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The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« on: July 23, 2005, 12:10:23 PM »
I guess the others are still having too much fun to post - either that or Joe Falco is still bowling and all the others have died from exhaustion.

Unfortunately, I had to depart the scene early after, as usual, missing the cash in the Scotch Doubles tournament by only 1 pin. Work was calling. Before I left, there was a lot of bowling and carrying on.

First, let me go on record as saying that there is No Style Like "Big Willie Style". OMG, it was the most incredible thing I have ever seen in 36 years of living. The man is a either train wreck or the most incredible 300 game waiting to happen. Let us not forget that the only thing about him that is not Irish is his approach; I think the approach is "from hell" so to speak.  I honestly enjoyed meeting this guy - he's definitely one of the most unique individuals I've ever met.

SrKegler is a dangerous, dangerous man. Don't ever let him trick you into thinking he's not a good bowler. He and MrsKegler both are a barrel of fun.

Strider made a brief appearance on Friday night before work beckoned. Lucky Lefty showed up just in time for dinner. Storm Track had to endure 4 games in the Scotch Doubles tournament with me at his table, which is horrible enough for anybody to endure; when you factor in the weird spare leaves his partner was giving him, it was quite the night to remember.

Thong Princess is pretty cool for a California girl. I just wish she'd really express herself sometimes . Best part is, SHE'S A LEFTY. Nearly the perfect woman, yes?

Joe Falco is probably still bowling while wondering why all the kids have collapsed in a heap around him. Ya know, he's the only guy who will smile and laugh after every frame whether it's a strike or a split.

I didn't have nearly enough time to talk to Nollster, MMike1053, and everyone else, not to mention all the fun I missed today. Next year I won't have to work on a Saturday, so I'll have the pleasure of meeting everyone.

Ron C is still trying to figure out what part of Big Willie Style he should attempt to work on first. Maybe it would just be easier to have us all convert to 7-step, right-handed, loopty-loop-armswing, goofy-footed, backup-ball bowling (Big Willie Style for the uninitiated).

Mrs. Clifton will hopefully forgive me for the late-game crotch chops I performed after striking to miss the cash by a stick. I promise to only chop when I'm winning; Scouts honor.

'Twas a grand time for me for the little time I was there. Pics are most certainly soon to follow.


None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free....

Edited on 7/25/2005 6:18 PM

I will never become another piece inside the paralytic construct I hate.



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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2005, 11:08:12 PM »
Well I had a pretty uneventful flight home other than I almost got stuck in Atlanta for the night because my flight out of Winston Salem was delayed for a hour and a half. The delay from W. S. wasn't all bad though because Rupert from Survivor was on my flight from Atlanta to Indianapolis and I got to talk to him for a few which was pretty cool.

  First I have to thank Lane 1 and Storm for donating to our gathering, Storm rep. David Garber for the Q&A session, Ron for being a wonderful host, and SrKegler for organizing the event.

BigWillyStyle: You are one in a million, which may be a good thing not sure I could have handled 2 guys in sumo suits. You are a riot from your squeaky goofy footed back up style to your off lane antics. It was great rooming with you.

SrKegler: Really enjoyed talking with you about your days as a recruiter in central Illinois, if you ever decide to come back and visit make sure you look me up, your sig is "have balls will travel" after all.

MrsKegler/Cheri: Didn't talk with you much but sure enjoyed bowling with you and watching you and Darold enjoy your time together, hope me and my girlfriend are just like you two when we are your ages.

John P: Wish you could have stayed longer so I could have picked your brain a bit more, I guess reading your posts will have to do til next year.

Pin Nut/Sujete Nuez: I enjoyed talking to you and watching your smooth as silk game. Especially got a kick out of your crotch chop and intense expressions on the lanes after a strike or 7 pin.
Gocé hablando con usted y mirando su liso como juego de seda. Obtuvo especialmente una patada fuera de su horquilla corta y las expresiones intensas en las sendas después de una huelga o 7 alfiler.
Couldn't resist doing it in spanish since you teach it. Let me know how accurate the online translation is.

JPRLane1: Thanks for the wrist bands they were a really nice memento since I am not lucky or good enough to have won anything. I enjoyed shooting pool and sipping suds with you, at least we can say we won something.

