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Author Topic: House shots.................  (Read 761 times)


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House shots.................
« on: January 28, 2006, 01:05:05 AM »
Our center has done some workin order to improve the condition of their lanes, and I'm just fine with it.
 Lately,though there have been several different shots put out weekly. Some of the typical bowler who likes to come in and have the same shot every week and score have been complaining and wondering what's been going on.I heard this from several people last week,and from people that I thought knew better than most how to adjust to the lanes.
 I found out that the ratio of the lane stripper has been changed every week to find a shot that everyone likes,and yet will still allow the center to amintain the lanes as well as they have in the past.
 Personally I haven't minded at all because it's made me get back into really reading the lanes and adjusting my feet,mark or ball choice.This is in contradt to the adjustments I had gotten used to making over the years there.Now I feel much more confident in my ability to change and bowl the bestr I can on that night. I have still had off nights,as we all do on occasion. Now though, the off nights are 550 or 560 instead of 450 or 460.
 I just couldn't believe my ears when these people were wondering what to do. I tried gently to suggest a change to one of these poeple Thursday night and was told nicely that he didn't think I was right in my assessment of what he should do. So,he just struggled all night. Thankfully, we were able to still have fun together as a team as I was subbing for the team he's on.
 It simply surprises me that we seem to have lost the ability to think about what's happening and change our game plan in order to score better. I'm not saying that all of us are guilty. I know that there are bowlers here who would hand me my behind in a match. I'm just wondering what happened in our ability to think..........
 Lane#1--nothing else hits like 'em.



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Re: House shots.................
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2006, 02:22:44 PM »
It's amazing, isn't it.
I bowl one of my leagues with a guy who doesn't have a clue how to read lanes. Uses the same target, lines up in the same place, every shot - just goes through all 6-8 balls in the bag every league session.

One night a few months ago I actually got him to try a move. First shot, he got a strike. Told me it was only coincidence. He was still arguing (but using the new line) after the next 5. Next week, back to the same old thing.

In a local tournament last year that has a very low cap for a 5 woman scratch tournament (900), I had one of the "silver level" coaches on my team. Now - her average was only arounc 165, but because she was a coach, I figured she might listen to me. When the lanes dried out between 7-12 because of all the women playing there all day long, I suggested she move in and target 15. She wouldn't do it. She kept moving her feet left, but keeping the target the same - she could NOT understand that the oil was GONE - G  O  N  E!!! She wouldn't even change balls - kept using her danger zone. Her husband, also a coach, was telling her to not listen to me. Obviously I didn't know what I was talking about - I was averaging 217 for the tournament - she was right around 160. After the last couple of games, I think she dropped to 155 or so...

I don't get why people won't try something different. IF what they're doing isn't working, there is NO risk in trying something new. It's not like you can't go back to what you were doing before (unless its something like a gender change )

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Re: House shots.................
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2006, 03:05:20 PM »
More and more I think people are just trying to throw it the same place everytime and the only adjustment they make is to switch balls...this works sometimes, but the majority of the time it takes a combination of things.

Staring point, target, ball, and ball speed are all factors that can and should be able to be adjusted by a versatlie bowler.  The key is being able to read the lanes quickly so you don't waste frames trying to adjust and failing.

Last week I started off with a mediocre 182 the first as I could not seem to consistenly find the pocket...finally figured out how to adjust for the 2nd game by moving left 4 boards at feet and 3 at target and finished up with a 231 and a 254.  If I'd have been able to read the lanes a bit quicker in the first game I coulda shot my first 700
Ali G : A lot of boys me know are trying to get their girlfriend to try a bit of feminism, do you think that if right?
Sue : Yeah I do actually I think it's a good thing.
Ali G: Do you think all girls should try feminism at least once? Do you think it's right that they should try it when they is drunk at a party or what ever with one of their mates?
Sue : What is trying feminism?
Ali G: You know try a bit of feminism and when they is sober wake up in the morning and get back with their boyfriend?