a winner.  And it's actually easier to win the Powerball than it is to shoot 900.

I wouldn't care if he's the combined reincarnation of the top ten bowlers in history, physics and probability say multiple 900's are effectively impossible.

good explanation, i agree 100%, 4 900s is IMPOSSIBLE especially in the span of under a year
Prime Time

Lane #1
Uranium Pearl



member of the FOS, LANE 1 OWNS
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: tjj300 on February 05, 2006, 01:03:36 PM

 I have heard the statistics....If I was a person who believed in statistics...if Tiger woods was a person who believed in statistics...I would not have accomplished the several little crazy things I've accomplished in sports and neither would Tiger Woods have accomplished the almost weekly impossible things he seems to keep on doing!  Neither would have Arnold Palmer...or Jack Nicklaus these guys if they believed in statistics would have reverted to their mean level of play everytime they were in contention...instead they skied when faced with the chance of ....but many many times.  These people of accomplishment...defy!!  statistics!

LL, that's the whole point here.  What this kid claims to have accomplished has NEVER been accomplished by ANYBODY in ANY SPORT!  A rough equivalent to shooting a 900 would be winning a golf tournament and never shooting more than 62 in ANY round! Now do that 4 times in as many months. Jack, Arnie and Tiger haven't done that. They haven't even been close.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 05, 2006, 01:16:36 PM
Johnny Miller shot 61 twice in event over 20 years ago!


PS again statistices don't mean much in setting new records.
Only those who don't set new records rely on them!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: tjj300 on February 05, 2006, 02:12:26 PM
But probability does.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 06, 2006, 09:28:06 AM
Exactly my point...probability doesn't mean much to those who set records!

Only to those who don't.  Which side do you prefer to be on...?  The record settors or the doubters!?

This is the whole point of most of my posts here on this is people's thinking that gives them the chance to do something like Robert Mushtare has...combined wiht physical ability!

Point in fact...Tiger Woods just went 13 -1 in pro playoffs yesterday!

Probability means nothing to him!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: tjj300 on February 06, 2006, 09:30:59 AM
No matter how much you believe you can float in the air, the moment you step off a building probability says you're hitting the ground.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 06, 2006, 11:51:44 AM
What I'm trying to do for you and the other naysayers is this!

All outstanding performances...defy probablilities.  Anymore they are often so far above the averages of probability that they defy description.  And yet people do them...they soar above their average performance.

I've had these out of body hyper performances.. just a few...I expect them and when they start happening...I just let them and I don't interfere!  It is one of the greatest thrills in life!  

Superconsistent winners like Tiger Woods, and Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer in his day had a way of performing better under pressure than their averages!  Defying probablilities...over and over and over!

As we all know the human body can do this.  Statistics...probabilities say teh US olympic team of 1980 should not even have made the top 8 probably.  Instead they had 3 improbable wins to win the gold medal.

I'm telling all...since there are no real valid claims of Mr. Mushtare cheating that I have heard of....  Revel in his accomplishment....drink it in...Picture it as your own....Picture you doing the same thing.

Picture continuing to throw strikes to number 43(1 more than Tony Rovitini)...Picture being nervous doing it!  Picture them handing you a check for $40,000...picture gulping and sweating before that 36th shot...picture letting it flow and letting it happen and throwing that 36th strike...picture making your most difficult spare for $40,000 in the 10th shaking all the way!

Watch youself in that movie right before you go to bed.... Do it for 40 days and picture it again when you wake up!

Then when that hot day comes...step aside...let it happen become part of the movie you've already created watch yourself in the movie you've already creeated doing everything you've already expected...go neither forward or back in time....You've been waiting for this to happen remember!?

Now you just experienced what Jack Nicklaus did for a career what Arnold Palmer and now Tiger Woods have done for a decade....what the US hockey team of 1980 wants you to know!  And even Luckylefty has tasted of this dizzying elixer called forget the probablilities and do everything your body is capable of about 4 times!  UmmmmmmUmmmmm!  I'll drink to that again!


