
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Moon57 on February 15, 2008, 08:25:38 AM

Title: Tried something new for spares
Post by: Moon57 on February 15, 2008, 08:25:38 AM
I've been having an issue with spares lately and decided to try something different. I bought the book "Bowling  Steps to Success" a while back but hadn't got thru much of it yet. I read the section on spares and it described a "pivot" method. Use the 3rd arrow for every spare and adjust the feet. Tried it Thursday but with a modification. I lined up my shoulder joint with the 3rd arrow and the pin. I made a point not to look at my feet. Other than splits, I only missed 1 spare, a multiple pin spare I barely chopped. Every shot felt good and it never felt like I was trying to steer the ball. Does anybody else shoot spares anything like this or am I out there by myself?
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.
Title: Re: Tried something new for spares
Post by: NicholasE on February 15, 2008, 04:35:34 PM
Thats exactly what I do, what the book was saying. I always use an arrow to aim at for single pin spares. When I'm actually trying to do well like on the PBA shots and use that method I usually miss a max of one single pin spare. The last time I wiffed a single pin spare was about 2 weeks ago because I hit just a little of the out of bounds area on the Viper and it just skidded on by the 9 pin, just mostly a mental error on my part because I figured it was an easy spare...sure did fool my
MoRich bowling - Better take some Viagra, you don't want to go soft throwing a MoRich!
Title: Re: Tried something new for spares
Post by: Raven829 on February 15, 2008, 05:03:56 PM
That sounds similar to the Triax spare system developed by Rolf Gauger.  In a nutshell, there are "anchor" boards that you always stand on for certain spares and shoot at the same target depending on if they are left or right side spares.  My spare shooting has much improved since trying his system.

"You cannot change the stripes of a leopard."
~Emmitt Smith
Title: Re: Tried something new for spares
Post by: Moon57 on February 17, 2008, 04:49:45 AM
In my original post I said I lined up my shoulder joint with the 3rd arrow and the object pin and didn't look at my feet. I thought about this for awhile and have come to the conclusion that my feet were the cause of my spare shooting problems. I think that when I addressed the spare and placed my feet, I was adjusting my upper body to where it seemed it should be. When I started walking my upper body was trying to go back to it's natural position which is why I always got the feeling I was trying to steer the ball. Now, by lining up my shoulders first, the feet are just falling into place naturally. Hopefully I've found something that work to make me a good spare shooter again.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.