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Author Topic: So is ball reviews basically dead now?  (Read 9808 times)


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So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:10:55 AM »
Sorry for the negative post, but I've taken a bit of a break from ballreviews.  I used to login and read posts on here for at least an hour a day every day.  But that was a few years ago.  Now when I come back and look at this site, there just doesn't seem to be any traffic... I mean in the past there would be at least a page and a half of new posts in the miscellaneous forum.  Now there's MAYBE 8-10 new posts in the last 24 hours... Just wondering where everyone went.  This forum used to be one of the best bowling forums on the web, and although I still recognize a few of the old names here, most of them are gone.

If this has been discussed at length in the past then sorry once again, but as I said, I haven't really been around much the last... oh 5 years haha.




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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2014, 11:28:44 AM »
I check the site every day, and while I don't think it's dead, there isn't much of interest going on any more.  A lot of topics are the same stuff over and over again, there aren't many interesting topics of discussion, so that's why most people will look but won't post.  A lot of the time, opinions or answers turn into a pissing contest between the know-it-all's, and nobody really wants to answer questions about what ball someone should get because they're all the same and there's really no right answer.  Every time I log on I'm disappointed most of the time because there's nothing interesting to talk about. 

That's me as well. I'm always looking, and never was much of an active poster to begin with.

There is still a bunch of info shared that can help us all, so I'll always keep reading.


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2014, 12:46:52 PM »
No Ballreviews is still alive and well.  The Forum where we could argue, discuss, and cuss various things and people is dead.   Seems as if the only thing worth discussing these days is how many colors, what weight, how many are owned is regarded as intelligent discussion.   A lot of us had a lot of fun, sometimes learned something, or taught something when the forum was active.  The endless discussion of balls is pretty boring.  Probably a lot of the "old devils' advocate" type guys are still around but don't ever see anything worth devoting any time to.


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2014, 01:38:35 PM »
In my case, I haven't even bowled a fun league in the last 4 years, let alone anything competitive that would require me to keep up with current trends. I still look in here from time to time, but rarely post anything since I'm not in tune with current bowling trends.
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2014, 05:28:41 AM »
So kinda sounds like a little of both.  Is the forum dead? Meh not really.  But it definitely isn't as active as it was a few years ago.  been doing more looking the last few days and it definitely isn't as busy as it used to be, but we do at least have some posts popping up from time to time. 


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2014, 01:06:57 PM »
Charlest, that was the one and only time I deletd my own post.  Because no one responded after several hundred views, and being on for over a week and zero responses, I decided to just remove it. 

Not everybody is up on current equipment.  Without seeing the post in question, it may well have been that may people were hoping that maybe there was something in the post that could have benefited them in some manner. 

As to the board itself...reasons are many, but the reality is that many have simply walked away from bowling.  I am one of them.  I post on occasion in the misc-nonbowling section, but there isn't much I could add to discussions on the current state of the game.  Couldn't tell you the last time I even bothered to watch a telecast (do they still broadcast it on television at all?) and I don't know that I have been in a center more than twice in the past five years (both for office parties). 


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2014, 07:42:39 PM »
Charlest, that was the one and only time I deletd my own post.  Because no one responded after several hundred views, and being on for over a week and zero responses, I decided to just remove it. 

Michelle, it doesn't matter.  I deleted my post once, I post semi-regularly,  I'm on here every day, and I'm a patient person. My question was about surface change on the CRUX.  No one responded, I deleted it.  That's it.  It was a question that I had, and was seeking input if anyone had any.  It's not like I made sarcastic remarks or anything like that because no one responded, I just deleted my own post due to lack of interest, plus I gave the ball to my son and he loves it. End of story. 

Not everybody is up on current equipment.  Without seeing the post in question, it may well have been that may people were hoping that maybe there was something in the post that could have benefited them in some manner. 

As to the board itself...reasons are many, but the reality is that many have simply walked away from bowling.  I am one of them.  I post on occasion in the misc-nonbowling section, but there isn't much I could add to discussions on the current state of the game.  Couldn't tell you the last time I even bothered to watch a telecast (do they still broadcast it on television at all?) and I don't know that I have been in a center more than twice in the past five years (both for office parties). 


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2014, 11:10:37 PM »
Charlest, that was the one and only time I deletd my own post.  Because no one responded after several hundred views, and being on for over a week and zero responses, I decided to just remove it. 
My impatience is the kind of thing that leads to the site going dead?  I been here for years, AND I still post, both topics and responses.  I'm not be the most knowledgable person on here, and I will never claim to be, but if I can add to something, I will. If I have a question, I ask.  But I deleted my own post ONCE because no one responded, and and now I'm impatient? 
My question was about my not so popular CRUX.