MMike1053: Thanks for the pool lesson, starting tomorrow I am going to start brushing up on my pool skills, so that maybe next year I can return the favor and run the table on you. At least then I will have a chance to beat you at something, since there is a larger disparity between our bowling skills than our pool skills. You should change your name to "The Shark" with "I love swimming with guppies" for a sig.

Nollster: Have you recovered from all those games yet? If so your body must recover as fast as your ball. Really enjoyed bowling with you, wish you could have stuck around Sat. night we had a good time would have been even more fun if you could have stuck around.

Lucky Lefty: I really enjoyed chatting with you about fitting. The extra forward thumb pitch we discussed seemed to help, think I need to go with more though. I wish I took to Ron's tips as quickly as you do, I was amazed at how quickly you made improvements to your roll after so little time.

Glenn28: Keep on shredding the rack with all that primo Track equipment. I especially enjoyed watching you and Linda poke fun at each other at breakfast Sunday. Make sure no one puts oil in your syrup cup since it was apparent you can read a thing without your glasses.

MrsGlenn28/Linda: Take it easy on Glenn he might develop a complex if you start beating him all the time. Not sure how a gallon sized game some from a 1/2 pint package, but you sure get it done.

Joe Falco: The official energizer bunny of bowling. I would say I hope I have your energy when I get your age, but frankly I don't have that much energy now.
I think you wear a disguise every year or you have been using some sort of age acceleration cream on your skin, dyed your hair gray and are actually a spry teen.

Kay Falco: Didn't talk much with you but you must be one heck of a lady to keep up with Joe and guys like him always get the best ladies.

Billy Sewell: Didn't get to talk much with you but I wanted to congratulate you on your bragging right tourney win.

Strider: I had fun bowling with you for the short periods of time you were in attendance. Keep hooking the whole lane and putting all ten in the pit. Hopefully next year you will be able to spend more time with all of us.

ThongPrincess: I think next year I am going to see if we can get Ron to turn the A/C off so we can all see where your screen name comes from. Sorry if I talked your ear off Saturday night but I was having such a good time relaxing and shooting the breeze between pool shots. If you keep improving like you described we may all be in trouble next year. Watch out for that sticky thumb hole, next time your might not be so lucky and I would hate to hear that you got injured doing something that you enjoy so much. Careful guys TP is not only a 5th grade teacher but she can also give you some schooling on the lanes too.

Ron: Thanks for being a wonderful host and the tips that I so desperately needed. Had league first night after getting back and actually had someone mention that it looked like I had more speed on the ball than usual. Can't wait to get comfortable with the changes you suggested. If things work out right I will be getting in touch with you about a 3 day clinic at the center I am trying to buy. Cross your fingers for me.

Karen: You have to be one of the nicest ladies I have ever met with a smile that is contagious. I greatly appreciate all your hospitality.

I look forward to seeing all of you next year and hope that my girlfriend will be able to attend so she can meet all you wonderfully nice people.
STORM TRACK's unofficial FAQ section

Edited on 7/26/2005 11:02 PM


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2005, 04:13:18 AM »
Okay, it's my turn.  Where do I begin?

Ron, thank you for putting up with us again.  Thank you also for the coaching.  I shared the advice and pointers with my coach today.  I had one of my better outings on the sport shot yesterday and a strong 3 games tonight.  Your knowledge, patience, and sense of humor are the perfect blend.

Karen, it was nice to see you able to spend the whole weekend with us.  You are a gracious hostess and all around sweetheart.  I enjoyed talking to you and bowling with you, always a smile to share.

SrKegler, as you have said one of my best friends.  I always look forward to bowling with you and exchanging digs.  Despite your trying to convince everyone you are struggling, you sure kill pins!

Mrs Kegler, Cheri, always a pleasure to talk with you.  You are a special lady and need to get back to bowling.  Don't forget Mixed Nationals next year!  Congratulations on beating the old man  You do us lefties proud!

Joe Falco, it was a genuine pleasure to see you again.  Your energy is amazing, yes he is the Energizer Bunny!  Your passion for bowling is only matched by your ability to knock the pins down time after time.  Next year, I'm bringing PomPoms for you to use as you cheer everyone on!  What a role model for all!  BTW, I never knew you had to rack the balls in pool about 10 times to finish one game

Mrs. Falco, Kay, it was great to finally meet Joe's other half.  I enjoyed talking to you as Joe played just one more game of pool  I hope you get to join a league and I look forward to bowling with you next year!

