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Author Topic: Oil Towels: Vice WOW vs. Master Wipe-It-Dry  (Read 8151 times)


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Oil Towels: Vice WOW vs. Master Wipe-It-Dry
« on: October 10, 2014, 08:25:26 PM »
I've used microfiber towels for wiping oil off my ball between shots for several years. It was an improvement over cloth towels, but still seemed to smear oil on heavier conditions.
Over the summer, I started using the Vice WOW towel:
It's definitely an improvement over microfiber. Still, on the really heavy conditions, it wasn't picking up all the oil sitting on the shell. I have a Columbia Enigma that can go from a fresh 1500 grit matte finish to complete oil shine in less than two games. The WOW towel was slowing down the transition, but wasn't stopping it completely.
I've been reading about the new Master Wipe-It-Dry Pad and picked one up about a week ago:
I used it to wipe my Enigma down between shots on a heavier 41' sport pattern, and I'm impressed. Nothing is 100%, but it works noticeably better than anything else I've ever tried. At the end of the night, wiping the ball down with regular ball cleaner brought the shell back to its dull matte finish. You wouldn't have known the ball had just been used on a thick condition.
The Wipe-It-Dry towel isn't cheap, but in this case you get what you pay for. If you regularly bowl on heavier conditions, I think it's worth the investment.



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Re: Oil Towels: Vice WOW vs. Master Wipe-It-Dry
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2014, 01:36:12 AM »

Chamois cloths last for years and years.  Don't know why that guy said he would cut off a piece and throw the old one away.  Way to go, btw.  Knew you wouldn't apologize for your rude comments.  Don't bother, I wouldn't want one from you anyway.  Go spend more money than you need to.  Seems to make you happy.

"Rude" is coming into a thread and posting anonymous comments without listing any links or personally verifying the information. It's an insult to those who have made the effort to perform research and share first hand information themselves.

Let's move beyond this silly non-sense of demanding apologies and bringing forward baggage from past interactions.

My experience with chamois cloths is for drying cars after washing. They're great for absorbing water and small amount of dirt. But it's a no-no to extend their use for cleaning up oil:
The article specifically points out:
"Care should be taken to avoid contaminating a chamois cloth with grease or oil and should never be used with strong chemicals."
It makes sense that the strong chemicals found in lane conditioners would strip the natural oils in the chamois that make it effective. Strip the natural oils, and the chamois becomes ineffective for multiple ball cleanings. You'd have to throw the used chamois away, which eliminates any possible cost savings over a lifetime reusable product like WID.
Still, if you want to provide a service to BR, perform your tests. You'd still need a WID to compare against, but maybe someone will let you borrow theirs for short time. Give it a go. We'd all benefit.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 01:41:47 AM by Steven »

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Oil Towels: Vice WOW vs. Master Wipe-It-Dry
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2014, 06:06:46 AM »
Well, the list just goes on and on.  From ball cleaning solutions, to de-oiling techniques, to this, you just can't admit when you're wrong.  The only person crying foul here is you.  Hubris is a terrible thing.  A chamois is for car washing only?  Really?  What were microfibers used for before a bowler got the idea to wipe a ball with one.  Ever hear of Ron C's Magic Carpet?  Velcro.  So, once again, because you don't know how to look up something on youtube doesn't mean others don't.  Have fun with your $20 chamois pad.  The smarter people will move on to something else.   
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Oil Towels: Vice WOW vs. Master Wipe-It-Dry
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2014, 06:05:31 PM »

Your responses are fascinating. You've covered a lot of territory, so it's probably better to decompose the landscape you've covered:
Well, the list just goes on and on.  From ball cleaning solutions, to de-oiling techniques, to this, you just can't admit when you're wrong.  The only person crying foul here is you
Actually, in reading all the responses, the only one crying foul is you. Just about everyone else here has either shared their personal experiences with the WID, or were intrigued and asked fair and respectful questions. You might want to go back and review…..

A chamois is for car washing only?  Really?     

I said my personal experience with chamois cloths is drying after washing.  I never said it was the only application for the towels. Unchecked hyperbole isn't necessary. Again, you might want to go back and review…..

So, once again, because you don't know how to look up something on youtube doesn't mean others don't. 

Wow. Let's review this (again). You provide an anonymous statement of what was supposedly said on YouTube, without a link, and without stating if it was in a video or somewhere else. It's not my job or that of any other reader to look up what you should have provided in the first place. Regardless, I do know how to look up videos on YouTube -- most people do. I also know how to do an advanced Google search in for comments, which is about the only way to find what you failed to provide a link for. If you're going to make it that much work, it's not worth the effort.

Have fun with your $20 chamois pad.  The smarter people will move on to something else.   

$20 for what a few here agree to be the best oil towel on the market. It's a solution that should last forever if maintained properly, so it's hardly a waste of money. This should be true by anyone's definition -- especially 'smarter' people.

BTW, if you're going to continue to parrot the comments following the YouTube video that the WID is essentially a chamois towel, you have a lot more research to start than I anticipated. 
It's now time for you to perform your own testing. I guess you can report back on how long it takes before an actual chamois towel takes on the destroyed soiled condition shown in the link I provided. I'm looking forward to your findings.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 06:32:28 PM by Steven »


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Re: Oil Towels: Vice WOW vs. Master Wipe-It-Dry
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2014, 07:16:42 PM »
The WID is a nice towel, but cleaning it appears to be an enigma. Master's video says to use leather cleaner and a soft brush.  A friend tried that and it turned the towel hard.  Another guy called Master and was told to dry clean it.  I asked the Storm rep at the demo yesterday, and he showed me an email that said to use mild soapy water and a soft brush.  Needless to say I really don't know what to do!! 

Anyone having any luck cleaning it?


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Re: Oil Towels: Vice WOW vs. Master Wipe-It-Dry
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2014, 07:20:12 PM »
The WID is a nice towel, but cleaning it appears to be an enigma. Master's video says to use leather cleaner and a soft brush.  A friend tried that and it turned the towel hard.  Another guy called Master and was told to dry clean it.  I asked the Storm rep at the demo yesterday, and he showed me an email that said to use mild soapy water and a soft brush.  Needless to say I really don't know what to do!! 

Anyone having any luck cleaning it?

See Hank Boomershine's of Storm/RG's recommendation here.  I asked before I purchased mine.


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Re: Oil Towels: Vice WOW vs. Master Wipe-It-Dry
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2014, 07:40:03 PM »
The WID is a nice towel, but cleaning it appears to be an enigma. Master's video says to use leather cleaner and a soft brush.  A friend tried that and it turned the towel hard.  Another guy called Master and was told to dry clean it.  I asked the Storm rep at the demo yesterday, and he showed me an email that said to use mild soapy water and a soft brush.  Needless to say I really don't know what to do!! 

Anyone having any luck cleaning it?

See Hank Boomershine's of Storm/RG's recommendation here.  I asked before I purchased mine.

Scott, thanks of the info. Have you tried the soapy water and brush method that Hank recommended?


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Re: Oil Towels: Vice WOW vs. Master Wipe-It-Dry
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2014, 08:08:07 PM »
Steven, thanks for the Topic about the WID Towel.  I am going to look into ordering one as soon as I have an order for $50 or more from Buddies so that I won't have to pay shipping. I was unaware that it even existed as I could have included it with my order for the Primal Rage I have coming from Buddies now. Supposed to be delivered tomorrow.

Scotts, thanks for the cleaning information. Please let us know if those cleaning steps work.
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