Sorry, but yes, your impatience is but another sign of people wanting immediate gratification a sign of the times. Every hear of the expression, "everything comes to he who waits"???

If you truly wanted an answer and not just a gratification, you would have left it there. You say you're not impatient; yet, you deleted the post because you didn't get an answer within an xxx time frame. If you truly wanted an answer, you would have left it there. I'm 99% positive more than one other person would have been interested in the replies,. Children do that spite thing: "I don't like your rules: I'm taking my ball and going home"; adults do have patience.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2014, 12:01:24 AM »
So, because I deleted my own post , I'm now referenced as an impatient child and wanted instant gratification?  Really?  I deleted it, not because I wanted "just a gratification" and I didn't get that so I "took my ball and went home", again, like a child.  I gave the ball to my son because it wasn't working for me and he loves the ball the way it is, so I didn't need any answer.  The question was now irrelevant.  Was that really so wrong, deleting my own question that I posted and was now irrelevant for me?  It just so happens that the post was up for a couple of weeks, had over 300 views (something like that) and no responses. I wasn't complaining about it, it was just in reference to the OP's question, and my opinion.

But yeah, love your references to being a child and the finger pointing blame game, plus I'm almost at retirement age soon. (But I believe that your reference was to maturity level)

« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 01:12:54 AM by Artimust »


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #24 on: December 17, 2014, 09:52:07 AM »
That's one bad thing about writing or now texting,things can get misconstrued. I believe Charlest has missed the gentlemans point. Talking in person is so much better


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2014, 10:12:56 AM »
I don't believe this is being misconstrued at all. While Charlest may have been a bit harsh in his reply, his premise is sound. Artimust, you posted a topic about a brand new ball. How many people do you really think would have made major surface changes to ball just released? And if they did, do you believe they would have had time to fully understand if those changes worked by the time you deleted your post? You were impatient, sorry to say. You weren't thinking about the fact that people may not have even tried changing surfaces yet on a new ball. The 500 views should have told you that people were interested in the topic, but maybe they haven't had the chance to do it yet and wanted to see others take on it. Now no one will get to know the answer. And go back and reread your first response in this thread. You don't mention anything about the question being irrelevant now, only that you didn't get a response in the time frame you wanted it, so the site is dead and you deleted it. Only after getting called out on it, do you bring up the point about the question being moot.


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2014, 10:45:12 AM »
I guess BR is not going anywhere...
Does a round object have sides? I say yes, pizza has triangles..

aka addik since 2003


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2014, 10:57:36 AM »
Wait a minute, why is this an issue here. Like I said, the question was irrelevant to me.  I asked a question, I didn't need or desired an answer. Did it matter if it was one day, 5, 100?  I didn't need an answer.  It had noting to do with patience, I just didn't need or desire an answer.  Geez, I guess I made a grave mistake by deleting my own post that i didn't need an answer to. If someone else might have the same question, post the damn question. Is that so difficult?  I do it, or used to anyway.

On edit**' Jorge, you're right, I went back to my first post and reread it and it does sound like I was impatient, but that wasn't the whole picture. I colored in the picture.  But no matter what the situation was, I'll be wrong, MY BAD. 

I posted only as input as to one POSSIBLE reason that "ballreviews is dead", and that it was less posting by people?  I never said ballreviews was dead, I'm on here every single day, I post responses and topics.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 11:19:06 AM by Artimust »


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #28 on: December 17, 2014, 10:58:44 AM »
Bust out he popcorn....nah, put em away, I'm done.


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #29 on: December 17, 2014, 11:28:10 AM »
Kinda sad, most things go sour


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Re: So is ball reviews basically dead now?
« Reply #30 on: December 17, 2014, 11:36:42 AM »
    Do what you feel you must. It's not about who's right and who's wrong. It's about what was posted. As I said, Charlest was harsh in his response, but that is how he feels. It isn't right or wrong, it just is. Just as your opinion isn't right or wrong, it just is. I was just adding what I saw, as a 3rd party to this debate, and adding a perspective you may not have thought of. I have jumped the gun on things here before, not thinking that the ball is just released or maybe even not released yet, it happens.
   Plus, when you reason for deleting a post, is something totally different then the topic you are posting about, one would think it appropriate to spell that out. You didn't, which added fuel to the fire. I have no issue with you are anyone clarifying a post...some things don't always come across as well in the written word as they do in our heads or when spoken. But you went straight to being defensive about it, instead of just acknowledging you made a mistake in your original reply. As you said, you didn't give the whole picture, so how can you be upset at others who read it the way even you did?