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Author Topic: Stayed after leagues and watched open bowling.  (Read 3241 times)

trash heap

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Stayed after leagues and watched open bowling.
« on: February 04, 2007, 02:22:29 AM »
I stayed after leagues on Friday night and watched the open bowlers throw. Some interesting observations:

There was a family bowling on a pair. Basically all of them throwing the ball straight and having a good time.

There were 4 young guys just to left of them. I was at the desk talking to an employee of the center and one of these guys comes up to us and starts talking about buying a "WIDOW". Saying how he wants something goes long and has a violent hook on the end.

Well I start watching these guys bowl. I turn to the employee and state that the guy doesn't need a new ball....he needs lessons!!! These guys were so focused on trying to hook the ball that it looked painful to watch. Some were using house balls and others had their own equipment.

Some of the people in the family next to them had better form and better scores.

I guess its like the guy who goes to the Golf course and brags about how far he hit the ball on hole 16. He forgets to mention that it took him an additional 9 shots to finish the hole.

Talkin' Trash!



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Re: Stayed after leagues and watched open bowling.
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2007, 11:51:26 AM »
I was practicing Saturday with one of my friends.

A group of 4 pull up to the lanes next to use and begins to unload theri arsenal:

Total Inferno
Smokin Inferno
Angular One
Action Max

I made a remark to my buddy that that was some pretty heavy artilery. Anyways, the first guy gets up with the TI and throws a back up ball. The guy with the SI, threw it hard and straight down the middle. The guy with the AO palmed the ball. Only the guy with the AM had what I would consider ANY type of proper release on the ball and he needed a lot of work..

Pearls before swine..
Keep looking... I'm sure there's a 300 in one of those balls you keep buying!!
(\ /)
( . .)
c(')(') here bunny bunny bunny....

lol, I have a guy I bowl with during league who has an arsenal consisting of a No Mercy, Blue Alien, Seek and Destroy, Infinite One, and Passion. I'm sitting there playing a pretty big swing with my Tropical Storm while he can't carry a thing. I love people who buy all of the high-end stuff, especially when they bowl on lanes that don't require it (he does have very nice form, IMO though).

I love bowling next to those teens who are palming the house balls trying to impress their girls though. It makes me laugh...but if I didn't bowl, I'd probably be doing the same thing. They're just there having fun though, and they're not being rude so I'm fine with it. I remember one day when I was bowling, this little boy was putting on his shoes about to go to his lane and he saw me and my brother bowling. He ran up to us and started talking and he refused to go with his parents until we were done with our game.


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Re: Stayed after leagues and watched open bowling.
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2007, 12:13:55 PM »
I just got back into bowling after 6-7 years away from the game.  I open bowl about 3 times a week.  I can't believe all the no-thumbers out there!  When did that become normal?

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Stayed after leagues and watched open bowling.
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2007, 12:17:36 PM »
I just got back into bowling after 6-7 years away from the game.  I open bowl about 3 times a week.  I can't believe all the no-thumbers out there!  When did that become normal?

I am not sure, but whenever I practice I am the only one in the using a thumb sometimes.  A couple times I have seen people giving others lessons on how to no thumb it.
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Re: Stayed after leagues and watched open bowling.
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2007, 12:44:49 PM »

My point is this kid thinks that getting the baddest ball out there (in his mind) is going to improve his bowling ability. Why? Because that's what he hears all the time. He believes that spending $180 to $200 on a ball is going to improve his game. How disappointing do you think he is going to be when the ball doesn't perform for him? He doesn't have clue on how he is throwing the ball. He sees it spinning some times but he thinks its the ball and NOT HIM! We have people believing in a quick fix instead working on fundamentals.  

Funny, when I got back into bowling (almost 3 years ago), I was hooking my Galaxie 300 by no-thumbing it!  I decided to buy a "better" ball and bought the Savage Flip because it was advertised as "High flare potential. Even lower rev players will look like they have hand."  Well, that and I was able to get it on eBay for about $45 shipped!  Of course, I also went to Amazon and bought several bowling books so that I would at least have a clue what I was doing!