PS RObert Mustare has inspired me...I feel another one coming on...not today...not tomorrow...but in the not to distant future when I least expect it!
I plan on being there getting out of my own way....and letting it happen!
Jump on the wonderful ship called accomplishment the ride is SO FINE!
I don't know why I don't ride it more often myself!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: DanH78 on February 06, 2006, 12:36:33 PM
But when those people defied probability they had witnesses.
What are you gonna do?  Beat me with your Jesus stick?
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: tjj300 on February 06, 2006, 12:41:47 PM
LL, I agree with you to a point.  There is something to visualization, and if you want to be Tony Robbins about everything, that's fine.  I never go to the line without thinking that every shot will be my best, and I usually don't expect to use my spare ball for the night.

But Mushtare is not the poster child for that philosophy. By claiming to shoot 4 900's, he has tarnished any belief he shot 1. Because of that, he's a fake until proven otherwise.  What he claims to have done has not been done by ANYONE in ANY SPORT, EVER! Machines haven't even done it.

BTW, the 900 you referred to above was Darren Pomije from New Prague, MN. on 12/09/04 and he shot it in league with lots of witnesses.  That's no problem. The ABC even validated the 900 on the next day.  Compare that turnaround with what's going on with Mushtare.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 06, 2006, 11:43:05 PM
That is not all that I'm talkin about!

I heard there were witnesses to the second 900.
Clearly witnesses to the 852.

Also....I'm frankly surprised it has not been done more...
BUT  people tighten up...  Saw one tonight.
Guy throwing perfectly...tightened up....chest looked tight...armswing different...gasping for breath.

Of course if all he did was visualize the shot right there of course he would be tight.

BUT if instead he had prepared for accomplishment...or winning by running vivid images in his mind before stimulate dreams of the same thing.
Psychopsybernetics tell us that the brain cannot distinguish between vivid images created in and for the mind and real events....That the brain then like a computer replays these stored images and if they are of success it then believes they are just as true as if they had happened.

Some say one can't bowl under the stress of going for a championship unless you has gotten their before!  One can't bowl for a 300 unless you've threatened several times!!!!  Hogwash to all!  Instead one can mentally create these detailed "movie" images in the brain....over and over and over off the lanes...before bed and in the morning before rising!  Convincing the mind that it has experienced "THIS" before and previewing and creating a Database of coming through in these situations....Often dramatically above the performers "Average" or "Probability".

The body is now NOT SURPRISED and the typical gasping for air and stained look on the face does not have to become a part of trying to win!

Ready to set personal records?  Ready to win?  Have you mentally trained to set records when the hot days come?  Have you mentally trained to win!  Are you ready to accept your hot days!

Everyday I see examples of people...organizations getting in their own way!
Getting in the way of their accomplishment..."I can't do this...I've been bowling above average for 2 days??"!"!


PS for whatever reasone....I believe from hearing him speak this young man was "ready" to set some records!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 07, 2006, 11:25:05 AM
Immaterial to whether he bowled a 900 or two or 4!

Whether Walter Ray can beat him on a sport shot...or you can or Hose can.

No bearing on whether he bowled 900!

I bet you his Dad would accept your $500 dollar offer at his home house per game.

Call him up...the town is on mapquest....Carthage NY!  It would be worth a trip to try to pluck his feathers...let me know ...I might travel to watch.


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: T-GOD on February 07, 2006, 12:12:44 PM
I bet you his Dad would accept your $500 dollar offer at his home house per game.
This would probably be a great idea to really do, and be a profitable business, to action bowl anyone who wants to bowl. With all the negative publicity this kid has received, I'm sure there's a bunch of bowlers who would want to TRY and show him up, meaning business would be there for him.

