
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Psycho on January 04, 2010, 03:58:31 AM

Title: WOW! rare storm gem on ebay
Post by: Psycho on January 04, 2010, 03:58:31 AM
I thought only Lane #1 balls go for this much...Not Storm too.
Title: Re: WOW! rare storm gem on ebay
Post by: DanH78 on January 04, 2010, 12:04:21 PM
Keep in mind that US issue balls in Europe and Asia start at a much higher price even brand new.  I think it's at least $100 added on to whatever the price would be for a ball in the US.
It IS next year!
Title: Re: WOW! rare storm gem on ebay
Post by: bighook69 on January 04, 2010, 12:06:49 PM
it is literally the BEST ball... ever!
Title: Re: WOW! rare storm gem on ebay
Post by: Phoneman on January 04, 2010, 12:29:02 PM
ok so that would make it a $300 ball?  $400 for any ball is absolutely nuts.
Title: Re: WOW! rare storm gem on ebay
Post by: gee on January 04, 2010, 12:34:55 PM
But noone will pay that money for an old Storm Fired Up - even in Europe...
And I live here...
Title: Re: WOW! rare storm gem on ebay
Post by: Bluff on January 04, 2010, 01:12:00 PM
I thought the fire storm was best ever or the Bolt peral

some one will pay but just have to see if there is a needing person
"A man with no skills can be taught. A man with no honor, has nothing."
Title: Re: WOW! rare storm gem on ebay
Post by: Locke on January 04, 2010, 01:14:34 PM
it is literally the BEST ball... ever!

They call me the thread killer...

Always be sincere, even when you don't mean it

The Cell Pimp
Title: Re: WOW! rare storm gem on ebay
Post by: pop_1 on January 04, 2010, 01:34:17 PM
I liked the Bolts
Title: Re: WOW! rare storm gem on ebay
Post by: Lillen on January 04, 2010, 01:59:59 PM
But no one will pay that money for an old Storm Fired Up - even in Europe...
And I live here...

Title: Re: WOW! rare storm gem on ebay
Post by: Juggernaut on January 04, 2010, 07:36:13 PM
But, but, but he's already had offers nearly twice the asking price, so can't you guys see how GREAT this deal is?

 I mean WOW, an '06 batch FiredUp that was saved for a couple of guys who don't want it and can't use it can be your for just $300-$400.

 Really, if people wouldn't give $150 for them when they were new on the market, why would they give over twice that much for one now?

 Oh yeah, I forgot, it's the best ball EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good transactions list in my profile


Title: Re: WOW! rare storm gem on ebay
Post by: RyanRPS on January 05, 2010, 01:44:50 PM
I know the guy who owns the shop mentioned.. I've just sent him a message to see if it is a joke lol

Title: Re: WOW! rare storm gem on ebay
Post by: MTD300 on January 05, 2010, 05:07:53 PM
I''m pretty sure the way it works is like this....

What does a top end ball cost in most good pro shops around the U.S? $225 depending where you go? For that $225 it includes the sales tax, drilling and grips and slug? In the U.K a top end ball out the door from the top pro shops will cost around £225. £225 is around $375.

So look at it this way.......Fired Up when it first came out, $170 from most good pro shops out the door in the U.S? In the U.K They cost £170 ($280 approx) so now 3 years later they are only a little more than there price? In the U.K they play on half the amount of oil the U.S has and the Fired Up was a very popular ball, the main supplier even imported the asian release "fired up 2".

Lillen and Gee - I know Lillen you are from Sweden and Gee I''m not sure but, Lillen I bowl in Sweden regularly at supersixxxxxx events and I was in a pro shop in Gothenburg and saw Virtual Gravitys out the door for 3,000sek which is around $500? Correct me if im wrong but you guys in scandinavia pay top money for balls?

I have some "gems" I''m willing to part with, message me with your offers! All are 15lb unless I say

Track = Phoneix + Strike Machine
Hammer = Black Hammer + Black Widow Poison + Hot Sauce Solid
Storm = Hyroad Extreme + T road Solid + Tour Power + X factor
Brunswick = Original Inferno + Zone Classic + Cold Fury
Ebonite = Gamebreaker + Smash Time solid + V2 Clean
Columbia300 = Reaction ricochet + all rival series

Edited on 1/5/2010 6:10 PM