So, yes, some people do buy balls because they are advertised as "hook monsters."  When Ebonite, Brunswick, and the others all put that little picture of the lane and the ball hooking all the way across, people really pay attention to that!  I like that Storm has different reaction types based on the players style.  

When people walk into a pro shop and say "I want the biggest hooking ball you got," some guys will sell them the most expensive, heavy oil ball they have.

Search Ballreviews entire database here:

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Stayed after leagues and watched open bowling.
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2007, 01:12:48 PM »

The real reason why lane courtousy started was so 2 bowlers on different lanes do not bump into eachother.  If a bowler on lane 2 is throwing at a 7 pin, and a bowler on lane 3 is throwing at a 10 pin, you can easily picture what can happen.  Phy Ed teachers need to bring kids out to bowling allies and teach them lane courtousy.
Owner of a Vertex Mold 1/2 HP.

Also, maybe some kind of information anywhere in the bowling alley would be nice.  Maybe a graphic popping up on the screen with a happy bowler on regular intervals or something.
Special...  Agent-man!


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Re: Stayed after leagues and watched open bowling.
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2007, 03:28:11 PM »
All I got to say is, the big hook isn't the way to go.
I have had this happen to me also. Kids or beginners
in general are amazed at the revs and hook I have. But
I tell them that the only thing all these revs have done
was cause me to have 2 operations on my wrist.I tell them
straighter is the way to go, but they don't want to listen.

And to all those people who laughed about throwing a 14#
ball, I throw one. But I had to because of my wrist. Now,
I have a bad case of carpel tunnel. I get made fun of by
the guys I bowl with on wednesday.
But with that 14# ball I have been carrying better then I
ever have. 2 800's back to back. One of the bowlers on my team
is actually thinking about going that low.

And by the way, my wife throws 14# also. And man do I here it.


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Re: Stayed after leagues and watched open bowling.
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2007, 03:56:26 PM »
How come everytime a post like this comes up, it ends up getting filled with a bunch of people bragging about how high they can score?

Typical story:

It was open bowling and these 4 college guys are there with their girl friends, hanging out and drinking beer.  They are all using house balls and the guys are all throwing no-thumb, trying to hook the lane.  Oh, and they are all throwing nothing higher than 14lb - and the 14lb balls are pink, so it's kind of funny.

So, I sit down and whip out my 27 ball arsenal.  I throw a couple of practice balls in the ditch and hear the drunk guys laughing - well, I don't know if they were laughing at me cuz they were laughing and having a good time before I got there.  Anyways, I find my line and proceed to roll 12 300 games in a row.....thats right, 144 strikes in a row!  So, I walk past those guys and mutter under my breath "I can kick all your @SSES and take your girlfriends if I wanted to!"

Good grief, there are some egos around here.   Nobody really cares, least of all the open play bowlers that are just there to have fun!  You do realize that most people still look down at serious "bowlers," right?  If these people want to spend $5 a game throwing the ball in the gutter, let them have fun.  Millions of people like to bowl because it is fun, and it's okay to suck and laugh at your self.

I have never heard any "real" golfers make comments about me and my buddies when we hit the driving range with our $25 Wal-mart drivers.  I'm pretty sure they realize that we are just having fun or letting off some steam by wasting $20 hitting golf balls 80 yards.

I don't need a stupid
signature. This is enough.

Nice strawman argument. No one is bragging how high they can score relative to an open bowler, because it's not necessary. It's a given 99 percent of the people on this forum can outscore most open players at will.

If you don't want to hear experienced bowlers talking about the difference between people who practice their game and understand bowling and kids who are on the lanes unaware of how to bowl correctly, don't come on a forum where the average skill level of a bowler is elevated. How can we illustrate the differences without using examples?

If you think I'm bragging, that's your right, but it doesn't make you right. I bowl against a lot better bowlers than me every week at league.

This is a discussion about nothing more than how a lot of younger, inexperienced bowlers today don't understand the mechanics of the sport and are hesitant to learn. I would never have learned if I'd never asked questions or got lessons.

I'm not even saying they should come ask me how to do something. I can help, but not as much as a certified coach could.

If you think this is a bragging thread, you're reading it wrong.