If I were a betting man, I'd bet he'd come out on top in his home house over the long run. What do you guys think..? =:^D
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: bamaster on February 07, 2006, 12:18:45 PM
If I were a betting man, I'd bet he'd come out on top in his home house over the long run. What do you guys think..? =:^D

He'd win if you'd let him prebowl his pot games.
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Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: T-GOD on February 07, 2006, 12:32:25 PM
It sure would be fun to see it happen. This is the kind of stuff legends are made of, i.e. Rudy Revs..!! =:^D
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: Strapper_Squared on February 07, 2006, 12:47:54 PM
First of all.. I don't care anymore.  Put him on a real shot and see if he averages 190... I doubt it.  Secondly, what's with defending the kid..obviously you weren't there to actually see it occur... so then you are only left with reason (unless you are a tree hugger or feminist).  I'm not saying it is 100% impossible, but any reasonable person would agree that it is EXTREMELY unlikely to ever shoot 1 900 set in your life let alone 4, 5, or how many ever have been claimed now.  Sort of reminds me of a local bowler we have.. claims he has anywhere between 23 and 32 300 games, yet when you check, it clearly states he has THREE.  PEOPLE LIE... accept it...  
Is is so hard to believe that the kid is trying to lie and/or cheat to get a scholarship to college?  Sounds as if he's already trying...    

-Strapper Squared

Alias Generator (http://"")

Edited on 2/7/2006 3:03 PM
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: baccala8872 on February 07, 2006, 01:05:08 PM
Hey LL,

You think Bobby Perfecto has ever seen the movie "Single White Female"?

Since if he stops short, you may be able to tell us what he had for breakfast, combined with the possibility that he's seen the movie.........well, if I were Bobby Perfecto, I'd be very scared!!!!!
Divorced men quickly find out that poker is not the only game which begins with holding hands and ends with huge financial loss.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 07, 2006, 03:09:53 PM
That's some funny stuff... but the fact of the matter is the kid is averaging about 211 on a tougher shot...this is above but you have decided reading is not your strong suit(movies are I guess).

Also 255 in his current league!

I have no affiliation with the kid except I know the small town he is from as my Mother is from there...smalltown type of down home people.

I've seen his video and I believe it!  Others who have seen it have messaged me and said..."We agree with you...statistically probable or not...this looks like the type of style that kills house shots!"  I'm also impressed by his calm demeanor and way of handlking himself in the few statements I saw him make in the newscast that I saw out here on teh web.


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: RSalas on February 07, 2006, 03:18:17 PM
He'd win if you'd let him prebowl his pot games.

That's the best line I've read all week.  
...formerly "The Curse of Dusty," and "Poöter Boöf" before that...
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: Stever5000 on February 07, 2006, 11:27:23 PM
You know, think about this.

Maybe it's for the recognition?  Maybe he thought he could step his game up a bit by everyone knowing him now (as everyone who bowls for sport knows him now) and he's now recognizable and everything.  I'm sure there's someone out there who is going to believe it all or like what they see within him and offer him things they wouldn't have before, solely because of his "accomplishments."

A few years back, there was a student from UC Berkley trying out for American Idol.  His name is William Hung.  He has got to be one of the worst singers to ever try to make music vocally (and he wasn't exactly the best thing to look at, either).  But look at him now.  He gets recognized everywhere he goes, and he has his own record deal and an album out!  He's now a multimillionaire for his *singing.*  Record dealers knew he would be recognized, and they were right.

Maybe good ol' Robby and his family thought about this sort of thing, as well.  I can assure you he will always be known, whether its through his great feats or infamous lies.  But he will be known, which is, itself, an accomplishment for any average Joe.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: clint191 on February 08, 2006, 06:40:56 AM
Let's see here, 4 900 sets, an 852 set and 211 avg.
Does that mean he has sets of under 375 every now and then??
Talk about being able to turn it on/off at any time!!!
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: baccala8872 on February 08, 2006, 06:55:20 AM
Hey LuckyLefty,

Actually, reading is a strong point.  I used to spell like you and butcher grammar like you, but then I got Hooked on Phonics.  Whose, who's, you're, your, yore, there, they're, their, it's, its, can learn the correct uses, too!!!!  It worked for me!!  That is, of course, right after I expanded my lifestyle by getting the Little Rascal.  Now I can be a little rascal on my Little Rascal!!