Glen28, you have a great sense of humor and are a pleasure to bowl with!  I hope league went well Sunday night!  I look forward to seeing you next year!

Linda, you are a joy to talk to and bowl with.  You and Glen are another awesome couple!  It was great meeting you and I look forward to next year!

John P and Mrs P, I wish I could have spent more time with you two.  I trust the reunion went well.  Maybe next year we'll have more time to talk and bowl.

PinNut, it was great to share classroom stories/experiences!  It was a treat to watch you bowl!  And yes I know I need to gain confidence and share more  It's too bad you couldn't stay longer.

Nollster, I would have liked to have been able to talk with you a bit more.  We never seemed to be on the same year.

MMike1053, it was a pleasure to meet you.  I enjoyed watching you and the guys shoot pool!  Thank you for setting up the Storm donations and visit from the rep.  It was also great watching you bowl!

Storm Track, an all around nice guy.  I enjoyed talking with you and watching you shoot pool.  You left us guessing how you were doing on the lanes, same look for a strike or an open!

StraightUp7, it's a shame you couldn't bowl with us.  It was great to see you again and watch the pool competitions.  Thank you for the flowers, they actually made it home

Lex Lefty, it was a pleasure to meet you and share the lanes for the bragging rights tourney.  Too bad you couldn't spend more tiem with us.

JPRLane1, thank you for the wristbands.  It was great bowling and talking with you.  Thank you also for the PDW info.  I shared it with my coach and he is going to follow up with a call to Steve. I look forward to seeing you again next year!

Billy Sewell, congratulations on your victory!  It was fun watching you bowl and talking with you.  It's too bad you couldn't stay longer.  

Arley Sewell, I didn't get to talk with you too much, but it was cool to bowl with you.  I think it is awesome that you and Billy get to bowl together.

LuckyLefty, after reading some of your posts, I wasn't sure what to expect.  You are a true gentleman and a pleasure to talk to and bowl with.  I wish you well in your future and look forward to seeing you next year.

Russ, what a ton of energy!  So when did you finally get to leave?  Keep your great sense of humor!

Strider, as always, it was a pleasure seeing you again.  You still keep hooking and knocking down those pins!  Maybe next year the vacation will work out better and Leticia will be able to join us.  Let her know she was missed!

9Cline, you are an awesome bowler!  I am glad I got the chance to talk with you a bit on Sunday.  Maybe next year we'll be able to talk more!

Last but, definitely not least my Scotch Doubles partner, Wannabe/ThongPrince!  Dude, you need to come out of your shell, don't be so shy  I feel privlidged to have been your partner, it was a blast.  Wasn't it fun digging a hole and then crawling our way out in the last game  You definitely have "STYLE."  Loved the costume, thong and all  I can hardly wait until next year, I may just have to make a trip out to Florida to see you and the Keglers!

If I forgot anyone, please forgive me.  Next year I'll have to have thong keyrings done up to give to everyone in attendance  I just can't say enough good things about the people I have had the privlidge to meet from this site!  As I said before, thank you one and all for the memories!  Bowlers are most definitely the best people on earth!
Andy, how could I forget you?  After all you may be coming over to the, as SrKegler would call it, dark side, but those of us who know, the better side.  May the arm heal well and quickly.  Thank you for keeping the scores/stats for us.  It was nice to see you and the boys again.

It's not that life is too short.  It's that you are dead for sooooo LONG

Edited on 7/27/2005 9:35 PM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2005, 11:21:47 AM »
Rushing to my third leg of this trip that started with the Magic Carpet gathering.

Sorry I haven't commented on this fun time and the nice and competitive group I met!

Also sorry I haven't responded to any messages since.  Out of pocket thru Sunday at least!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2005, 10:10:33 PM »
Glad to hear everybody got back safe and sound and has finally recovered from the weekend.  I had originally planned to head up to Ron's place Friday morning from home here in SC.  Remodeling work at home kind of got in the way.  But I'm not sure I'd be recovered yet if I had!  My thigh muscle was sore for three days and my fingers are still swollen from trying to keep my ball out of the gutter.      

