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Author Topic: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air  (Read 8021 times)


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Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« on: May 15, 2008, 04:15:31 AM »
It's so nice to see an athlete that's not afraid to talk smack and let everyone know just how good he is!  It's been too long since someone has stood out from the neutered PC crowd and displayed some personality!  When you win you have earned the right to stand up and scream "HELL YEAH!", you don't have to fall to your knees and bawl like a little girl.

I want Sean to know that it's OK to talk smack.  It's OK to get in your opponents face and tell him about the whoopin' you just handed him.  It's OK to have testicles.  It's OK because it's not BORING.  It creates friction, drama, and excitement. It shows emotion and passion for the game. Best of all, it drives the PC crowd nuts!

Good for you Sean!  Keep knocking them down and telling your opponents how it is!


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I wonder where they went? ;)



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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 12:19:59 PM »
And he has the right to sit in his seat sulking when Linda Barnes beats him. He's the first man to lose to a woman in that type of setting. Way to go Rash!!
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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2008, 12:20:15 PM »
Well he also has the record for the first male pro being beat by a female bowler for a title, so he is in the record books for that feat. It was interesting to compare the difference in rev rates Lynda 175 to Sean's 425 or 455 , I guess that accuracy does pay off in the long run
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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2008, 12:34:10 PM »
Okay so let's say I run an national cutting edge tech company.  Why would I want to spend my marketing dollars on a guy who when throwing a strike for NO MONEY against the national youth champion acts like a flaming moron.
WOW what a great role model he is for the youth!!!! What a great representative he is for the PBA.  "Join the PBA so you can competet with bungholios like this guy." That is professionalism???

How would my employees, who he would be representing feel, when our company's spokesman goes off like someone mental patient off of his meds.

Rash showed no respect for his opponent.
Rash showed no respect for the organization that he is a member of.

The real heroes on Saturday were Jenny Brown and Liz Johnson.
Both ladies let their bowling balls do the talking for them.  Compared to Jenny Brown Rash looked like an infant wanting a change of his messy diaper.  


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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2008, 12:36:06 PM »
Okay so let's say I run an national cutting edge tech company.  Why would I want to spend my marketing dollars on a guy who when throwing a strike for NO MONEY against the national youth champion acts like a flaming moron.

The point many people, like 9, are forgetting. They're confusing emotion and passion with acting like a complete and utter azz.
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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2008, 12:38:54 PM »
I agree.  Listen to Lynda Barnes during the show.  Very loud very positive but all of it towards the pins and then "with" the crowd not in their face.

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2008, 12:45:05 PM »
Well, if asking someone to show at least SOME class is being neutered and PC, I guess I better set my rocks on the chopping block because that's what I want. Am I saying that the game should be void of emotion? No. Am I saying guys can't get pumped up and into it? No. But I don't want finger wagging and in your face trash that's what the WWE, NBA, and NFL are for. What's next? Should bowlers flirt with their opponent's wives in the stands or break out a sharpie to sign autographs after throwing a double? Save that crap for the XBA. For me, I prefer to see the pros acting like they have been there before rather than acting like a bunch of ranting teenagers. But that's just me.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345


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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2008, 12:46:22 PM »
It's so nice to see an athlete that's not afraid to talk smack and let everyone know just how good he is!  It's been too long since someone has stood out from the neutered PC crowd and displayed some personality!  When you win you have earned the right to stand up and scream "HELL YEAH!", you don't have to fall to your knees and bawl like a little girl.

I want Sean to know that it's OK to talk smack.  It's OK to get in your opponents face and tell him about the whoopin' you just handed him.  It's OK to have testicles.  It's OK because it's not BORING.  It creates friction, drama, and excitement. It shows emotion and passion for the game. Best of all, it drives the PC crowd nuts!

Good for you Sean!  Keep knocking them down and telling your opponents how it is!


It''s a Sheep thing... You wouldn''t understand!

now i am quite quiet when it comes to me personally bowling, but i get amped up when the team is doing great.  but i agree with 9~, get fired up, get loud, get proud.  let him embarass himself if thats how you feel he did, but if you are going to bowl competitively on the same level, then get ready for the same treatment the pros give other pros.

as for lynda barnes beating rash, so what.  it was great for lynda barnes, but i can bet that all you 220+ house averages would meet the same maker facing her or half of the ladies top bowlers, just as easy or worse.  nothing wrong with a woman beating a guy, no matter how arrogant you think he is.  wes lost to liz johnson in grand rapids, was sitting front row that day.  and i stood up and cheered her and wes on both the same.

just my .02.
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2008, 01:04:43 PM »
I understand what you're saying, lilmike, but you have to remember that he also respresents the PBA Tour and all of the other bowlers included therein. I'm not saying that means that you have to act like an emotionless droid, but you should keep yourself in some form of control.