Now, off of the senseless joviality, and onto one of the matters at hand.  There
seems to be a lot of "He said, she said", speculation and hearsay going on.  "You didn't see this" and "He didn't see that" and "Just watch his video" (by the way, 211 is not a whole lot nowadays, even for a very talented teenager.  You see, I kan reed!!!) are the latest mantras of these idol-worshipping zealots.

But, no one has seen this.  Yes, there are affidavits.  Has anyone seen those affidavits?  Moreover, anyone other than the USBC?  

LL and the other kao-tao'ing drones, do you recall if, in 1997, Jeremy Sonnenfeld (sp?), the first (I believe) recognized 900 series owner, went through this much guff?  After all, he was the FIRST!!  He was the gold standard!!  He broke down that wall, that misguided perception of perfection never able to be attained.  That was virtually 10 years ago!!!  Before we were all so knowledgeable.........before we were all such professionals............before we had the latest hook-out-of-the-box equipment........before we were even worthy of carrying li'l 7-year-old Bobby Perfecto's bag into the center........and he never once had it questioned by the ABC!!!!!

So then, why now?  Why all this doubt?  Why all this second-guessing?  With guys not even as 1/4 good as Bobby Perfecto tossing 9's, why is someone as good as Bobby Perfecto even being questioned by the sanctioning body?  Hasn't this made you think at all?  Maybe the USBC DID watch his video.................

I think I have to call Bravo Sierra on this one............
Divorced men quickly find out that poker is not the only game which begins with holding hands and ends with huge financial loss.

Edited on 2/8/2006 7:52 AM
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 08, 2006, 08:56:49 AM
I liked the divorced part at the end!

Hope everything is spelled right?

255 in his own league ...I believe 211 in a traveling league.


PS. There is no doubt that it defies MOST peoples imagination....but not his!
THE point!
PPS again for all....what would be your mindset if he had 4 897s?
OR four 879s???  or 1 900 and 3 879s??  Different?

Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 2/8/2006 9:49 AM
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: Torpedo on February 08, 2006, 09:08:18 AM
As written in STORM web site, this guy likes Golf also ,,

I think his next goal is 18 hole-in-one in a raw XD using a the STORM plastic Golf ball >.>
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 08, 2006, 12:16:32 PM about conceiving of a birdie every hole or better.  I saw it believed...and...

Tom Doty in 1973 shot 10 under par for 4 holes!

Homero Blancas shot 55.

Shigeki Muryama shot 58 on a US open qualifying site course(not usually so easy)

AND there are stories on this website of some guy from the midwest with a score of 4X for 18????  I don't remember the details!

Some have conceived of this ...Pia Nilsson who coaches Annika Sorenstam has a website for golf called Vision 54(all things relating to birdieing every hole in a golf round).

Vision 54  (http://"")

What a fascinating difference between a sport where the people are so positive that they seek virtual perfection versus ours which disdains it!

Example when Annika Sorenstam shot 59 on the ladies tour one got into the relative difficulty or non difficulty of the course.

But the umbrage and personal insult above regarding multiple 900s being shot..
"Why the shot must have been..."

What a difference between the two sports!


Caution...grammar and punctuation above may mortify enough that you completely miss the content of the message...sorry!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: tekneek on February 08, 2006, 12:25:04 PM
the balls are different sizes.
Stars N Strikes Pro Shop
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: Ragnar on February 08, 2006, 12:30:59 PM
Caution...grammar and punctuation above may mortify enough that you completely miss the content of the message...sorry!

Since when do your messages have content?  Have you found a better way?  Just when we were getting used to you!!
"I do desire that we may be better strangers."  Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: baccala8872 on February 08, 2006, 12:33:02 PM
Idol worship equals content?
Divorced men quickly find out that poker is not the only game which begins with holding hands and ends with huge financial loss.
Title: Re: mushtare da man..
Post by: LuckyLefty on February 08, 2006, 12:45:50 PM
Maybe not hero worship but Kindred soul...I created Vision 54 in my mind before my more entrepenurial classmate made a great business out of it!

Missed the point again!

Must have been my grammar.

See other post!  "Our sport


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 2/8/2006 1:37 PM