It was great putting faces to familiar names and I had a great time bowling with y'all.  At least I can say I bowled on the same pair as the Braggin' Rights champion.  Good goin' Billy.

SrK, do you want me to send you some of the pictures I took?  Just let me know.

Hey Ron, what's the chance of making the WSBRG a twice-a-year event?  

- - - - - - - - - -
I'm still lookin' for my concentration, consistency, and confidence.  Let me know if you find them.  


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2005, 11:08:33 PM »
Lexlefty,  I think it takes him a year to recover from our visit. It actually may take over a year 2003 was in March, 2004 in May, and 2005 in July
It's not that life is too short.  It's that you are dead for sooooo LONG

Edited on 7/28/2005 11:04 PM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2005, 10:03:12 AM »
I don't think he'll EVER recover from the ThongPrince!
Just my $0.02; so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2005, 10:23:21 PM »
Big ol' BUMP!

None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free....

I will never become another piece inside the paralytic construct I hate.

Magic Carpet

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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2005, 09:57:55 PM »
I am willing to do a gathering twice a year as long as one don't hurt the other. I could see a case where some folks could not make one but could make the other.
It would be up to you guys.

A little off topic.
A lot of you guys in this thread and another thread started by Sr.Kegler said a lot of nice things about Creekside Lanes and my staff.

I do think I have a great staff led by the center manager Susan Keiger and they are the ones that did all the hard work that you noticed. I just want to make sure they get the credit and not me. I just sit on my hands and watch them work.

Bowl great eveyone and I am glad you all made it home safely.
Ron Clifton


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2005, 09:43:49 AM »
I'm close enough it doesn't matter when they are.  The problems I would see would be getting some of the folks that have to travel farther.  Probably the most they could do was a single weekend.  Might get there late Saturday, have to leave early Sunday.

Maybe we could have Ron put out a list of his tournaments, plan some mini gatherings around them.  At least that way there would be some justification for going.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Charter member F.O.S.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2005, 12:31:54 PM »
I would love to come out more than once a year.  There are 2 problems:

1) Being a teacher I don't choose my vacations, the district does.  It would have to be during a school break.  They are cracking down on "sick" days, especially around 3 day holiday weekends.

2) Expense of flight, hotel, rental car, etc.  This is a minimal concern now that the youngest has graduated college.

If 2 are planned, I would hope that there is still one during the summer and most would be able to make it then.  I would hate to miss seeing one of my buddies because they went to the "other" one.
It's not that life is too short.  It's that you are dead for sooooo LONG

Edited on 7/31/2005 11:36 PM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2005, 10:22:21 AM »
I'd love to be able to do two, but I think one is really my limit.  Of course if the fam comes, 2 might work.  You should see the way the little Nollster throws his Tweety Bird ball down the lane, then runs back to eat a nacho and watch it roll!!  I suggested to Ron that maybe he could do a full day seminar for the early arrivers -- give us a distinct edge in the Braggin' Rights tourney!!  NOT!!  


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2005, 10:19:54 AM »
I was invited by Srkegler, should have gone but since he's moved to Florida I  got used to having money in my pocket.  Just courious, how much did he fleece you guys out of.

I promise to make it next year.

LOL...between SrKegler and Joe Falco, I think that everyone would've been broke, tap-dancing on the side of the road for a quarter! Thank God that they didn't bet any money. And thank GOD that none of those "Wonderfully, great and super" bowlers from the youth section didn't show up, cause they probably would've beat everyone...maybe next year...
Just my $0.02; so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
***This message brought to you by the A.O.B.U.B.O.A. (Assembly Of Back-Up Bowlers Of America) which is now taking applications***  


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2005, 12:35:45 PM »
Toma, you'll have to come next year with the wife and twins.  I'm sure there will be plenty of volunteers to help watch/take care of the twins
It's not that life is too short.  It's that you are dead for sooooo LONG
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #29 on: August 03, 2005, 01:31:58 PM »

6 month twins!  Had em!!!  Now 15.

Only us multiple birth dads know!

It's unbelievable!

Your wife would have killed ya!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: The Gathering - Winston Salem Style
« Reply #30 on: August 04, 2005, 08:55:19 AM »
i would like to come to the next one.i only live less than 2 hours away timberlake N.C.
Allen Greenberg