The crux of this arguement comes down to the split between two very polar views. Some people feel that it's all or nothing. If you're stomping your feet, crotch-chopping, and jumping into the front row of the stands after a four-bagger, you're having fun and getting into it. Anything less means you're boring, PC, unemotional, etc, etc, etc. Personally, I feel there's a great deal more ground to be found between those two poles, but I've gotten into this argument enough times to know that I'll never be able to convince people like 9. I guess I'll just have to go on leading my neutered, PC, sack-less existence. It will be tough, but I'm sure I'll get through.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345


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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2008, 01:19:21 PM »
don't get me wrong,  i like the guys that go out and throw a whoopin' on someone and still keep their composure and decency, but then again i also like to see some of the loud mouths, like rash, like pete as well.  i am not saying it is "right" for rash or any other to do that, and i am not saying its "wrong".  i am just saying that i like that emotion sometimes, and sometimes its funny as hell to see it when it goes over the top.  its a sport/game, whatever you want to call it, it 90% of the people on this site will never be affected personally by it ever.
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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2008, 01:24:12 PM »
Having people with different personalities co-exist is what makes the world go around. I guess some folks think it would be nice for everyone to act the same way (i.e., the way THEY say), but that's not reality...


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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2008, 01:24:18 PM »
Why is everyone speaking as if Rash losing to Linda Barnes is such a shameful thing? If anything, bowling is one of the only sports where there is an even playing field for men and women. Congrats to Barnes, thankfully you didn't choke like your husband would've...


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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2008, 01:31:06 PM »

You don't have to apologize for anything nor do you have to soften your words. Brash behavior is not acceptable in society. It's legal, but not acceptable.

People who think it is usually have too narrow a view of the consequences. About the only way you can get away with it is if you're your own boss, which Rash is to a great extent. The PBA may be his boss on paper but he's not going to get fired for having a bad tournament.

However, if you think it's "cool" or "exciting" to exhibit this kind of behavior, try it at your job sometime. Do it enough and you won't be able to afford groceries after awhile because most reasonable people won't tolerate that kind of junk.

Class is always preferable to in-your-face behavior. And, as a more immediate concern, I've never seen anyone tote a beatdown for being classy. But I've seen people get invited to the parking lot for a lot less than Rash did. I'm not saying a physical response to a verbal outburst is justified, but I am saying it's often a reality, because I've seen it happen.

If you want to live your life being looked down upon, be brash and intolerable. Just don't complain when people have a problem with your behavior.


Gene J Kanak

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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2008, 01:41:24 PM »

Your words are especially poignant when you consider that many of the guys on Tour aren't exactly intimidating phsyical specimens. I mean, yeah, you have Big Wes and a couple of other bigger guys, but there really isn't anyone out there who strikes fear into the hearts of the tiny, but that's beside the point.

I just don't like it when people equate trash talking or moronic behavior with whether or not a person cares about what they are doing. I once had a person in another thread tell me that I must never have competed in my life because I thought it was wrong for a pro bowler to act in the manner we're discussing. Again, unfortunately, some people just think that the two go hand in hand. I disagree.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345


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Re: Sean Rash is a breath of fresh air
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2008, 01:55:46 PM »
okay first off to all the men on here, why is it bad to lose to a woman? You guys have never lost to a woman before? Who cares who he lost to. Second thing I see both sides of the story here, I have alot of emotion when I Bowl I love bowling and I am something of showman with anything and everything I do so I pump my fist I yell and show my emotion and enthusiam when I bowl. But somehow doing all of that makes me an a-hole in some peoples eyes. So I if he has the same passion for the sport as I do I understand why he yells and pumps his fist and gets fired up.

On the other hand I DO NOT tear up the local youth bowlers and rub their faces in crap after I do it. That display was senseless and disrespectful. If he beat some one like Pete Weber at say the U.S. Open I wouldn't have a problem but a Youth bowler give me a break
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